Ahhhhhhh, a few weeks ago I was admitted with peritonitis caused by a pseudomonas bug which has been living on my exit site, they made me go to the hospital every day for a week to get iv antibiotics and it cleared and my exit site looked great for about 1 week, and now the skin around my exit site is looking a bit red and swollen. which means tomorrow they are likely either to threaten me with line removal and hemo, or ask me to do another week of iv antibiotics. I hate this rubbish, has anyone here had that particular bug, and how did they get rid of it, I am on ciprofloxasin which is an oral antibiotic.Ahhhhhhhhh any idea's Heph
thanks for your reply, I think I will get them to swab it again,
No, I was at clinic yesterday and I made them call a Dr, because my exit site was red and painfull and swollen like a tunneling infection. the Dr arrived about two hours later and done an ultra sound, and told me there was no fluid built up around the line and therefore it was OK, as I was still on cipro,me and my wife were a bit unsure as she was a Jr Dr, but this morning the pain and swelling seem to have gone down and I am comfortable, we shall see them Friday to get the results of the swab and get my exit site checked out.thanks Heph
well we will be waiting another week while on antibiotics, and then the line will come out and ill be on hemo six to eight weeks, not a thought I look forward to.
Angie, the 2 times I had peritonitis they couldnt find what type of bug it was either. Thankfully the AB's cleared it up. Unfortunately I wont ever be going back to PD either.