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Author Topic: Did you accomplish anything today?  (Read 336813 times)
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« Reply #575 on: October 11, 2011, 02:46:31 PM »

Not too much, dialysis and a nice looooooooong nap, then cooked supper and now just relaxing. About to take my kids to the local library, they love to go. I will likely sit and read the daily newspaper.

Diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease at age 19.
Renal Failure at age 38 (2010) came about 2 hrs close to dying. Central line put in an emergency.
Began dialysis on Aug 15, 2010.
Creatine @ time of dialysis: 27. I almost died.
History of High Blood Pressure
I have Neuropathy and Plantar Fasciitis in My Feet
AV Fistula created in Nov. 2011, still buzzing well!
Transplanted in April, 2013. My husband and I participated in the Living Donor paired exchange program. I nicknamed my kidney "April"
Married 18 yrs,  Mom to 3 kids to twin daughters (One that has PKD)  and a high-functioning Autistic son
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« Reply #576 on: October 11, 2011, 06:27:35 PM »

Yes, yes I did....

I had to stay up too late last night to finish the rough draft of my paper due Thursday. Ever since the transplant, I feel ill within moments of getting too tired, so I barely managed to put something coherent to paper. This class is mixed grad and undergrad, so I knew they would have very little to offer me in the peer critique, but I like to think I helped the woman whose paper I was handed to mark up. She seemed to not grasp some of the basics of anthro analysis and crafting an argument, so I went through that with her.

Then off to stats for the exam review. That was a very quick class and I am not at all concerned about the test, but I do have that paper due right before so need to make sure I do not procrastinate too much. Used my extra time to make lunch, then furiously read my Public Health text. I hate this book. It is full of mile long sentences that are difficult to follow, and often boring. We have to devise discussion questions for the class and email her by 5PM each Tuesday, so I managed to wade through that very dense chapter, write my questions and get them to her on time. Then I raced to grab Mr. Liot for his soccer practice. We were late, but not too far off. Aidan forgot his lunch in the back of the car so he had to buy school lunch - he lucked out with Mac N Cheese. Gwyn met us at the soccer pitch, I went home because I was freezing cold, did the washing up that has sat in the sink for far too long (since before Vegas) and made Liot an egg, cheese and red pepper wrap while Gwyn grabbed food for the rest of us at Chipotle. (Liot does not enjoy their offerings, so it's best not to bother for him). Kids are watching their programs and it's almost time for them to go to bed. Then I will polish up my essay, have a second glass of wine (Because we need the room in the fridge. Yeah, see, it's a service, really....) and try to get a full night's sleep for the first time in a week.

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People have hope in me. - John Bul Dau, Sudanese Lost Boy
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« Reply #577 on: October 11, 2011, 06:35:03 PM »

Gosh, Cariad, and I was ready to proudly post that yesterday I stayed up late to make 11 patchwork potholders for my grandies' playgroup street stall! Seem a meagre effort after your busy day! I did enjoy it though. Today I connected up our new walk around phones as the old ones packed it in. It took forever to put our most dialled numbers in - sometimes I think this time saving technology needs more time than is really necessary. Hubby is away today in our truck taking our wool down to sell - fingers crossed for a good price. Hubby managed to fit 41 bales on our truck.

Diagnosed PKD 1967, age 8
Commenced PD June 2010
Commenced APD July 2010
Transplant March 2011 - so lucky!
"To strive, to seek, to find...and not to yield!"
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« Reply #578 on: October 11, 2011, 07:54:53 PM »

...the good news is that my “two little fighters” are doing a tiny little better,
and my GFR has gone up a further percent.
I know it is not much, but at least it has not deteriorated further.

I have been doing a little better for the past 4 weeks;
I went for a little walk every day of the week
and it has done me lots of good.

How have you been doing?

Been doing alright!  Been working really really hard, as I've started lecturing (god help my students) which takes amazing amounts of time to prepare and huge amounts of time for marking too... and am also supposed to be writing this phd thing.  As phd's require that you focus on a little bit and learn a lot from it, I've been reading and re-reading and pondering about 7 threads, of which 6 are from IHD (they have all "ended" / aren't still being added to - old threads) and I think maybe going a little mad.  Also I have a different paper which is in a state where I'd better post it here and show people, I just have to get a moment... So its been busy.  But I am very pleased because (and this is far more practical) I also just finished knitting a new poncho yesterday!  I have a photo of it, must put up and show for I am very pleased with how it turned out  ;D

