Funeral wishes. Cremation? Burial? (Shot into space? ) Choice of minister? Choice of cemetery? Deed to cemetery plot? Music preferred? Do you want an obit in local paper? Do you have the funeral prepaid? Last will - last date changed, location, lawyer who drew it up if applicable.Any sentimental objects you wish to give to certain friends or family members that weren't named in a will?Preference on donations of collections, valuable or practical? Local museum, library, genealogy society, etc?Life insurance information. Company? Amount? Beneficiary?List of every bank account, checking or saving and approximate amount in it.List of stocks, bonds, CD's.Location of important papers. House? Safe? (Combo to safe?) Bank box? Which bank, and where is the key?Computer passwords to log on to main computer, and any important accounts or websites.List of friends to notify and their contact info.