I have NEVER had problems taking pills. Big pills, little pills, capsules, chalky, yucky tasting, etc. But today I popped my morning dose in my mouth (2 Prograf, 2 Cellcept, Pepcid and a 4th) and when I did I must have taken a deep breath in through my mouth cause the all the pills got sucked down and lodged in my throat. I couldn't breathe! I have never had this happen before! I was coughing/gagging like a freak, and the entire time thinking "Where can I throw my self to give me the Heimlich?!?! Finally one of the Prograf and one of the other pills came flying out. I could breathe better but my throat still felt really strange. I drank some water and was still breathing ok. Within minutes of this I received a call from my doc's office to reschedule my upcoming appt., but didn't mention this to the idiot nurse. I could tell my voice was not normal and after I got off the phone I was able to vomit a little and one of the Cellcept came out. I got new pills and retook everything I lost and my throat hurt for the rest of the day, but I learned a big lesson. I need to slow down with my pills!