I'm not a big fan of anesthetic in dental offices because it isn't well controlled and they don't have facilities to revive a patient if something happens. A number of people have emerged either dead or with brain damage from dental anesthesia. A dentist in Chicago killed a 5 year old girl last week. Novocaine is fine but laughing gas and intravenous anesthetics are extremely dangerous in the hands of a dentist. Go with the local Novocaine and you'll be fine. Don't accept any additional sedation or anything intravenous from a dentist.
Due to our lower immune system, I believe your nephrologist would prescribe amoxicillin or something similar. And it is taken usually one hour before the dentist begins. Your doctor should determine the dose, and whether you should take it after the dental work as well.
I was back to the dentist twice this week. It SUCKS! I hate it. I have more work on the left side in January. Today was awful, but somehow I sat in that chair and did it. More chairs, more needles...sigh!