I suppose I would call myself half agnostic/half atheist, and I quite agree with Rocker's last statement:QuoteI cannot possibly know if there is a "higher power" in the universe. But I am quite certain that if there is, no human religion has gotten it right.I have no proof one way or the other that there's a higher being, or beings (for our Hindu friends), be it God(s), superpowered aliens, or whatever. By the same token, there's no proof that there isn't a God(s) out there. If proof arrives then I'm more than happy to submit, though submit is the wrong word, because I believe strongly in freedom of thought and belief, and I wouldn't want to exactly be told to think a particular way, but I certainly would be more open to subscribing to a particular faith if some proof existed. And by proof I do not mean the bible, or the Koran or some other holy book written by men. I suppose I mean the second coming, or whathave you.My bigger issue is more to do with organised religion of ANY kind. To me it seems that half the time organised churches, in the way they preach their beliefs tend to undermine the principles their religions stand for. For example, how many wars have been waged in the name of religion - yet most religions that I know of claim to preach tolerance of others, "love thy neighbor" and variations thereof... I also dislike having some person, or organisation, telling me that I *should* think a certain way, and if I don't that somehow I'm a bad person for it. This isn't just about relgiion - it's a general issue.. be about smoking, or drugs, or sex, or whatever... I don't want someone else pushing their views in my face and making out that if I think differently (ie: for myself) that I'm a bad person, or somehow missing out. Sure, I'm not perfect and I am sure many of my ideas and personal beliefs aren't ideal, but they're *mine*By the same token I am not going to tell any other person here, or anywhere else, that what they believe is wrong, or bad - that would be exactly the thing I loathe. I personally don't agree with any kind of fundamentalist belief (ie: taken to extremes) but I will support someone's right to believe in it.The only time I will say something or direct my opinion is if belief or ideas or whatever are being pushed on someone else without their consent. I don't care what adults do and believe if it's not hurting anyone but if people are being hurt, or dragged around or kept against their will, or subjugated in some way then I do not like that.. but that is a general principle. Note that I see this as being different from some religions (eg: Islam) where women cover up and have an (apparently) servile role in that culture - in general, from what I have seen, a lot of Islamic women are more than content/happy with their lives and beliefs and I have no issue with that.I guess in a nutshell my feelings on religion, in general are, that I am not a believer myself but I support anyone's right to believe whatever they like as long as it doesn't hurt others. As I said above I believe a lot of the organised churches have that idea kind of botched in one way or another, and of course extreemist elements(of any religion) take things over the top and skew things to support their particular viewpoint which may bear little in common with the mainstream of their particular religion.. and of course we have seen the end result of the most extreme of fundamentalist viewpoints (ie: terrorism-usually against innocents, some of the same religion!)I am sure I will get flamed for this post, but it's just how I feel. Like I said I have no problem with anything anyone else believes and quite happy to hear about it even if I personally disagree... that's what makes the world go around.
I cannot possibly know if there is a "higher power" in the universe. But I am quite certain that if there is, no human religion has gotten it right.
I think blaming war on religion is a bit like blaming soccer hooliganism on soccer. It's not the game itself that is bad - it's that some people who follow it do odd things.
Quote from: Hanify on January 04, 2010, 02:09:02 PMI think blaming war on religion is a bit like blaming soccer hooliganism on soccer. It's not the game itself that is bad - it's that some people who follow it do odd things.Hanfy, you have stated my point exactly. It is not religon that is bad, but the way some people pratice it, use it, beleive in it. This applies to all religons and not just one or part of one.
You, RichardMel, Rocker, and Del are off topic. 'The question is: Is there a God.' The topic is not about religion, it is about God.Sorry folks.Mimi
Quote from: BigSky on January 04, 2010, 06:35:56 AMQuote from: RichardMEL on January 03, 2010, 10:39:34 PMI For example, how many wars have been waged in the name of religion - yet most religions that I know of claim to preach tolerance of others, "love thy neighbor" and variations thereof... How many wars have been waged that were not in the name of religion?Probably as many as were in the name of various religions. It doesn't make it any more correct, whatever the excuse. Though there are times when doing the right thing involves making violent choices. This is unforunately how things are.Which leads me to ask, what do you think Jesus would have said of all the killing in his name? And, before you get your undies in an uproar, I am a Christan. I am not criticizing Christianity, just asking people to stop and think for a minute. Yes, I said I was a Christan, and my eariler posts here were misinterpreted by some to believe I am not. I am not asking this question to get people upset, or to argue.
Quote from: RichardMEL on January 03, 2010, 10:39:34 PMI For example, how many wars have been waged in the name of religion - yet most religions that I know of claim to preach tolerance of others, "love thy neighbor" and variations thereof... How many wars have been waged that were not in the name of religion?
I For example, how many wars have been waged in the name of religion - yet most religions that I know of claim to preach tolerance of others, "love thy neighbor" and variations thereof...
I wasn't calling anybody a fruitcake Petey. It was just an observation as most people don't like fruitcake. Been on my mind why there are so many if no one likes them. Just a couple of unrelated random thoughts.
I didn't say I don't like fruitcake. I said most people don't. Or at least they say they don't. I think maybe i like this thread better off topic than on. Who soaks their fruitcake with brandy?