I believe I suffer the effects of beta 2 amyloidosis too, which in my case has resulted in pain in my legs resulting from tendon shortening although this has not been actually diagnosed as such. When you ask about this condition, it seems to be just ' swept under the carpet'. Mine really got going as PD stopped working for me, when I lost residual renal function, and my peritoneum started wearing out. PD is not very effective at removing large molecules such as phosphate, so I cannot believe that it is wonderful at removing amyloid fribrils either. Only longer hemo dialysis would give this bigger molecule time to move from the cells to the bloodstream. All short dialysis does is remove what is in the bloodstream. Would nocturnal in-unit dialysis be an option for you, if there is somewhere close enough to you that supports this? Would help the DRA and also help the caregiver burnout problem.