I must report what Aidan said this morning. Without consulting me, Gwyn told Aidan. I really wish he hadn't, but cannot unring that bell now. Gwyn explained to Aidan that they were getting rid of all engineering, and Aidan said quite matter-of-factly: Well then, if they go bankrupt, it's their own fault. Ah, that boy is the reason to keep going.
Holding good thoughts for Monday.......
I know you've got a lot on your mind, but please try to keep us updated as to what happens Monday. We've got all our fingers and toes crossed here for you. (Makes it a little ffidluct to ytpe or wlak, but that's okay.)
My dear cariad,I can't believe just a week ago (or so) we were all sitting together chatting and discussing just some of these very issues. I had a flash yesterday from Karen (my ex wife you know!! ) with the news and I was SO upset to get that. What could I possibly say - even my accent cant help this one!!! It's just so bloody unfair!!! I think everyone has said ti really. We're on your side. we care.. we want things to work out in a positive way for you guys!!!!!
I think the two of you are level headed and experienced enough to know to not pin hopes on any one thing but to also assess what is a reasonable chance and what isn't. Of course my best wishes and hopes go for the best outcome. Who knows, maybe in the longer run this has created an opportunity that will wind up in a better situation for everyone. Hey, I prefer to seek positives wherever I can find them!!!!
Quote from: MooseMom on October 21, 2011, 01:05:08 PMCariad, I know that emigrating to Australia had been a game plan for you, but I'm not sorry that didn't pan out because the other day I read this article in Rolling Stone magazine and immediately thought of you and Gwyn. Maybe it's just as well....http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/climate-change-and-the-end-of-australia-20111003In a nutshell: Ill informed, distorted, biased claptrap.
Cariad, I know that emigrating to Australia had been a game plan for you, but I'm not sorry that didn't pan out because the other day I read this article in Rolling Stone magazine and immediately thought of you and Gwyn. Maybe it's just as well....http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/climate-change-and-the-end-of-australia-20111003
Thank you so much for the complete refutation of that crazy, idiotic "global warming/climate change" silliness. I'm relieved to hear that we don't have to worry about Australia anymore, and that her citizens are such good stewards of her unique natural resources. I'm also pleased that the Great Barrier Reef is in no danger at all! I've always wanted to go to Australia for a visit, and now I can dream of going to a land of plenty, a land where people can do whatever they want with no mind at all of conservation and not have a concern for the environmental consequences of their fabricated "carbon footprints." Thank you for spending your precious time in making all of that clear to me of little brain! LOL!