Thanks everybody for your input, opinions and ideas. A lot for me to think about. Most people went for b). What I found interesting is (if you read my post about Kidney Transplant in "Transplant Stories") that people would rather push the boat out and risk their health to have a kidney transplant in order to have more "normal" life-style, but yet here they would not risk delaying starting dialysis for the sake of holding on to a "normal" life-style.
I feel that I am unfit too. But I had 3 months continuous arthritis attack on my ankles every other week at the beginning of the year. I had to use crutches a lot and sometimes when its severe I am bed ridden. So I am building up my activities again, buts it's sometimes catch 22 as doing sports can set an attack on. So I am swimming more now to build my fitness again.But is it that I feel unfit, or is this a common kidney failure symptom. I wonder if others felt this before starting dialysis. I mentioned before, I drink water like a fish, and I pass urine regularly (and quantity) fine, and I don't have any swelling due to kidney (only when I get a arthritis at affected joints). Is having a good urine function a good sign and a good indicator. I.e. does being out of breath have to be in conjunction with weak urine function to be a strong sign to start dialysis?
PD as an option only lasts a maximum of 5 years, and this is without significant infections - the peritoneum looses its ability to dialyse with time.