Dear MooseMom, many thanks for your kind support and you are quite right when you mention that things must be really bad for the NHS-nurses to decide to strike and I do hope they soon get a democratic hearing for a better income because our NHS-nurses do really work very hard every day and they are very dedicated about their work for very little pay and I have heard that some of them even need some help from foodbanks etc. which really sounds terrible. Our postal workers are also on strike and so are the train workers and it is said that they are being asked to become self-employed which would make them extremely vulnerable for exploitation since they would receive no-sick-pay when too unwell for work, less pay and no retirement-money etc. which, if true, sounds really very grim indeed!
… I am not sure whether my kidney-transplant-immunocompromised system is the real reason why “my” flu-vaccine is not effective? I still suffer from this bad flu and the rest of the country seems to be in similar bother and many usually healthy people also suffer from the flu right now despite also having had their flu vaccine … so, it does not really make any sense what is going on? Fortunately, my body seems to fight very hard against this flu, which is good news and hopefully it gets better soon … but it certainly takes its time…
This year is the very first year ever that hardly any Christmas-feeling or New Year-feeling is being noticed anywhere and perhaps this might be connected to the ongoing strikes even during Christmas and the New Year, or the fact that the country seems to have changed in such a very quick time so much, that "things" have become, on occasion almost unrecognizable ...
Please take great care of yourself and I send you my best wishes from Kristina.