For anyone who is interested in BP controland meds, this is general info. The first line agents are generally diuretics that take off fluid and sodium. Drugs like HCTZ(hydrochlorothiazide) and forosemide are examples. They arent used much in renal patients and rarely if ever in dialysis patients. The next common class of meds are the calcium channel blockers such as amlodipine . They are quite effective with few side effects. The other commonly used agents are the ACE inhibitors like Lisinpril or the ARBs like Losartan. Both classes work at the level of the Renin -angiotensin system. They are rarely done together. Its one or the other usually. There is strong eveidence they are renal protective and often the drugs of choice in renal patients as the renein -angiotensin system comes from the kidneys. Next come the beta blockers like metoprolol which is a beta 1 blocker . beta 1 mainly effects heart rate and strength of contraction. Beta 1 an2 blockers effect the heart and nervous system . Examples are nadolol and propanolol. These drugs are older and not used as much now . My cardiologist friend feels there are much better drugs for BP then beta blockers and uses them for cardiac issues mainly. Next in line are the alpha blockers like doxazosin. They have a lot of side effects but can in some cases be useful. Most patients with serious BP issues require at least 2 and often 3 different classes combined. It is rare to see a patient on just a beta blocker unless there is some cardiac issue like atrial fib . (I use one for A fib myself). Hope this helps anyone with general questions on BP control.