I have heard that exercise has all kinds of unexpected good outcomes, so your walking is probably relevant to your good health Kristina.  I'm always pleased when I hear about another of your tiny gains, I think its really amazing what you are managing with careful living and I guess a bit of luck too. 
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 09:08:21 PM by natnnnat » Logged

Natalya – Sydney, Australia
wife of Gregory, who is the kidney patient: 
1986: kidney failure at 19 years old, cause unknown
PD for a year, in-centre haemo for 4 years
Transplant 1 lasted 21 years (Lucy: 1991 - 2012), failed due to Transplant glomerulopathy
5 weeks Haemo 2012
Transplant 2 (Maggie) installed Feb 13, 2013, returned to work June 17, 2013 average crea was 130, now is 140.
Infections in June / July, hospital 1-4 Aug for infections.

Over the years:  skin cancer; thyroidectomy, pneumonia; CMV; BK; 14 surgeries
Generally glossy and happy.

2009 - 2013 PhD research student : How people make sense of renal failure in online discussion boards
Submitted February 2013 :: Graduated Sep 2013.   http://godbold.name/experiencingdialysis/
Heartfelt thanks to IHD, KK and ADB for your generosity and support.
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« Reply #579 on: October 12, 2011, 07:36:59 AM »

Crikey, Natalya, you have been busy !

Are you considering working your papers up into a book?

Thanks for your kind thoughts, they are very much appreciated,

best wishes and good luck from Kristina.  :waving;


Bach was no pioneer; his style was not influenced by any past or contemporary century.
  He was completion and fulfillment in itself, like a meteor which follows its own path.
                                        -   Robert Schumann  -

                                          ...  Oportet Vivere ...
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« Reply #580 on: October 12, 2011, 07:45:30 AM »

Well, it's not been your typical day. It's not everyday that you take your twin daughters for an ultraround to rule out Polycystic kidney disease. (I'm hoping they don't have my disease, but I'm checking just to be sure)

For lunch, I'm meeting a biological Aunt whom I haven't seen for 8 long years. I am nervous but looking forward to seeing her at the same time.  Should be interesting. Like I said, not my most typical day.    :P

Diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease at age 19.
Renal Failure at age 38 (2010) came about 2 hrs close to dying. Central line put in an emergency.
Began dialysis on Aug 15, 2010.
Creatine @ time of dialysis: 27. I almost died.
History of High Blood Pressure
I have Neuropathy and Plantar Fasciitis in My Feet
AV Fistula created in Nov. 2011, still buzzing well!
Transplanted in April, 2013. My husband and I participated in the Living Donor paired exchange program. I nicknamed my kidney "April"
Married 18 yrs,  Mom to 3 kids to twin daughters (One that has PKD)  and a high-functioning Autistic son
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My two beautifull granddaughters

« Reply #581 on: October 12, 2011, 11:16:45 AM »

Well, it's not been your typical day. It's not everyday that you take your twin daughters for an ultraround to rule out Polycystic kidney disease. (I'm hoping they don't have my disease, but I'm checking just to be sure)

Oh, Cordelia, I hope the tests are negative. Our daughter was tested to see if she would donate to Carl, and that is when she discovered that she had PKD, too. It is affecting her liver, as well, though. I'm hoping your girls don't have it.  :pray;

We are visiting with our daughter and her family. Went for a walk with the girls, then went to my daughter's physical therapist for my should that has been bothering me. He worked it over pretty well for about 40 minutes and taped it to give the muscles some support. I apparently stressed the rotator cuff and need to give it some rest. Ouch. But the therapy felt WONDERFUL!

After getting back I fixed lunch for everyone and then the girls and I got in the hot tub for a few minutes. Then we painted the little one's nails (or rather my older granddaughter did that while I put the dishes away and folded some laundry. I try to get as much done for my daughter as possible so she is not so over-stressed while we are visiting. 

Then I read a couple of stories to the little one and she is now taking a nap. Grandmom is catching up on IHD!  :2thumbsup;

This afternoon, after my daughter is finished at school we older girls are going for a spa pedicure while older granddaughter gets a manicure. Fun, fun, fun. A pot of soup is simmering on the stove. Life feels good.

One day, still many years off, we will be moving here to live in the apartment attached to our daughter and SIL's "new" house. They looked high and low for a house that had an apartment that would be good for us, too. I love my family.  :cuddle;



Wife to Carl, who has PKD.
Mother to Meagan, who has PKD.
Partner for NxStage HD August 2008 - February 2011.
Carl transplanted with cadaveric kidney, February 3, 2011. :)
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« Reply #582 on: October 12, 2011, 11:43:39 AM »

Hi Willowtreewren,

Thanks so much for your best wishes that they don't have the same disease as I do. I'm hoping and praying they don't.    :bow;  The technician said the results would be forwarded in about 3-5 business days. Will check in with my doctor later next week to see if he reviewed them yet and to see if they can give me results over the phone or if I would need to make an apt to find out test results.

