Hello all. Renagel has worked well for me. I take 4 800mg tabs with meals.
I don't think Tums is a binder. Don't people take it for the calcium content?
TumsŪ (calcium carbonate; Smith-Kline Beecham, Pittsburgh, PA) is primarily used as an antacid,3 but has been used as a source of calcium carbonate to bind phosphorus in hyperphosphatemia patients.
I also just switched from IV Hectoral to IV Zemplar (to reduce PTH levels). PTH medications can affect the gut's absorption of calcium. We'll see what happens!
I keep containers of each in my work truck , in my car, at home, and in my wifes purse ( probobly the most important place!)
Quote from: mark j on June 21, 2006, 05:54:26 AMI keep containers of each in my work truck , in my car, at home, and in my wifes purse ( probobly the most important place!)That's a really good idea ... you'll have them practically everywhere you go.
I tried tums hated the taste (like that should matter)! I am now on the Phoslo gel caps and they seem to be working well.
When I did take tums I found the the smooth dissolve type to be the best tasting. They came in assorted fruit flavors and were ot as chalky. Give them a try Angie!
Anyone finding that their CO2 levels are going below normal since taking Renagel?Carbon Dioxide Normal = 20 - 30 MEQ/L
Quote from: Zach on August 26, 2006, 09:46:13 AMAnyone finding that their CO2 levels are going below normal since taking Renagel?Carbon Dioxide Normal = 20 - 30 MEQ/LKinda late answer---maybe answer Anyway low CO2 levels can be caused by too much protein. Considering that most patients have to intake much more protein than "normal" people that may be part of the reason for low Co2 levels. Mine runs 13.8. Normal runs 21-30 with normal for dialysis patients not being less than 12.
When i was on Fosrenol, i never got heartburn, now that i am on Renagel, i get it every night, does anyone else have this problem? Please Please Please advise, it's driving me nuts...