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Author Topic: Major Rant. Do not read if you are in a good mood.  (Read 5970 times)
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« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2011, 05:33:22 PM »

My mom has watched one life to live since way before I was born. Interesting to see how character's lives go faster (I was born the same year a character on the show was...she's in her 30s now, I'm 24). I still bet dollars to doughnuts the "world" is gonna explode when the last episode airs.

Hospitalized w/ renal failure- Nov. 2007
Diagnosed w/ ESRD w/ unknown cause- Jan 2008
Lower arm AV Fistula created- March 2008
On IL transplant list- Oct. 8th, 2008
On WI transplant list- June 25th, 2009
Pediatric 2 kidney transplant- July 6th, 2009 (3/6 antigen match)
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« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2011, 05:44:15 PM »

My mom has watched one life to live since way before I was born. Interesting to see how character's lives go faster (I was born the same year a character on the show was...she's in her 30s now, I'm 24). I still bet dollars to doughnuts the "world" is gonna explode when the last episode airs.
They'll be the only ones to see the Rapture that Camping guy predicted!   ;D

"Asbestos Gelos"  (As-bes-tos yay-lohs) Greek. Literally, "fireproof laughter".  A term used by Homer for invincible laughter in the face of death and mortality.

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TOFF (typical old Fart)

« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2011, 12:06:46 AM »

I am puzzled as to why people watch soapies (see, I'm not being sexist) but I fail to see why women can't be more like a man (guess which show) and watch the footie like I do.
PS I got some beaut new boots but my wife didn't notice them so I took off all my clothes (except my new boots)went in and confronted her. She still didn't notice them so I said "look at what my dangly bits are pointing at"....she said "you should have got a new hat".
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« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2011, 05:22:32 AM »

Bruno that is so funny. I wish I could have been there to see it.
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will of the healthy makes up the fate of the sick.

« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2011, 06:11:14 AM »

My husband's grandmother said, "They discontinued my shade of lipstick and my favorite shampoo. They no longer have the shows i like on TV and my hairdresser has retried. Pretty soon I will be discontinued!" (She was 92 at the time.)

Aw I love older folks like this! Sounds like someone with a great sense of humor!!

Born with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
1995 - AV Fistula placed
Dec 7, 1999 cadaver transplant saved me from childhood dialysis!
10 transplant years = spleenectomy, gall bladder removed, liver biopsy, bone marrow aspiration.
July 27, 2010 Started dialysis for the first time ever.
June 21, 2011 2nd kidney nonrelated living donor
September 2013 Liver Cancer tumor.
October 2013 Ablation of liver tumor.
Now scans every 3 months to watch for new tumors.
Now Status 7 on the wait list for a liver.
How about another decade of solid health?
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« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2011, 11:12:02 AM »

Bruno, we don't have "footie" here, but I park my lady bee-hind on the couch every Sunday during the NFL season.  My years in the UK taught me the glories of football and Formula 1 (which, unfortunately, is on TV here in the US at very inconvenient times).  I've been a baseball fan since I was 8.  I'm currently watching the NBA finals.  I've discovered a real appreciation for ice hockey.  I love my sports, but I want my soap back, too. :'(

"Eggs are so inadequate, don't you think?  I mean, they ought to be able to become anything, but instead you always get a chicken.  Or a duck.  Or whatever they're programmed to be.  You never get anything interesting, like regret, or the middle of last week."
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« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2011, 02:36:44 PM »

I am puzzled as to why people watch soapies (see, I'm not being sexist) but I fail to see why women can't be more like a man (guess which show) and watch the footie like I do.

The biggest, most-crazed fan group of soap watchers I've ever met were all guys from my college dorm.  They all watched "Days" every day and got mad if anyone called or interrupted them during the show!  Not that they didn't watch sports, too - but that soap ruled their schedules.

"Asbestos Gelos"  (As-bes-tos yay-lohs) Greek. Literally, "fireproof laughter".  A term used by Homer for invincible laughter in the face of death and mortality.

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