Hi Flipperfun (heee) When I needed to put in weight I started eating roast dinners, like every day. And eating crackers with full fat cream cheese (with a binder). By the way doing D 4ever is 'not nice', and at least 3 times a week I feel like really depressed cos I have to go again, and at least 4 times a week I feel great for still being on this planet. My bp is still up and down (after 14+ yrs D) so I adjust my bp meds accordingly. Probably not much help, but I think it is normal in some people. Good luck, love Cas
Thanks everyone. The last time I visited the US was in 1997! I love the states but would find it hard to go now (emotionally) without my Mum. She's no longer with me and I miss her. She too loved travelling to the US, in fact she wouldn't go anywhere else with me! Rerun, I've never heard of Twinkies neither do I know of Frito Lay. I will have to ask my nephew to send me some, he lives and works in Seattle, or better still go and visit him. Now that's a possibility!Cas I love roast dinners. In fact I am making one tonight. Not sure I could eat them every day. I got told off for dropping one of my BP meds, I kept crashing so it seemed the best thing to do! I will have to learn to use my own judgement more. Good tip about the full fat cream cheese. I used to eat this but went off it a while ago. I must put it on my shopping list again.Steve I do not know what Nepro is and wonder if it similar to Ensure Plus a milkshake type of drink with nutrients and vitamins. I have recently started taking this so fingers crossed!I understand what you say about D 3 times a week which is my quota and that would explain the fluctuations. Yes I do drink Sprite occasionally. I adore Mountain Dew but you cannot get it here in the UK! I got hooked on it during my trips (many of them) to the states. I do occasionally eat McDonald's but have been told off because my potassium went high! I really ought to just ignore the diet once in a while instead of being a goody two shoes!Thank you again, one for cheering me up, and two for giving me tips to gain weight. Keep well and happy everyone.
O tbarrett2533 I completely agree with you loving CAPD, I did that a couple of years and loved it. Then I could go on APD, and found that absolutely wonderfull, so if you get a chance you could try that. Its the same system but without the changes during the day. Just changes during the night which the machine does for you.Keep strong, good luck Cas
Good looking men you have there with you TB. You go girl!lmunchkin