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Author Topic: Arterial site pain  (Read 5170 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: December 01, 2009, 07:44:33 PM »

Hi all,

For the last week or so, I've been having pain in my arterial site towards the end of my 7 hour session - after around five or five and half hours. I wasn't able to sleep because of this pain. Last night however, the pain was quite severe within about 3 hours of starting dialysis. I injected some lignocaine into the area and then also took an IV painkiller - Trammadol. I was able to go on for another hour. After this the pain returned. I closed dialysis.

The area is quite sore. Last nigh, while cannulating, I did not get the correct spot and had to push and pull before the needle went in. I am not sure if the pain was due to that.

The question I had is do the buttonhole sites need to be changed after some time? Has anyone experienced similar pain? Do you think I should change the arterial sites? I have a pair of buttonhole sites and alternate each pair every other day. Both my arterial sites have ben paining and it has been a struggle during the cannulation almost all days.


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« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2009, 09:46:24 PM »

Sometimes the buttonholes have to be abandoned for a time. Maybe your fistula has changed in some way and you need to start again.


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« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2009, 10:18:02 PM »

Thanks for your response Kitkatz. Do you think I should do step ladder with sharps for a while or just establish new buttonholes?


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« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2009, 10:19:57 PM »

That would be up to you and your center or neph.   I had a friend who just could not establish button holes, so now they are back to laddering. You might just need some time to let the fistula mature a little more before going back to buttonholes. Good luck.


Ivanova: "Old Egyptian blessing: May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk." Babylon 5

Remember your present situation is not your final destination.

Take it one day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time.

"If we don't find a way out of this soon, I'm gonna lose it. Lose it... It means go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of ones faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal, wacko!" Jack O'Neill - SG-1
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« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2010, 11:25:37 PM »

I"m glad to see this topic. I have needle pain all the time now. I think the reason why I have been having so much lately is that they stopped rotating my sites. Someone got the brilliant idea to try and establish buttonholes on me-- when clearly, that is not possible. We have tried six different times in the past 4 years-- it can't be done-- no matter how we stick to the procedure to properly establishing them.

The pain has been so bad that I've been considering another transplant. Now that's saying something. hehehe

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« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2010, 06:46:34 AM »

Otto has been having the same thing, he also had to go back to using sharps. The center wants to start a "new" buttonhole but he would need to go there for about a week or 2 and since he can't stand them he is just using sharps.....

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