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Author Topic: Census Bureau Hiring  (Read 14592 times)
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« on: November 13, 2008, 07:14:24 AM »

I found this on Craig's List.  This is part-time temporary so perfect for us.

US Census Bureau now hiring for 2010 Census. Currently recruiting for field positions that begin in early 2009. These jobs are temporary and can be part-time or up to 40 hours a week. Work in your own community. Great pay and mileage reimbursement. For more information check out: www.census.gov/2010censusjobs/index.php.

Call to schedule a basic skills test. These tests will be administered in locations throughout North Idaho and Eastern Washington.

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« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2008, 03:57:00 PM »

I went to take the test today and got a 90%, so if I can do it so can you.  There is a sample test online.  They expressed a need for lots of part-time people who would work their local areas. 

Call 866.861.2010 to sign up for an exam in your local area.



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« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2008, 04:33:33 PM »

Thanks Rerun!  :2thumbsup;

Admin for IHateDialysis 2008 - 2014, retired.
Jenna is our daughter, bad bladder damaged her kidneys.
Was on in-center hemodialysis 2003-2007.
7 yr transplant lost due to rejection.
She did PD Sept. 2013 - July 2017
Found a swap living donor using social media, friends, family.
New kidney in a paired donation swap July 26, 2017.
Her story ---> https://www.facebook.com/WantedKidneyDonor
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« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2008, 05:24:02 PM »

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« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2009, 12:23:42 PM »

Jenna applied and is taking her skills test today!

Admin for IHateDialysis 2008 - 2014, retired.
Jenna is our daughter, bad bladder damaged her kidneys.
Was on in-center hemodialysis 2003-2007.
7 yr transplant lost due to rejection.
She did PD Sept. 2013 - July 2017
Found a swap living donor using social media, friends, family.
New kidney in a paired donation swap July 26, 2017.
Her story ---> https://www.facebook.com/WantedKidneyDonor
Please watch her video: http://youtu.be/D9ZuVJ_s80Y
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« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2009, 06:47:08 PM »

great!  I hope it works out for her  :cheer:

As for me, I'll borrow this thought: "Having never experienced kidney disease, I had no idea how crucial kidney function is to the rest of the body." - KD
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« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2009, 07:25:49 PM »

I hate test and not a real people person. I better not do this one unless it is in an office.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 11:17:20 PM by Chris » Logged

Diabetes -  age 7

Neuropathy in legs age 10

Eye impairments and blindness in one eye began in 95, major one during visit to the Indy 500 race of that year
   -glaucoma and surgery for that
     -cataract surgery twice on same eye (2000 - 2002). another one growing in good eye
     - vitrectomy in good eye post tx November 2003, totally blind for 4 months due to complications with meds and infection

Diagnosed with ESRD June 29, 1999
1st Dialysis - July 4, 1999
Last Dialysis - December 2, 2000

Kidney and Pancreas Transplant - December 3, 2000

Cataract Surgery on good eye - June 24, 2009
Knee Surgery 2010
2011/2012 in process of getting a guide dog
Guide Dog Training begins July 2, 2012 in NY
Guide Dog by end of July 2012
Next eye surgery late 2012 or 2013 if I feel like it
Home with Guide dog - July 27, 2012
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« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2009, 08:20:46 PM »

I took the test on December 16th and have not heard a thing.  I have called them once and they said "don't call us, we'll call you". 

But, that won't stop me.       >:D

Best of luck to Jenna.

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« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2009, 11:55:19 PM »

They told Jenna she passed the test, but she needs to bring her Social Security card in to show them. I think they will call her to set up something. Here's the timeline from their website:

Timeline of Activities

2010 Census Timeline:   
Key Dates
Fall 2008    Recruitment begins for local census jobs for early census operations.
Spring 2009    Census employees go door-to-door to update address list nationwide.
Fall 2009    Recruitment begins for census takers needed for peak workload in 2010.
February – March 2010    Census questionnaires are mailed or delivered to households.
April 1, 2010    Census Day
April – July 2010    Census takers visit households that did not return a questionnaire by mail.
December 2010    By law, Census Bureau delivers population counts to President for apportionment.
March 2011    By law, Census Bureau completes delivery of redistricting data to states.

Admin for IHateDialysis 2008 - 2014, retired.
Jenna is our daughter, bad bladder damaged her kidneys.
Was on in-center hemodialysis 2003-2007.
7 yr transplant lost due to rejection.
She did PD Sept. 2013 - July 2017
Found a swap living donor using social media, friends, family.
New kidney in a paired donation swap July 26, 2017.
Her story ---> https://www.facebook.com/WantedKidneyDonor
Please watch her video: http://youtu.be/D9ZuVJ_s80Y
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News video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-7KvgQDWpU
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« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2009, 08:21:02 PM »

My 19 year old son got called about taking the test next week and to fill out an application in person.

Sunny, 49 year old female
 pre-dialysis with GoodPastures
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« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2009, 05:57:25 AM »

My 19 year old son got called about taking the test next week and to fill out an application in person.

