And faith unlike science can NEVER be scientifically proven. Therefore creationist theory can never be proven or disproven........
There are, of course, degrees of proof. Civil law (at least, in the UK) requires proof on the balance of probabilities; criminal law as proof beyond reasonable doubt. What I have looked for on the issue of evolution vs intelligent design is for something more likely than on the balance of probabilities. I found the case for evolution to be beyond reasonable doubt. It's not just one thing that makes up my mind but a number, each more likely than not to support evolution and taken together the total puts the answer beyond reasonable doubt.I have already spoken of one problem for ID, that of the existence of viruses. Why should a designer create viruses after he's created eukaryotes? The former cannot replicate unless they have infected a eukaryote to steal its replication machinery, so must have been designed/evolved after eukaryotes.My next problem is the mixture of life over the earth. All the same families of life exist in America, Europe, Africa and Asia BUT NOT in Australia or Madagascar. Why are these different? Evolution has the complete answer — Australia and Madagascar became isolated so that evolution continued along a different tree from the main continents. On the other hand, it's a pointless complication for intelligent design. A designer always seeks to make a design more elegant, not unnecessarily more complicated.To be going on with I've now I've suggested two problem areas that support evolution and tend to suggest that intelligent design did not happen.
After studying this issue for several years, I have concluded that very little can be gained by debating evolution vs. creationism. Two of the biggest obstacles to effective debate on the topic are: 1) the lack of conclusive scientific evidence to forever resolve the issue; and 2) the lack of openmindedness on the part of both camps. Our limited understanding of the historical record and the workings of the universe makes it difficult for any side to get an advantage over the other. Until the day comes when God supernaturally reveals himself, both sides will still be entangled in this endless battle. Christian endeavors need to be productive in the area of winning people for the Kingdom of God. When it comes to soul winning, arguing about creationism simply does not carry any weight. Because of the combative nature of this conflict, the salvation message always seems to be lost in the struggle.
Hemodoc, I did not say God can not be found in the things he has created. In fact I have continuely stressed that a study of science will lead you to the conculsion there is order in things that prove that point. You insult me sir! I don't think you understood my point.
After the flood, the conditions on earth led to the ice age. During this time, if you look at the continental shelf, you can walk across all continents if the waters are only a hundred feet lower. As the ice age abated, the seas rose breaking the land bridges in Alaska and in Australia leaving it a separated place where unusual species flourished only there. This is not a problem from the creationist standpoint.
Quote from: Hemodoc on January 25, 2010, 07:42:29 PMAfter the flood, the conditions on earth led to the ice age. During this time, if you look at the continental shelf, you can walk across all continents if the waters are only a hundred feet lower. As the ice age abated, the seas rose breaking the land bridges in Alaska and in Australia leaving it a separated place where unusual species flourished only there. This is not a problem from the creationist standpoint.Dear Hemodoc,Not a problem? Then how do you account for the existence of marsupials in Australia and nowhere else?The evolutionary case is that there was a land bridge at one epoch which allowed the migration of animals that existed at that time; they evolved and marsupials were one of the products of evolution. They only evolved in Australia because the environment was different from the rest of the world.On the other hand, if they were created, they had to roam the world otherwise they would not have been saved in the ark. They left no fossils other than in Australia. After the flood, all the marsupials in the world would have had to go to Australia and get there before the end of the ice age, when the land bridge disappeared.You have mentioned another fact, which I perceive as difficulty with the creation theory, several times. The extinction of a greater number of species than currently exist is a fact. Evolution provides an explanation for it. I cannot think of how creation can explain that fact other than that the creator made mistakes.