It has now been 6 months after my transplant and I have had my share of ups and downs and now I'm going through one of those downers
About 6 weeks ago I had 2 ops, the arteries to my new kidney had narrowed and I had an Angioplasty procedure to widen both the arteries, the next day I had a stent re-inserted. After the initial transplant my creatinine steadily kept on rising but went down to 135 after the Angioplasty.
Soon after I was put on to Sirolimus and I never felt better on it however being a diabetic and history of high cholesterol there was a side effect to this new fats in the blood has risen to dangerous levels so I was put back on to Tacrolimus and now I feel so tired especially after a days work.
I'm due to have my stent removed very soon.