fluid stuff aside I never really could get into Guiness myself. Oh, I can drink it (or did in the good ol' days) but I find it way too thick & heavy for me. I guess it's like vegemite though - a bit of an aquired taste
Quote from: RichardMEL on March 19, 2009, 09:49:03 PMfluid stuff aside I never really could get into Guiness myself. Oh, I can drink it (or did in the good ol' days) but I find it way too thick & heavy for me. I guess it's like vegemite though - a bit of an aquired taste I like Guiness, but I've been known to do criminal things to it - like drink it ice cold or, worse yet, put Ice cubes in it (gets hot here in FL)Forgive me Ireland
richard, does celeste know you're flirting again?
Well I'm on Aranesp like your mum so that's easy... though I am so glad they do that through the machine now. I used to get my sister to do it prior to D... I think I'd much rather you Darth!!!! Do you do the heavy breathing as well? Now about that irish saying about getting under irish girls.... I am intruiged by your proposal and would like to know more.....