Expanded Criteria Donor (ECD) is normally associated with deceased or living kidney donors. They are also referred to as donors with "
medical complexities". According to a literature review conducted in 2006, there is very little data on the graft survival or patient survival rate of recipients who have received these organs, or the effect of specific indicators (obesity, hypertension, age, etc.) on recipient outcome. Deceased donor kidneys recovered from this pool of donors are typically related to higher risk of graft failure in transplant.
ECD donors are normally:
~~ 60 years or older, or over 50 years
~~at least two of the following conditions: hypertension history, serum creatinine > 1.5 mg/dl or
~~cause of death from cerebrovascular accident.
My clinic told me that the kidney is still high quality but it could be as simple as someone spending one night in jail or a long history of criminal activity etc they dont know.
These kind of donors are considered HIGH RISK donors. I had three such offers.