I hope everyone had a great weekend and the Fathers had one wonderful day to welcome in the Summer. I have such a thinking head that my thoughts are just going round and round. I saw my Dialysis manager that comes around once in awhile
to say hi . She just came back from vacation and she wants me to stop by on Monday, to come in early before my treatment. I so want to tell her about my position with the tech that sticks me which is in the same place all the time. However, the tech that sticks is using a needle to take off the scab which hurts like hell
I hear from another tech that he is not safe which he isn't. I find that I was cut off my time when he wanted to get off early. He doesn't get my flow correct. I just don't like him.
I want to say something, but I don't think the manger would be suttle about saying something. I want another tech to look at my arm to see if this tech is doing other button holes and not sticking in the same spot.
I don't know how to talk with her and I have my chance to express myself. If anyone out there has a suggestion please let me know
so I can verbel for all that is having the same feeling at a dialysis center.
EDITED:Fixed smiley tag errors-kitkatz,ModeratorThanks for taking the time out,