My doc said he'd call if he saw anything but I think I still should definitely make the call myself just to double check. In this day and age one can never know for sure no news means good news.

I'm so sorry to hear your daughter has it and that it has affected her liver also   :cuddle;

It's definitely one thing I'm very concerned about, I sure hope they don't inherit this from me and go through this horrible disease.

Ouch! Rotar cuff is painful, my MIL had surgery on her one shoulder since she tore her rotar cuff too, it was very painful.  I hope your therapy helps.

Diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease at age 19.
Renal Failure at age 38 (2010) came about 2 hrs close to dying. Central line put in an emergency.
Began dialysis on Aug 15, 2010.
Creatine @ time of dialysis: 27. I almost died.
History of High Blood Pressure
I have Neuropathy and Plantar Fasciitis in My Feet
AV Fistula created in Nov. 2011, still buzzing well!
Transplanted in April, 2013. My husband and I participated in the Living Donor paired exchange program. I nicknamed my kidney "April"
Married 18 yrs,  Mom to 3 kids to twin daughters (One that has PKD)  and a high-functioning Autistic son
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Born to be a Granma!

« Reply #583 on: October 13, 2011, 07:24:31 PM »

Our gilrs were tested by ultrasound for PKD in their 20s and are due to be tested again. They are 30 and 28 and were advised to be tested every ten years. Their first tests came back clear and we decided then that our chance of winning Lotto was gone, as we'd already used all our luck. I am keen to have them genetically tested to rule out PKD altogether but just keep getting told it's too expensive. What cost is peace of mind that I haven't passed PKD on to my daughters and my grand-daughters?!
Please post your daughters results, and I'm wishing for good results with all of my heart.  :pray;

Diagnosed PKD 1967, age 8
Commenced PD June 2010
Commenced APD July 2010
Transplant March 2011 - so lucky!
"To strive, to seek, to find...and not to yield!"
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« Reply #584 on: October 13, 2011, 11:44:05 PM »

geez.. I get tired just reading some of the posts in this thread...  :rofl;

My bp went nutty on Wednesday, and I haven't felt well since.  I've kinda just been sleeping, so compared to you guys, I'm a slug.. *LOL*

Dialysis - Feb 1991-Oct 1992
transplant - Oct 1, 1992- Apr 2001
dialysis - April 2001-May 2001
transplant - May 22, 2001- May 2004
dialysis - May 2004-present
PD - May 2004-Dec 2008
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« Reply #585 on: October 14, 2011, 02:53:18 AM »

Here it is.  My new poncho.  Tadah!

Natalya – Sydney, Australia
wife of Gregory, who is the kidney patient: 
1986: kidney failure at 19 years old, cause unknown
PD for a year, in-centre haemo for 4 years
Transplant 1 lasted 21 years (Lucy: 1991 - 2012), failed due to Transplant glomerulopathy
5 weeks Haemo 2012
Transplant 2 (Maggie) installed Feb 13, 2013, returned to work June 17, 2013 average crea was 130, now is 140.
Infections in June / July, hospital 1-4 Aug for infections.

Over the years:  skin cancer; thyroidectomy, pneumonia; CMV; BK; 14 surgeries
Generally glossy and happy.

2009 - 2013 PhD research student : How people make sense of renal failure in online discussion boards
Submitted February 2013 :: Graduated Sep 2013.   http://godbold.name/experiencingdialysis/
Heartfelt thanks to IHD, KK and ADB for your generosity and support.
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« Reply #586 on: October 14, 2011, 04:23:11 AM »

Here it is.  My new poncho.  Tadah!

Wow! That's very pretty!      :clap;

Think GOD doesn't have a sense of humor?
HE created marriage and children.
Think about it! LOL!
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« Reply #587 on: October 14, 2011, 05:22:39 AM »

That's really a pretty poncho, Natnnat!

Riki, I hope your BP turns back to normal!

Thanks Chook, for your best wishes. I will let you all know about my daughters. The ultrasound tech said it would likely take 3-5 business mailing days to forward it to my doctor's office. Hopefully I'll find out in another week or so. Not sure if I can just call in to find out results or if I will have to physcially go in for an apt to find out.

