I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Bajanne on January 03, 2007, 06:11:13 AM

Title: Scary Session
Post by: Bajanne on January 03, 2007, 06:11:13 AM
My longest time without dialysis was this weekend.  I had dialysis last week Wed, then flew out to Barbados on Thu and had dialysis there on Fri.  It went very well. Perfect, not a problem.  But my next dialysis was yesterday Tuesday (because of the holiday, dialysis was on Sunday here) here.  First of all, I weighed in with the most I have ever been over my dry weight - 6.2!!!
The sessions seemed to be going quite well for the first 3 ½ hours.  Then I had the most awful cramp in one of my legs, from the calf down!!  And the other one was starting up as well.  Well, they did the usual - saline, head down.  That worked for a while.
When they were taking me off and I sat up, I thought I was going to pass out!  When they checked my BP was at 97/54!!
They had me lie down until I felt better.  Every time I thought I could go again, my BP would plunge.  Once it was at 75/42.  I was so scared.  I even asked the nurse if I was going to die.  She assured me that I wouldn't.  I had to spend almost an hour after my usual time before they got my BP stabilized.
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: Sluff on January 03, 2007, 06:24:57 AM
I'm glad your ok and I feel bad you had that experience.

This disease is just unforgiving  >:(
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: Epoman on January 03, 2007, 09:06:47 AM
My longest time without dialysis was this weekend.  I had dialysis last week Wed, then flew out to Barbados on Thu and had dialysis there on Fri.  It went very well. Perfect, not a problem.  But my next dialysis was yesterday Tuesday (because of the holiday, dialysis was on Sunday here) here.  First of all, I weighed in with the most I have ever been over my dry weight - 6.2!!!
The sessions seemed to be going quite well for the first 3 ½ hours.  Then I had the most awful cramp in one of my legs, from the calf down!!  And the other one was starting up as well.  Well, they did the usual - saline, head down.  That worked for a while.
When they were taking me off and I sat up, I thought I was going to pass out!  When they checked my BP was at 97/54!!
They had me lie down until I felt better.  Every time I thought I could go again, my BP would plunge.  Once it was at 75/42.  I was so scared.  I even asked the nurse if I was going to die.  She assured me that I wouldn't.  I had to spend almost an hour after my usual time before they got my BP stabilized.

I've been there bajanne don't worry, my BP has gotten as low as 50/30 on :o It was checked several times even two different BP machines, the odd thing I didn't feel that bad. It took awhile but after a full bag of saline (1,000cc's) it finally went up to 90/60. It really freaked me out when my BP was 50/30.  :o

You menitoned you gained 6.2, were you trying to remove the full 6.2kilos in one session, if yes that is why you cramped you were taking off to much to fast, I'm talking about your hourly rate. You should never try to remove 6.2kilos in one session.

Never, ever try to remove 6.2 kilos in one session.

- Epoman
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: goofynina on January 03, 2007, 05:50:04 PM
Oh Bajanne, i am sorry you went through that,  reading your post reminded me of what i went through when i was in clinic,  that would happen to me almost every time, granted there were days when i would have a good run but those were very few,  hopefully you will have better runs here on out  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: angieskidney on January 03, 2007, 07:48:31 PM
WOW Bajanne! That must have been scary! I remember when mine dropped to 65/38. Not a feeling I ever want to feel again but know I probably will. I have to agree with Epoman that they shouldn't have tried to take off that much in one session. I was only 4.3 up and I left some for next dialysis (of course they say since I am smaller I can't handle as much .. does that make sense?)

I really feel for you! Did you heart rate race after that? Mine does. Hope you took it easy afterwards. How are you doing now? :cuddle;
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: gizmar on January 03, 2007, 08:10:25 PM
It's very scary indeed - and they're all right - never try to take off that much in one session.  I can't even imagine that a nurse with a brain would attempt it.  It's just amazing how totally fried you feel after a session like that.  The kindest thing you can do for yourself is absolutely nothing - just hang out on the couch and let your body equalize again. 
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on January 03, 2007, 08:27:28 PM
I'm sorry you had such a bad time.
Not a good way to end a holliday.
I hope you are feeling better now.
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: jedimaster on January 03, 2007, 08:29:03 PM
wow!...hope you are feeling better now :cuddle;
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: kitkatz on January 03, 2007, 08:47:53 PM
I have done that one, too.  It is not a good feeling when it happens and you crash and have to wait it out.  I agree with everyone do not attempt to take 6.2 kilos in one session.  The body will rebel at you. Watch your fluid intake over the next few sessions and it should come right off.
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: Bear on January 04, 2007, 05:49:56 PM
....the most awful cramp in one of my legs, from the calf down!!  And the other one was starting up as well.  When they were taking me off and I sat up, I thought I was going to pass out!  When they checked my BP was at 97/54!!
                 Yep!! "been there; done that!" My lowest was 85/45. ON nocturnal, all this was "a thing of the past". But since I lost my
 left arm fistula & have a permacath in, I'm an in-center person for a while again & I've had to take off 800p.h., compared to a nocturnal
 max of 400. HAd a few 'good' cramps. Roll-on the new fistual working (hopefully!) and I can get a machine @ home again   ::)
 But it does go to show how important/difficult it is to keep fluid gain down  :wine;
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: pigsty1953 on January 04, 2007, 06:21:01 PM
I posted about when it happened to me before the holidays, so I have a pretty good idea what you went through.  They regularly take between 5 and 6 off.  Esp. after a weekend,  I have been doing somewhat better with my weight gain, but still not perfect.

