The glass is half empty or the glass is half full…..Your choice
How'd the cap come off?I have a dumb, noob question. How long after cath placement surgery do you start getting 'flushes' by the medical staff and begin training to do it yourself?
Bill,how are things going for you?I am just a little unclear if you are doing CAPD or APD??I have my first PET test on the 20th and was thinking about going over to APD, but I am not sure!!!
Just reading your post and others on here... I think i will stick with CAPD I heard everyone complain about the following with APD:Drain paincrampingloud machinealarmstakes forever to set up at nightnow my complaints with CAPD:every 4 hours I gotta do an exchange I have to really plan my entire day/life outanyway I gotta a man that i sleep with (my BF) and he needs his sleep and cant be kept up all night by the noise of my machine..... IDK I would love to here your thoughts on what your pros and cons are for both CAPD and APD since you are/did do both