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Author Topic: Anyone else yell at their home PD machine?  (Read 6812 times)
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Posts: 31

« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2013, 05:03:26 PM »

Maybe I just have it good but I have a Baxter and have never had an alarm - maybe you need an adjustment on the machine....or your  ;)  I'm good at laying in one position.  The way I do it is to put a long pillow under my legs and sleep on my side.

3rd generation of Alports Syndrome: 1st generation: 4 uncles died in 20's - next generation: 2 uncles transplanted at 40, 1 died from cancer as result of rejection medication, other still alive at 65 with 20+ year transplant from sister (a carrier of Alports) but mulitple cancer surgeries through the years...looks like he is 85 years old.
1961: Blood and Protien in urine since birth
Doctors telling me kidneys would fail - every year for 50 years now! No hearing loss, just ringing
(Really think ace inhibitors and beta blockers since high school helped my surprising longevity - if you are NOT on an ace inhibitor, please ask your doctor why)
2012: GFR: 18 at present - on transplant list but they are going to have to convice me after seeing my uncles.
Preparing for dialysis
Younger brother on dialysis now for 2 years
Fistula Surgery at Mayo Clinic: failed
Going in for 2nd attempt at a fistula with different doctor - different vein
9/7/12 2nd attempt at fistula - WORKING! Mayo ruined 2 veins and St Vincents got one working!
Need additional surgery when fistual matures to bring closer to the skin.
GFR 17 - so plenty of time
WOW...just when I thought I had plenty of time - my GFR dropped to 13 in a month - guess I better get that fistula moved forward.
Moved it forward and have a thriving...thrilling fistual...BUT
Just when I did all that, I decided to go the PD route...so glad I did.
Now do PD every night and all seems to be going very well...for about a year.
Now on hemo dialysis at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
Every Mon Wed and Friday for 4 hours at 400 pump speed.
Its really not that bad.....
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