I started having REALLY bad pain on my left shoulder. It hurt so bad after I went to dialysis and found my cath was fine, it's also on my left side upper chest, I actually went to the ER the next day! Takes A LOT to get me to go to ER. It hurt when I moved or even breathing. I thought icy might be a pulmonary embolism since I've had one before. Turns out it pneumonia. Who knew?!?!? I'm so happy I went. Started antibiotics ASAP and in 2 days it's getting better but still very painful. I have been very fatigued also but no fever. So just a warning to those like me that have to have EXTREME pain or be close to death to go into ER. If you get a pain that is unusual get it checked out!!!
Very interested in this thread. I have been having very severe left shoulder pain which when admitted to hospital found I had pneumonia and pleurisy.
I had a pleural rub (where the lung gets stuck/rubs against lining) which took my breath away and I needed morphine to just breathe never mind move.
I too hate going into hospital but unfortunately i have been dogged my additional illnesses to my kidney failure of late.
Apparently because of the extra fluid dialysis patients carry, we are prone to this.