This is the future of universal healthcare.
I agree with WallyZ 100% It is some suit with little if any medical background denying people medicine due mainly to the cost.
This is how other countries with Universal healthcare systems keep costs down. By denying people certain medications due soley on the cost of the medicine. This is a major reason Canada has over a 16% higher death rate on cancer and other severe illness patients. Sure the visits may be free but they cut corners where ever they can.
This has not been my experience of the Canadian system Paul. Not even a little bit.
Here is a link to some studies that have compared outcomes of different health issues between our two countries. You will see that wait times for some surgeries are longer here and that can be frustrating but to say that they cut corners wherever they can is not in fact accurate. I do think that with fantastic insurance in the US, the medical care is outstanding. However, many people fall between the cracks through no fault of their own and Canada has a very different philosophy about medicine than does the US. Costs are an issue here (and there BTW) and no system is perfect but I think that you are mistaken and perhaps have some misperceptions or incorrect assumptions about the Canadian system. I have heard many times from Americans that Canadians are told which doctors they can see. I have no idea where this idea came from but it isn't true. I choose my family doctor who refers me to specialists but if I have a preferred specialist, she'll refer me there. There are many things that could be improved on here for sure and from all my time spent within the system I could personally suggest several improvements and indeed ways to save money.
In Canada, like in the US, the system is also variable and what happens in a big city may be quite different in a smaller community and may also vary from province to province. I have been involved with this system in a very chronic way for a long time now and with all due respect Paul, I think that you do not know very well that of which you speak with such confidence. is Wikipedia's comparison, although I'm not suggesting that Wiki is any kind of absolute authority.