He will need 2 pieces of ID.  Dirver's License, Social Security Card, or Pass Port.   Not a credit card or Bank card.

I want an office job and so they are hiring for that this spring. 

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« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2009, 11:14:39 PM »

Good to know Rerun. I will let my son know about the ID requirement. I hope he gets a job  and I hope you do too.

Sunny, 49 year old female
 pre-dialysis with GoodPastures
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« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2009, 06:41:02 AM »

I want that office job for you Rerun.   :cuddle;

Pyelonephritis (began at 8 mos old)
Home haemo 1980-1985 (self-cannulated with 15 gauge sharps)
Cadaveric transplant 1985
New upper-arm fistula April 2008
Uldall-Cook catheter inserted May 2008
Haemo-dialysis, self care unit June 2008
(2 1/2 hours X 5 weekly)
Self-cannulated, 15 gauge blunts, buttonholes.
Living donor transplant (sister-in law Kathy) Feb. 2009
First failed kidney transplant removed Apr.  2009
Second trx doing great so far...all lab values in normal ranges
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« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2009, 03:31:11 PM »

From the Los Angeles Times
Look who's hiring: the 2010 census
The bureau is offering more than 1 million temporary jobs, and it's getting an overwhelming response from highly qualified applicants.
By Ben Meyerson

March 14, 2009

Reporting from Washington — Layoffs may be sweeping the country, but one enterprise is hiring roughly 1.4 million people nationwide at salaries of $10 to $25 an hour: the 2010 census.

A small army of laborers will be needed to locate, count and categorize each of the nation's residents. This spring, 140,000 workers will verify addresses across the country. And in 2010, an estimated 1.2 million will take to the streets to gather information from people who didn't return their census forms, U.S. Census Bureau spokesman Stephen Buckner said.

The bureau has received an overwhelming response from applicants, Buckner said -- more than 1 million for those first 140,000 jobs. Moreover, he's been hearing from regional census directors that the pool of applicants has been very strong.

"We're getting a very highly qualified group of applicants, people that have college degrees, graduate degrees, doctorate degrees, former lawyers, bankers, even Wall Street-type individuals," he said.

"Keep in mind that these are part-time, temporary jobs, and in these conditions, additional money where you can get it" can help.

Census workers earn $10 to $25 an hour, depending on local supply and demand. Those who work in cities generally earn higher wages, and more of them are needed because of the high concentration of people. However, some of the hardest work is done in the rural areas because homes are so scattered.

"Trying to count every single person living in the United States in a very short amount of time is no small challenge," Buckner said. "We literally have to walk every single street and path and dirt road to make sure we don't miss anyone."

Because of the nation's constantly increasing population, next year's census will be the largest, Buckner said.

The number of counters hired by the Census Bureau is directly proportional to the number of forms that aren't returned, and response rates have fallen since the 1970 census. That year, 78% of people returned their forms voluntarily. But in 2000, only 67% turned in their forms on time.

"It's a lot harder in today's world to get people to respond to the census than it was 20 or 30 years ago," Buckner said.

That lack of response means more feet are needed on the ground, Buckner added.

"We knock on every single door that didn't respond," he said.

Those feet cost money. For every 1% that the response improves, the census saves about $85 million, Buckner said.

The effect of hiring so many people will be a nice little boost, but because most census jobs will be temporary, it's not much of a solution for unemployment, said Daniel Hamermesh, economics professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

"You're getting what you're paying for," Hamermesh said. "It's not a permanent job creation program, but it's a little bit of extra stimulus that wouldn't have otherwise happened. . . . It's not part of a solution at all, no way."

But it is fortunate that the census is happening when the economy needs all the help it can get, Hamermesh said.

"It's a good thing the census is now, rather than two years ago, when the market was very tight," Hamermesh said. "It is some extra spending, and it does keep people off the streets for a bit."



Admin for IHateDialysis 2008 - 2014, retired.
Jenna is our daughter, bad bladder damaged her kidneys.
Was on in-center hemodialysis 2003-2007.
7 yr transplant lost due to rejection.
She did PD Sept. 2013 - July 2017
Found a swap living donor using social media, friends, family.
New kidney in a paired donation swap July 26, 2017.
Her story ---> https://www.facebook.com/WantedKidneyDonor
Please watch her video: http://youtu.be/D9ZuVJ_s80Y
Living Donors Rock! http://www.livingdonorsonline.org -
News video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-7KvgQDWpU
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« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2009, 07:27:43 PM »

They said they would call me.  I should call them again, but I'll wait a few more weeks. 

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« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2010, 03:01:12 PM »

I had taken the test a long time ago but never got a call until today. I will be one of those "field-ops" workers who go to neighborhoods and track down people who did not mail in their forms. I get trained for 5 days the end of April (paid!) and then I will find out where they will send me. Hopefully it's not a really bad part of town, but it could be.