Yesterday I went for D, went out to lunch with my Mom and an aunt I haven't seen for 2 years. I missed my nap since I had an upset earlier in the day. Then in the evening I went to a meeting with my daugters. It was a support group meeting for parents with children who have epilepsy. My one twin daughter has mild epilepsy. We enjoy going to the group together and conversing with others going through the same thing as us.

Diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease at age 19.
Renal Failure at age 38 (2010) came about 2 hrs close to dying. Central line put in an emergency.
Began dialysis on Aug 15, 2010.
Creatine @ time of dialysis: 27. I almost died.
History of High Blood Pressure
I have Neuropathy and Plantar Fasciitis in My Feet
AV Fistula created in Nov. 2011, still buzzing well!
Transplanted in April, 2013. My husband and I participated in the Living Donor paired exchange program. I nicknamed my kidney "April"
Married 18 yrs,  Mom to 3 kids to twin daughters (One that has PKD)  and a high-functioning Autistic son
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« Reply #588 on: October 14, 2011, 09:14:37 AM »

Here it is.  My new poncho.  Tadah!
'Tis most gorgeous!  I wish I had the patience to be creative like that! 

- wife of kidney recepient (10/2011) -
venting myself online since 2003 (personal blog)
grumbles of a dialysis wife-y (kidney blog)
sometimes i take pictures (me, on flickr)

Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.
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« Reply #589 on: October 14, 2011, 04:21:57 PM »

got up two hours earlier than usual, showered, put in a load of wash, had breakfast. when the car came home i went to walmart. then to the post office to mail pictures to my mother, bought something for my secret santa,  then safeway and home to argue with the freezer. i think  i've had all the productivity i can handle fore several days.

If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.

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« Reply #590 on: October 15, 2011, 04:05:51 PM »

When the car came home?? *LOL*  do you let it out to roam at night and wait for it to come home, like a cat?

I'm still feeling cruddy, so I went to bed early last night.  I woke up early this morning because of it, but I decided that I would pull out my Tassimo machine and make myself a cappuccino, so I did. *L*  I pulled it out from under the cupboard, cleaned it, made and drank my cappuccino, then cleaned the machine again before putting it away.

Then I got dressed and went to an Occupy Wall Street solidarity rally, and rather enjoyed myself, listening to the people speak.

Dialysis - Feb 1991-Oct 1992
transplant - Oct 1, 1992- Apr 2001
dialysis - April 2001-May 2001
transplant - May 22, 2001- May 2004
dialysis - May 2004-present
PD - May 2004-Dec 2008
HD - Dec 2008-present
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« Reply #591 on: October 15, 2011, 04:33:43 PM »

When the car came home?? *LOL*  do you let it out to roam at night and wait for it to come home, like a cat?

lol, not quite. there are 3 us. my daughter works from 7am to 3pm and uses one car. my spinal works from 3am to 11am and uses the other car. i had to wait till elliott came home to go out and about.

If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.

Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.

Meddle Not In The Affairs Of Dragons
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« Reply #592 on: October 15, 2011, 05:03:34 PM »

So far:

A mile on the treadmill.
Another no-knit yarn scarf to use for a sample at my craft class.
Cleaned the bathroom from top to bottom.
Emptied all the trash, cleaned and scrubbed the cat pan, sorted the recycling.
Loaded the latest stack of donations for Goodwill into the car to be dropped off on Monday.
Did all the laundry and reorganized my closet.  I'm halfway through a reverse-hanger sort, and I pulled all the things not yet reversed into one section.  When I get almost to the end, anything not worn usually gets donated.

Now, a couple hours of homework.

"Asbestos Gelos"  (As-bes-tos yay-lohs) Greek. Literally, "fireproof laughter".  A term used by Homer for invincible laughter in the face of death and mortality.

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My two beautifull granddaughters

« Reply #593 on: October 15, 2011, 05:05:58 PM »

Chook, I have read that PKD does NOT skip generations, so if your daughters are clear, your grandkids should be all right.  :cuddle;

Nat, you can make a poncho for me anytime!  :2thumbsup;
It's just lovely!!!!

Gramma, do you KNOW who your Secret Santa is? I'm still waiting to hear! I am raring to get out and get a special, special gift!


