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Author Topic: New guy from Northern Michigan  (Read 2997 times)
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« on: October 11, 2018, 03:28:52 PM »

Hello,  I am Dave from Northern Lower Michigan.  I am not on dialysis yet, but I am having to make some very quick decisions.  I am not a candidate for peritoneal dialysis, so the Doctor wants me to get a fistula A.S.A.P. to be ready.  I am reading all of the messages I can, trying to find out what I am getting into.  I had a scare several years ago, but my kidney recovered a bit.  Now, my remaining kidney is losing function and nobody is sure what is happening.  Thanks for all of the advice and input you have all put into this message board.
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« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2018, 04:43:56 PM »

Hi Dave, and Welcome to IHD.  I'm so glad you found us.  Probably a good idea to at least be as ready as you can then just enjoy the days until you have to start.  That sound scary.  Not meant to be.  Dialysis will just take up some space in your life.  But, it is a bridge to a transplant or to life to enjoy.  Thanks for joining us.  Ask anything.  We are honest.

WELCOME - Rerun, Admin.    :welcomesign;

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« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2018, 05:38:33 PM »


Hi Dave, welcome to the site.

Whoever said "God does not make mistakes" has obviously never seen the complete bog up he made of my kidneys!
Michael Murphy
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« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2018, 06:43:10 PM »

I made. Some good and bad decisions when it became apparent Dialysys was in my future
First good decision, have my fistula installed as soon as possible so it matures prior to you needing it.
Second good decision, for 2 years every month my nephrologist was on me to start, I still felt great and was showing no symptoms.
Third good decision, one day I got sick in work, after 2 years I decided to start dialysis, called my suprised doctor and scheduled my start.
First bad decision, the nurse practitioner from my doctors office suggested a visit to the clinic prior to starting, I said no.
This was followed by a ever growing fear of what dialysis was going to be like.  The clinic is about 8 miles away in a area of the state I was quite familiar with.  I got lost 4 times on my way to the clinic.  I was so tense during my first session that I sat like a statue and because I didn’t move my butt felt like it was on fire,  couldn’t answer any staff questions felt like a fool.
Afterwards I examined my experience and concluded the worst part of starting Dialysys was not the first session but the fear of the first session.  This is why I feel a pre Dialysys visit to the clinic is important most of my fears would have been resolved by meeting the staff and familiarizing my self with the clinic procedure.
Finally not learning the ins and outs of diet, the unspoken rule of wearing clothing of the same weight every time,
I hope this helps.  I have a tee shirt that sums up the experience “Dialysys damned if you do.  Dead if you don’t”
Remember you are not alone and this site is a great resource if you need any info or just need to vent.
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« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2018, 10:52:17 PM »

Welcome to the site Dave


Take care, Cas

I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left

1983 high proteinloss in urine, chemo, stroke,coma, dialysis
1984 double nephrectomy
1985 transplant from dad
1998 lost dads kidney, start PD
2003 peritineum burst, back to hemo
2012 start Nxstage home hemo
2020 start Gambro AK96

       still on waitinglist, still ok I think
Charlie B53
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« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2018, 05:26:01 PM »

Hi Dave,

Welcome to IHD!  You will find a lot of information here.

Needle=phobic as I am I of course opted for PD.  That was fine for 3 1/2 years until I must have slipped one night and 'touched' an open hose fitting, giving myself an infection from Hell that really wanted to kill lme.  Long story shorter, it refused to die, my PD Cath had to come out and a Hemo Cath was put in.  I started going In-Clinic for treatments.

Using the cath Hemo was a piece of cake.  NO needles!  I did have to learn to seriously control my fluid intake and cut out potassium and phosphorus foods.  But I have learned and my Labs are usually fine.  Once in a while I do slip and drink a little more than I should.  A 3 liter take off causes my legs to cramp so I remain very well motivated to stay quite dry.

Finding out my total treatment time on Hemo is far far less than the daily hours on PD i had a fistula created in my left bicep. It took longer than normal to develop, needed a revision and a couple of angioplasties before it finally matured well enoug to use.

I am going on near two years now on Hemo and doing O.K.

Hope you do at least as well.

Diet and fluid control can be tough to learn.

Stay strong.

Charlie B53
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