The only time you're going to find me with my legs up in the air like that is when I'm working in a brothel-- and today is my day off!
There is one guy they sit him in a corner by himself. He farts....ALOT. Silent and very deadly.....It is SOOOOOOO not funny. The nurses are always spraying air freshener. Some days I wish I could smell the Feed Lot and not him.
back on topic a bit from this interesting digression We have mostly those medicine green chairs that someone mentioned on page 1 - comfy initially but pure hell after 3 or so hours.. and I have a 5 hour session so by the time that is up GETTING UP is one of the most wonderful acts of the day!! LOL. I have tried a few pillows and other things but they don't help too much.. I need to find a better solution because I am SURE it is no good for my back !
I've been on many a dialysis chair, and very few are "comfy". The best here in the States that I've found isn't a true dialysis chair, it's a Lazy Boy chair. But 4.5 hours and 5 hours are no match.
I hate these new chairs we have in the unit. Instead of going backwards the foot rest comes up and the chair slides out instead of back. So you end up with your butt sliding out from under you instead of sitting back with the feet up. Hate them! There is no way to get comfortable. They have promised new machines and chairs by the end of December. I bet the chairs will suck big time!
Some sick, twisted, morbid person with a sick sense of what a chair should be designed the damn things. Obviously they did not sit in them for four hours or try to get comfortable! Or try to keep their stuff on the small table beside you.
THAT is when you would like to tie them to a chair for 3 hours with no ice.