Wife to Carl, who has PKD.
Mother to Meagan, who has PKD.
Partner for NxStage HD August 2008 - February 2011.
Carl transplanted with cadaveric kidney, February 3, 2011. :)
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« Reply #594 on: October 15, 2011, 07:46:13 PM »

I don't know if I accomplished anything productive, but I had a busy, good day.  Went on a 3 hour "church walk".  8 downtown churches (all built in the 1800's) were open for visiting.  Very interesting.  The day was beautiful and I enjoyed learning the history of the churches.  Since we are in the South, the history of the church has largely to do with races.  We go to a United Methodist.  1 block away is a AME Methodist.  The difference?  Edenton St UMC was built first by rich plantation owners and business men.  Their slaves were allowed to sit in the balcony. Later, the slaves (now free men) were tired of the situation and built their own church.  Still to this day, the difference is great.  One church with money, the other one struggling.  The same situation with the Baptist churches.  They started as one, split and became one "white" church and a "black" church.   I grew up in the Midwest, so this part of history is always interesting to me. 

Then it was time to go to Zeke's football game.   Thought of you YLGuy!!   Zeke's team won--they are undefeated for 3 years, but the other team scored a touchdown and that is the only time someone has scored against our team.  So the boys were happy and mad!

The day started at 8am and finally wound down around 6pm.   Thanks to my lovely kidney, I enjoyed my entire day.    :cuddle;   Now it is bedtime!!

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« Reply #595 on: October 16, 2011, 09:51:43 AM »

I vacuumed, dusted, changed the bed sheets, put three loads of washing on, filled the dishwasher, put washing on the line, brought washing back in again, mowed the grass, scrubbed the kitchen, scrubbed the bathroom, packed two bags (I should only be in for half the time that Blokey is, but guess who has twice as much stuff?), took two cats to the cattery (one of whom was a trifle nervous being in his basket and poo'd halfway there!), showered, defluffed, sent an email or two and watched an episode of Buffy.  Oh, and I cooked dinner. 

Whilst I busied myself what did Blokey do?  He watched the tellybox!  Okay, he did do his bit when I wanted to plump up the settee cushions though ... yes, he stood up for me.  Bless him. (I don't mind; being busy meant I didn't have to think.)


- wife of kidney recepient (10/2011) -
venting myself online since 2003 (personal blog)
grumbles of a dialysis wife-y (kidney blog)
sometimes i take pictures (me, on flickr)

Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.
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« Reply #596 on: October 16, 2011, 12:21:21 PM »

I've set four daily goals for myself.

Walk one mile every day.
Clean one thing every day.
Create one thing to sell at the craft show every day.
Do one hour of homework every day.

I'm usually good for 3 out of 4, but it's a good set of goals for me.  The house stays clean, even if I only spend 15 minutes on cleaning one small thing.  I do pretty well at staying on top of my homework if I pick at it a bit at a time.  My craft show stock is slowly stacking up, even if I only spent 15 minutes making a pom-pom ornament.  The walking is pretty easy most days - by the time I park and hike between the courthouse to watch my law student team at work and then hike back to school, I'm already done.

"Asbestos Gelos"  (As-bes-tos yay-lohs) Greek. Literally, "fireproof laughter".  A term used by Homer for invincible laughter in the face of death and mortality.

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« Reply #597 on: October 16, 2011, 12:31:43 PM »

Omigosh, the energy is just oozing outta me today, must get lots done with I have these energy spurts LOL

Today I went shopping for 5 hours, boot shopping for my kids, bra shopping for my daughters, grocery shopping and halloween decorating shopping LOL

Basically speaking, shop til you drop!    :rofl;

Now to start supper, I'm making chili and then decorating the house with halloween lights! I'm excited about that!

Then tonight I'll probably watch the Amazing Race and catch up on last week's episode of Survivor that I missed    ;D

Diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease at age 19.
Renal Failure at age 38 (2010) came about 2 hrs close to dying. Central line put in an emergency.
Began dialysis on Aug 15, 2010.
Creatine @ time of dialysis: 27. I almost died.
History of High Blood Pressure
I have Neuropathy and Plantar Fasciitis in My Feet
AV Fistula created in Nov. 2011, still buzzing well!
Transplanted in April, 2013. My husband and I participated in the Living Donor paired exchange program. I nicknamed my kidney "April"
Married 18 yrs,  Mom to 3 kids to twin daughters (One that has PKD)  and a high-functioning Autistic son
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« Reply #598 on: October 16, 2011, 01:19:13 PM »

So far, not too much.  Got the grocery list written out while watching the Packers game (6 and 0 baby!!!), will be hitting the stores in a few minutes.  Put the TV room back together from our big party earlier this week.  Tonight will be laundry and TV while DH is in Indiana for a wake.
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« Reply #599 on: October 16, 2011, 02:29:28 PM »

not much. got up way early for me because my 4 year old grand son spent the night. had a little nap after damian left. did som shopping for tonights dinner. still nice enough out to use the b-b-q.

If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.

Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.

Meddle Not In The Affairs Of Dragons
For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketchup
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