With all due respect, Obsidianom, and with the hope of not sounding like an uncaring jerk, there are people here in the good ole US dying from lack of care. No insurance. Medicare problems. No money for copays. The joke that's obamacare in which people who are too poor to afford health insurance will now be fined because they are too poor to afford health insurance. I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to care about what's going on in Africa.
Jeannea, why is that a "bad" thing to say? Are you going to call me a racist next because I am talking about Africa? From the WHO: 34 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. 28.6 million of those are in Africa. 91% of children in sub-Sahara Africa are HIV positive. These are FACTS that you can look up just as easily as I did. Because you don't like the facts or they make you uncomfortable, does not make them any less facts. It doesn't make me "bad" for stating them. So don't attack me. Africa has more problems than a couple dialysis machines or a few bucks from the US is going to fix. The money is better spent here. Do some research.