I have found, "out of sight, out of mind" where nephrologists are concerned. One of my nephie's had a baby and was gone for 6 months, and her partner only occasionally came by to see her patients. Now that I'm on nocturnal, my neph has totally forgotten about me. Not completely his fault, because he is not usually affiliated with the clinic where I'm doing in-center nocturnal. But sheesh, I'm the kind of person that would follow up on a patient, regardless of wherever they may be, or what modality they were using.
I think, sometimes, that nephies are kinda grateful when we choose alternative treatments because we're one less hassle for them. As long as we don't up and die on them, they can sorta forget about us. Boy, but don't let us have a problem-- because then they say, "I told you so!" when they have to see you. There's one nephrologist I will have to
if he says, "See, home dialysis/nocturnal dialysis/PD is a bad idea..." if I have to see him the emergency room. He should keep the trap shut, because *I* don't go around telling everyone how when I was in his clinic several of his patients seemed to need CPR every treatment.