Des and RichardMEL: as far as not knowing if someone is doing it for the right reasons Micah
(Des, money is everything here, too.)
cariad: I'm sorry I didn't realize that there was a debate section and also I will go post an entry in the Intro ASAP. Anyways... psychological examinations are more about testing your well being rather then anything. In the medical field, evaluations are more about making sure you are in a clear state of mind. If someone is in a clear state of mind, they have full right to, deny any future dialysis, to deny resuscitation (DNR) and much much more. So just like those situations, how would selling a kidney from a fully coherent individual even if they need money, any different? Also, i believe what your referring to as far as a kidney transplant is concerned, is organ rejection mainly. This can show up 6 months down the road due to your body slowly rejecting the organ. Of course with any post surgery let alone one of a major organ your own bodies fighting capabilities will be down, which will increase your risk for getting an infection. The STDs your referring to is HIV and CMV. HIV has a marker in your body called CD4. This is hard to read until after a few months so that the CD4 count get get to a point where it can be read. CMV however is part of the herpes family which can also be received via dialysis. But it doesn't have much effect unless your immune system is down alot like post transplant. But you are much more likely to get this from the many dialysis you've been on and its just hiding then on then a single transplant. As far as Exploitation goes, how would paying an individual for a kidney be any different then paying the insurance company?
sutphendriver, while it is certainly not for me to tell you what to do, what you are contemplating is really, really dangerous. When money is involved, do you think they care if you're a good match or not? I thought you were doing well on dialysis. Sorry to hear otherwise. Oh, and transplant is no panacea. You are kidding me if you think that it will cure the mental and physical health problems mentioned on here. Sorry, no. It does not work that way. Voice of experience here.
the match is not an issue as the doctors I am seeing use the same testing parameters used int he states, they are all trained here anyways. (a 4 antigen match or better is guaranteed) I am doing very well on dialysis and am in excellent health....I plan on staying that way. I refuse to waste away on a machine when I can do something about it. As for experience, Ive been doing this for 14 years now. I have seen hundreds of people slowly waste away and die waiting for a transplant. My grandfather said there are two types of people, doers and dont'ers. If the status quo is good for you...great! It is not good enough for me and I'm doing something about it.
Get the rich people off the "list" and we would have a better chance.