I had encephalitis as a child (major hallucinations) and I had Lyme meningitis on and off during that year that my Lyme disease was at its worst. I lived in a cave (dark and quiet) for the months that it was the worst. The sad thing for me is that I'm off the IV antibiotics, but on three orals, I'm on the maximum pain killer shy of narcotics and the headaches are creeping back up. Although I DON'T want to go back on the IV antibiotic, I will do ANYTHING to keep from experiencing the meningitis again.
My neurologist put me on an antihistamine (which I have started taking again), to reduce the inflammation around the brain. That was completely new to my Lyme doctor, but it REALLY helps with the pain! That med is cyproheptatdine.
Oh my God!!! I don't even know what to say. Have you thought about writing a book? God bless you and I hope you get infinitely better and soon!!!
Cariad I'm in shock at this ordeal you, Gwyn and the boys have been weathering. I have thankfully had no experience with meningitis and wish that you had not either. Please know how much love and support I'm sending through cyberspace and also how often and how fondly I think of you both since the Vegas gathering. Please be fully well soon.
Your meningitis experience sounds horrid. I am so sorry. You have nothing to feel guilty about with your family. You were sick. I'm sure they're glad you're doing better. Normally your husband would have wanted you at the funeral but he wanted you to get treatment. Just give them your love now. I have never had meningitis but I have had a bad encephalitis with seizures and hallucinations. I am sort of prone to hallucinations. They suck. I thought the specks of paint on the wall were bugs and the pictures of therapy dogs were attacking me. I think my brain is permanently damaged.
Oh cariad, I am so so sorry that this has happened. I had a terrible feeling that there was something not quite right; this business of being febrile for so long just didn't sit well with me.Knowing your history, I have some small understanding of the emotional toll this must have taken. I understand that you feel frustrated that you have not been able to get on with your life, but if you close your eyes and take a step back, I think you may find that you have indeed moved forward. Your life has changed dramatically in that you have moved across the Great Pond and have started a new life with your family. That's a pretty good way of getting on with your life! And let's face it, when you have two young boys, they virtually DRAG you forward. It would be IMPOSSIBLE for you NOT to move on with your life with those two around! I'm also very sorry to hear about Gwyn's mum. I'm sure he would have appreciated it if you could have been with him, but he had his sons, and his wife needed care, and that's just the way life is. It is not your fault that you were ill; I'm sure you would have wished otherwise.I've never had meningitis, so I have to wonder if having it once makes one predisposed to having it again (even if the agent causing it is different in nature). Did the bacterial variety feel any different than the viral variety?I hope you make a complete recovery very soon. If I can be of any help, please do let me know. Take care.