I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Rerun on March 28, 2006, 06:55:18 PM

Title: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Rerun on March 28, 2006, 06:55:18 PM
I went to Burger King today to get a Junior Whooper with no tomato, cheese, or pickles. (bla)

I walked in and saw the pictures of:  Cheese Cake, Bacon and Cheese Burger, Milk Shakes, Ice Cream, Cookies, French Fries.  I just wanted to grab the clerk and tell her to "JUST GIVE ME 1freaking FRENCH FRY"!!   This diet sucks.  I was going out on a limb eating the Jr. Whooper.  It is just SO unfair!   >:D

Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Sara on March 28, 2006, 07:01:27 PM
That sucks.  Was your meat on a bun at least fairly tasty?
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Epoman on March 28, 2006, 10:20:06 PM
I went to Burger King today to get a Junior Whooper with no tomato, cheese, or pickles. (bla)

I walked in and saw the pictures of:  Cheese Cake, Bacon and Cheese Burger, Milk Shakes, Ice Cream, Cookies, French Fries.  I just wanted to grab the clerk and tell her to "JUST GIVE ME 1freaking FRENCH FRY"!!   This diet sucks.  I was going out on a limb eating the Jr. Whooper.  It is just SO unfair!   >:D

What? Man, I order my Whopper (NOT Jr.) with EVERYTHING plus a LARGE fry, and Coke. Rerun just take extra binders. It's not going to kill you to cheat on your diet, but you know that already so what are you doing? ENJOY FOOD!!!  >:D

- Epoman
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Rerun on March 28, 2006, 11:11:46 PM
Even when I'm really good, my Phosphorus is 8.8.  I don't know if that is "really" bad, but my Dietition sounds like I've committed a crime!  So, if I cheat and get away with it, I'll just do it more and more!  I don't do that great when I'm trying!!   :(  I'm scared to eat french fries because of the potassium.  Like after the fourth one my heart will stop or something!  Sometimes I wish there was just "another" pill I could take that would satisfy my nutritional needs and I wouldn't have to eat!
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Epoman on March 28, 2006, 11:32:08 PM
Even when I'm really good, my Phosphorus is 8.8.  I don't know if that is "really" bad, but my Dietition sounds like I've committed a crime!  So, if I cheat and get away with it, I'll just do it more and more!  I don't do that great when I'm trying!!   :(  I'm scared to eat french fries because of the potassium.  Like after the fourth one my heart will stop or something!  Sometimes I wish there was just "another" pill I could take that would satisfy my nutritional needs and I wouldn't have to eat!

That is one of the saddest things I have ever heard. Damn, I love to eat. I eat a lot of French Fry's (YUM! Chili Fries, Extra Crispy) But I have over done it before and my Potassium can get high. I know my Potassium is high when by Sunday night I have diarrhea. Diarrhea is the body's own natural way of getting rid of excess potassium. Believe me Rerun eating a order of Fries is not going to STOP your heart, if it did I would have been dead years ago.  :-[ ;)

- Epoman
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: fireguy on March 29, 2006, 02:53:53 PM
That makes two of us. Numbers be dam, enjoy what you want from time to time. Life too short as it is . If you want fries, enjoy them in moderation , the only thing I avoid as much as I can is salt. All other foods are fair game as long as I do not make a pig of myself.
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: kitkatz on April 10, 2006, 01:18:48 AM
This not a rant, but a plea for help. Maybe it is a rant is a small way.

I fell off the renal diet wagon, I mean fell off, and got run over by the wagon.  So now I am re-researching the renal diet.  I am hunting for tips, hints, rants, raves, anything that will help me.
After six days in the hospital I learned I am not superwoman and need to get my stuff together.  The chest pain has really gotten me to thinking about my mortality.

I am hunting up nutritional values on line.  I will share what I learn.

Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: susie q on April 15, 2006, 07:19:46 AM
I confess!!!!  I went Easter shopping for my grandkids yesterday and I bought myself some CHOCOLATE MINT easter eggs!!  I've only eaten one so far  :-\  it was sooooo good! but I feel guilty.. should I eat the other 2??  ;D  ( well, ya know I'm gonna)  >:D :)
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: kitkatz on April 15, 2006, 11:44:32 AM
And enjoy every  bite! >:D
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: hephziba on May 06, 2006, 08:53:21 AM
I find diet really stinks, Im supposed to servive on low potassium low phosphate, my pottasium is usually around 5.5 which is high allready, the worst it ever got was 9 I was taken into hospital with a line infection and some really clever dr prescribed a POTASSIUM DRIP I warned them but an hour later they rushed me to resuss where my limbs stopped working for about two hours, apparently the effect of potassium overdose on the muscles. SCARY anyhow they later gave me another medication to protect my heart that burnt a hole in my arm resulting in plastic surgery(sorry ranting back to diet)

So my potassiums allways high I pretty much stick to the diet, I cheat occasionally with a cherry tomato, never bannana, occasionally chocalate but not much, how awfull would life be without chocalate. the english stuff !!!! the american stuff has a plastic like preservative to keep it from melting, apparently you have sunshine in your country(Jelous cold englishman)

Phosphate,mine is allways high I take phosphate binders limit my dairy intake, and still get itchy skin and red eyes.

