Willis, nice to hear about your success story. It's wonderful to have suifficinet energy to want to do grueling sports. I'm very lucky like that also, I'm back to playing raquetball twice a week. I thought I had to give up racquetball because of the PD catheter. So far so good though.
Keep playing in the tournaments and kick some ass.
Yes, I really wasn't trying to brag (well, maybe a little), but rather I'm hoping that others who are pre-D will see that going on dialysis can actually improve their lives. I was also able to go back to working full-time. So that shows that it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone will be disabled and unable to do the things they always liked (or need) to do.
I must say that the PD cath is truly a pain-in-the-ass (literally) and managing the cath is an annoying time-waster. But it beats dying. Before starting D I was calm on the outside but apprehensive on the inside about how much I'd really be able to do.
Now I do realize that many on D have other physical problems that prevent them from working or otherwise having an active life and for those you are in my prayers.