Hi, anyone know what can cause BP to drop by about <20pts (from 130's/70's to <100/50's) 2:30 + hours into treatment? I am on nxstage 30 litres. 3 hours ten minutes, 60lbs, remove anywhere from .8litres to 2.2 litres per treatment, 4 days a week. UF set at 1. Is the treatment too long? last time I took blood I had to cut treatment to 2 hours and 40 minutes because my BP was getting alarmingly low and nothing helped ( i.e. saline...) my kt/v came back 2.33 despite the fact that I cut my treatment time by 50 minutes. I have cut down on my BP med significantly and only take in the morning, 8-10 hours prior to dialyzing. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! I mentioned it to my nurse, he recommended I speak to my nephrologist whom I see this week.
Thank you Hootie, Talker, and Cassandra!What I don't understand is why my bop crashed 2.30 hours into treatment when I was only removing one liter. Did I miss something from the link you sent Hootie? My UF would be 434.8 and at 400 refill rate the difference is small and should not have cause a crash. My albumin was 4.2 that day, I know because I drew labs that same night.Talker, when you mention red pepper tincture, are you talking cayenne? My understanding is that cayenne dialates blood vessels and is taken to lowe blood pressure. It's also a powerful blood thinner and has a lot of other miraculous health benefits.
Yikes! It sounds like you need a degree in higher math to do HHD! I bow down before you all.