I agree, once you're a seasoned NXSTAGE user calling them to simply report one leaky cartdrige is just a bit of .. not a pain, but an inconvenience almost. And like RR said, you feel bad for tying them up when there may be another user with a more important problem.
When I was a newbie I didn't hesitate to call for every little thing too.. until one time I had an emergency at 1am.. (somehow when priming my saline bag blew up with solution.. dont ask me how!) Anyway, I was already stressed cuz it was my last bag of saline (I had a whole case that had to get thrown out because it turned color in the heat), it was 90 something degrees in my house and the air conditioner had just blew. Needless to say I was a wreck and trying to explain to the tech I was mixing up my "terminology" or whatever. I was later told that when he talked to my center he told them I should be retrained (WTF?). Luckilly, they stuck up for me and said that I had been doing the NXSTAGE for a year already and didn't need the retraining - it was just a really horrible night.
But that was a long long time ago and every tech I've had to talk with since then was super-nice, most going out of their way to be of service. But this isnt what this topic was about and I started to rant. (SORRY!)
Anyway - back on topic - yes. Please share the email so we can report defects too!