Admin for IHateDialysis 2008 - 2014, retired.
Jenna is our daughter, bad bladder damaged her kidneys.
Was on in-center hemodialysis 2003-2007.
7 yr transplant lost due to rejection.
She did PD Sept. 2013 - July 2017
Found a swap living donor using social media, friends, family.
New kidney in a paired donation swap July 26, 2017.
Her story ---> https://www.facebook.com/WantedKidneyDonor
Please watch her video: http://youtu.be/D9ZuVJ_s80Y
Living Donors Rock! http://www.livingdonorsonline.org -
News video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-7KvgQDWpU
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« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2010, 04:38:43 PM »

They called me a few weeks ago to see if I was still interested in working for them and I said "no."

Be careful Karol.  I hope they send you in pairs.  I mailed mine in.  It was super easy to answer.

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« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2010, 04:51:33 PM »

I live in the boonies.  Too many neighbors around here who greet unexpected visitors with a shotgun and big dog, so I figured I'd pass on the census job!

"Asbestos Gelos"  (As-bes-tos yay-lohs) Greek. Literally, "fireproof laughter".  A term used by Homer for invincible laughter in the face of death and mortality.

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« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2010, 09:07:56 PM »

I worked for the census 10 years ago as a manager.  First I worked as a Special Places Operations Manager and then as a Non-Response Follow up Manager.  It was good money at the time.  I really enjoyed it.  They really do try and count everyone.  We went to homeless shelters and soup kitchens and one night we had to search areas of known homeless people to count them. 
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« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2010, 09:10:52 PM »

This pays $17 per hour, even for the 40 hours for training.
And 15 cents per mile.
So we'll see, it will be interesting anyway.

Admin for IHateDialysis 2008 - 2014, retired.
Jenna is our daughter, bad bladder damaged her kidneys.
Was on in-center hemodialysis 2003-2007.
7 yr transplant lost due to rejection.
She did PD Sept. 2013 - July 2017
Found a swap living donor using social media, friends, family.
New kidney in a paired donation swap July 26, 2017.
Her story ---> https://www.facebook.com/WantedKidneyDonor
Please watch her video: http://youtu.be/D9ZuVJ_s80Y
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« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2010, 12:01:42 AM »

Seems like that could be a fun job. As Rerun said, they should send you out in pairs, safer for a woman that way. I am going to sign up when they hire 16,500 people to make sure every one has insurance. ( Just kidding )

One day at a time, thats all I can do.
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« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2010, 08:24:23 AM »

.15 cents a mile.  That is crazy.  The going price is like .45 a mile for most companies at least around here.  The hourly rate is decent though.

be careful Carol and anyone else who goes door to door.  Many people think it is nonsense to have to mail the census in let alone answer questions in person which are so personnel.

Curiosity killed the cat
Satisfaction brought it back

Operation for PD placement 7-14-09
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« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2010, 10:32:26 AM »

$17 an hour even for training?!  Great!   I hope this is "me" money, Okarol and doesn't have to be used for bills or family   :2thumbsup;

It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.
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« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2010, 09:53:40 PM »

I have been working for the census since April. It's been an interesting experience and I have met all kinds of people, some were great, and some were real characters.  We are in the final phase of checking deletions, vacancies and confirming questionnaires that need follow up. Having not worked at a paying job since Jenna was born (24 years ago) I feel like this has been a good stepping stone for me. The last few weeks more and more workers have been laid off and somehow I have been kept on so far. I have spent the last 20 years raising kids and doing volunteer work in our community. Then a couple years ago I added IHD and livingdonorsonline to my responsibilities. But it's funny how rewarding it is to do something where you HAVE to be accountable. I actually feel competent! Getting paid is also a bonus - I am happy to be helping us out financially right now. In the next few days my work may end but I have gained a lot (I think using more brain cells has been good!) and I am grateful for the experience. So thank you Rerun, for starting me on this path.

Admin for IHateDialysis 2008 - 2014, retired.
Jenna is our daughter, bad bladder damaged her kidneys.
Was on in-center hemodialysis 2003-2007.
7 yr transplant lost due to rejection.
She did PD Sept. 2013 - July 2017
Found a swap living donor using social media, friends, family.
New kidney in a paired donation swap July 26, 2017.
Her story ---> https://www.facebook.com/WantedKidneyDonor
Please watch her video: http://youtu.be/D9ZuVJ_s80Y
Living Donors Rock! http://www.livingdonorsonline.org -
News video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-7KvgQDWpU
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« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2010, 09:56:25 PM »

This pays $17 per hour, even for the 40 hours for training.
And 15 cents per mile.
So we'll see, it will be interesting anyway.

Oh and it is 50 cents a mile!

Admin for IHateDialysis 2008 - 2014, retired.
Jenna is our daughter, bad bladder damaged her kidneys.
Was on in-center hemodialysis 2003-2007.
7 yr transplant lost due to rejection.
She did PD Sept. 2013 - July 2017
Found a swap living donor using social media, friends, family.
New kidney in a paired donation swap July 26, 2017.
Her story ---> https://www.facebook.com/WantedKidneyDonor
Please watch her video: http://youtu.be/D9ZuVJ_s80Y
Living Donors Rock! http://www.livingdonorsonline.org -
News video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-7KvgQDWpU
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