I usually gain a little over 2 kilos a day.  It has been a lot more, so I am happy for that.   I am a big guy, food has always been a problem for me.  That is the reason I am in  this position.

As they told me, don't beat your brains out about it, just take it as it comes.    As happened to me, IT WILL GET BETTER, and you know, it has.

Best of luck, take care Randy, Palm Harbor, FL :clap; :clap; :clap; :) :) :)
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: Epoman on January 04, 2007, 07:03:40 PM
I posted about when it happened to me before the holidays, so I have a pretty good idea what you went through.  They regularly take between 5 and 6 off.  Esp. after a weekend,  I have been doing somewhat better with my weight gain, but still not perfect.

I usually gain a little over 2 kilos a day.  It has been a lot more, so I am happy for that.   I am a big guy, food has always been a problem for me.  That is the reason I am in  this position.

As they told me, don't beat your brains out about it, just take it as it comes.    As happened to me, IT WILL GET BETTER, and you know, it has.

Best of luck, take care Randy, Palm Harbor, FL :clap; :clap; :clap; :) :) :)

Hi pigsty1953, I saw your post and I noticed how you said they regularly take off between 5 and 6 kilos, well I'm sure you have heard it before but doing that is VERY bad for your heart and I am speaking from experience. Try to limit your fluid intake to the maximum 4 kilos between sessions, even 4 kilos is bad. I used to always remove 4 kilos and now 13 years later I am having heart problems. Take care and good luck.

- Epoman
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: pigsty1953 on January 06, 2007, 09:48:33 PM
Hi pigsty1953, I saw your post and I noticed how you said they regularly take off between 5 and 6 kilos, well I'm sure you have heard it before but doing that is VERY bad for your heart and I am speaking from experience. Try to limit your fluid intake to the maximum 4 kilos between sessions, even 4 kilos is bad. I used to always remove 4 kilos and now 13 years later I am having heart problems. Take care and good luck.

- Epoman

Thanks, but like I tell them every time I go in, if I can keep my weight gain around 2 kilos a day, I am happy.  I know they would like 1 kilo or so, but it is just NOT happening.  I guess you can, and more power to you.  As I said before food, and drink has always ben a problem for me.  If I could have controlled it years ago, I would not have any problems at all.

As they say...life is a bxxxx and then you die.  I am not being morbid, but I am going to live my life as I see fit and take it as it comes.
Thanks again, take care, Randy in Palm Harbor, FL

EDITED: Fixed Quote Tag Error - Sluff, Moderator
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: Epoman on January 07, 2007, 01:45:48 AM
Hi pigsty1953, I saw your post and I noticed how you said they regularly take off between 5 and 6 kilos, well I'm sure you have heard it before but doing that is VERY bad for your heart and I am speaking from experience. Try to limit your fluid intake to the maximum 4 kilos between sessions, even 4 kilos is bad. I used to always remove 4 kilos and now 13 years later I am having heart problems. Take care and good luck.

- Epoman

Thanks, but like I tell them every time I go in, if I can keep my weight gain around 2 kilos a day, I am happy.  I know they would like 1 kilo or so, but it is just NOT happening.  I guess you can, and more power to you.  As I said before food, and drink has always ben a problem for me.  If I could have controlled it years ago, I would not have any problems at all.

As they say...life is a bxxxx and then you die.  I am not being morbid, but I am going to live my life as I see fit and take it as it comes.
Thanks again, take care, Randy in Palm Harbor, FL

EDITED: Fixed Quote Tag Error - Sluff, Moderator

I hear ya brother! It is your life and you got to do what makes you happy, I wasn't trying to preach to you just giving you some friendly advice. Advice not from a doctor, dietitian, or nurse but from a fellow patient who has lived it. Take care.  :)

- Epoman
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: Bajanne on January 07, 2007, 04:50:35 AM
Well, all my sessions since then have been a-okay, thank God!  I am not sure that they took of the 6.2 that time, since I was due for dialysis the next day (my regular session).  So far I have been going in with 3 over (they adjusted my dry weight as well).
Thanks for all the caring thoughts.  How can I help but love the people on this site! :thx;
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: Sluff on January 07, 2007, 05:10:03 AM
Well, all my sessions since then have been a-okay, thank God!  I am not sure that they took of the 6.2 that time, since I was due for dialysis the next day (my regular session).  So far I have been going in with 3 over (they adjusted my dry weight as well).
Thanks for all the caring thoughts.  How can I help but love the people on this site! :thx;

I'm just glad you're doing alright after your scary experience. We do love you too! Bajanne. :grouphug;
Title: Re: Scary Session
Post by: boxman55 on January 07, 2007, 07:28:29 AM
Glad to hear you are doing better. It has been my battle with the clinic about dry weight I quit smoking cigs and I know my weight has increased but the clinic wont change my dry weight so ever time I get someone different I have to argue with them to only take off what I gained or I will cramp it is a battle and it pisses me off.