We both got our first shots of Pfizer yesterday.Sore arms and headaches started last evening, but today we feel awful. My injection site is swollen up BIG. We both feel feverish (thus chills), muscle pain (I have bad, bad, bad bone pain, but that happened the last time I got bombarded with vaccines, so not a worry) and headachey. I have nausea, but nothing has come of it. Ah, it's Easter, so we can lay in bed.
I just had my first shot 2 weeks ago, I got moderna. Will just wait for the 2nd dose. No side effects at all
When my mom called for her appointment, she asked if, since I am a dialysis patient, if I could get my shot at the same time. After asking a few people, the answer came back as no. I was eligible to call and make my own appointment a week later. She got hers on May 4 and I got mine on May 12. Why they couldn't have done us at the same time, I've no idea. Now we are just waiting to hear about our second appointments. We got different vaccines, so we can't have our second doses at the same time either.
I am on Day 3 of my attempt to taper down on the Prednisone. I will skip the Methotrexate this week. Kind of wheezy today but don't necessarily think it's because of the taper down. We'll see. Meanwhile, I made my two appointments for the vaccine. My sis in-law said they've all been vaccinated except for my autistic nephew -he refuses. But they said they would get him vaccinated if I want. I'd hate for him to go thru any trauma. Being autistic he is very sensitive about things. He's a great kid and I love him and would absolutely hate to put him thru this. I do think he should be vaccinated, just for his own safety but I do not want it to be because of me. I don't want that hanging over my head. Hope this isn't too selfish of me. Anyways, he doesn't go out much so he is low risk. I think it's better if I can be vaccinated. Just hope I can do it before I move.
My MD had an interesting experience as a renal fellow. His attending had a patient on 5mg prednisone only, doing well with the transplant, no rejection.So, they decided he could probably get rid of that "insignificant" 5mg dose. They did and the patient lost the kidney.