Call to Action to Support Organ Donation
NKF Calls for Action in Organ Donation “END THE WAIT!” Campaign Take Action!
The National Kidney Foundation has just unveiled a comprehensive action plan designed to increase the number of organs available for donation and transplantation by removing barriers and improving the transplant system. The NKF's "END THE WAIT!" campaign aims to eliminate the waiting list over the next 10 years by enacting programs that are proven and effective to increase organ donation.
With over 25 specific recommendations, it recognizes that no single solution will work. We must work with Congress, the Administration and medical professionals and organizations to transform the organ donation and transplantation system in this country.
You will play a vital role as we build consensus and support for elements of this campaign as they are introduced in Congress. Together, we can remove the barriers to organ donation and make the Gift of Life more available.
The national waiting list for all organs has topped 100,000. Each year thousands die or become too sick for a transplant before they receive an organ. We must "END THE WAIT" for organ donation now.
Recommendations fall into four key areas:
* Improve outcomes of first transplants by extending coverage for immunosuppressive drug coverage and providing patient education about transplantation.
* Increase deceased donation with better hospital training to work with potential donors and expanding the use of Extended Criteria Donors.
* Increase the number of living donations by reimbursing all expenses associated with donation, including lost wages, guaranteeing access to health care and insurance coverage and offering them the best and quickest recovery time.
* Improve the system of donation and transplantation throughout the U.S. by eliminating regional variations and racial disparities.
More information is available on the NKF website by clicking here. first element of the campaign has been introduced in Congress. Take a minute to contact your Congressperson and ask him or her to co-sponsor H.R. 218, which would provide a tax credit up to $5000 for unreimbursed expenses, including lost wages, associated with living donation. look forward to ending the wait for organ donation with your help!
Jayne Mardock
Congressional Relations Director