Protein: this kills me, when i got sick I stopped eating everything but toast, that was all I could hold down. Eating meat for me , is still like eating boot leather, or cement, eggs are to rich Im not keen beans, but Im on capd, and my dietician told me I need to increase my protein intake by 9% that means instead of one burgers worth of meat a day 10, the one alone makes me sick......

anyway so cheese is full of protein but high in phosphate as is milk both things I love ???????

Hope nobody minds my complaining, Diet stinks, and dieticians treat adults like children, "Hi im the dietician tell me what food you like? mmmmhmm yep no more of that for you Id like you to scrap your entire diet, dont know what to eat ? not my problem, Im the dietician and ps you done it all wrong ha ha ha ha ha, oh yeah and your feeling to sick and tired to cook, well take away is out, its to high in potassium and salt, anyway good to see you, I am off to get lunch I think Ill have the full english breakfast". >:D :'(
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Rerun on May 06, 2006, 11:12:16 AM
Hephziba, I'm the same way.  This week I'm feeling sick and don't want to eat at all.  So, is it better to not eat, or to eat cheese and milk the only things I half way desire.  I do like the drink "Nepro" that is for dialysis patients.  I think we talked about that here. 

Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: kitkatz on May 06, 2006, 07:49:53 PM
I have not had problems with eating protein. I love it. I could eat it morning noon and night, and I do.  I crave it sometimes as a matter of fact.  Isn't that weird?  I have higher phosphate but pretty much do okay on everything else.

I eat pretty much what i want, but I do watch the calcium, potassium and phosphorous intake.

Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Panda_9 on May 12, 2006, 07:09:37 AM
Geez you people are scaring me!! Back when I was on in centre dialysis it would only take me to eat more than a few slices of tomato and I would get a high potassium and sometimes end up in hospital.
At first I didnt really realise the seriousness of it but now Ive had a couple of scary incidents, I now realise that we are put on this diet for a reason. Sure you can cheat a little bit occaisionally, but to ignore it all together then you are asking for trouble.
If your potassiums gets too high, you can have a heart attack, and there is not much chance that you can be revived, as you have no way of getting rid of the postassium. This was enough to scare me into following the diet.
Now Im on nocturnal your diet is pretty much free, but Im not perfect, I have alot of trouble with the fluid restrictions.
So please take care of yourselves!
I have been through the treatment for a high potassium and its not nice! Ever tried drinking a cup of sand?
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: kevno on May 14, 2006, 11:29:10 AM
The last time I was on treatment for high potassium was in the 70's, it was not like sand then. It was like thousands of little beads, that got stuck in your teeth. It was horrible. As children we always ran rates of 6 - 7+.

Now back on dialysis my levels are always around 4 - 5 never more than 5.1. I am very lucky, I do not stick to the renal diet, just very roughly. There is no cheating on the renal diet, just what you can get away with, without harming yourself. Plus making sure your lab results are OK.

Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Epoman on May 14, 2006, 02:47:23 PM
Geez you people are scaring me!! Back when I was on in centre dialysis it would only take me to eat more than a few slices of tomato and I would get a high potassium and sometimes end up in hospital.
At first I didnt really realise the seriousness of it but now Ive had a couple of scary incidents, I now realise that we are put on this diet for a reason. Sure you can cheat a little bit occaisionally, but to ignore it all together then you are asking for trouble.
If your potassiums gets too high, you can have a heart attack, and there is not much chance that you can be revived, as you have no way of getting rid of the postassium. This was enough to scare me into following the diet.
Now Im on nocturnal your diet is pretty much free, but Im not perfect, I have alot of trouble with the fluid restrictions.
So please take care of yourselves!
I have been through the treatment for a high potassium and its not nice! Ever tried drinking a cup of sand?

Not sure what your talking about with the cup of sand thing, but where I live they give you two spoonfuls of this liquid that looks like diarrhea. It causes you to have diarrhea to purge the excess potassium. Diarrhea is the body's own natural way of purging potassium. I know when my potassium gets too high because I will have diarrhea by Sunday night sometimes. My potassium is usually in the 5 range which is normal, they start getting worried with 5.5+ mine was as high a 8 one time which is VERY high and dangerous. But like with everything, everyone's body is different and can stand different levels. I eat a lot of bad foods (in moderation) but I don't have a problem with my potassium, usually.

What is sodium polystyrene sulfonate? Name Brand: Kayexalate

Sodium polystyrene sulfonate is an ion-exchange resin. It loses a sodium ion, that is replaced by a potassium ion. This reduces potassium in the blood.

Sodium polystyrene sulfonate is used to treat hyperkalemia (high levels of potassium in the blood).

- Epoman

P.S. aMbEr_79 Please see this thread: http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=411.0 Other new members this applies to you as well. I need all members to post in that thread with a reply so I know you have read it.
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Rerun on May 14, 2006, 02:54:18 PM
Are we talking "Kaxolate?" (SP)   When I still had my transplant and was fighting High Blood Pressure, I was on Enapril for it.  Sometimes Enapril produces high potassium.  The Dr. perscribed Kaxolate and my bowel ruptured and I ended up with emergency surgery and 6 inches of my bowel removed and 3 days later they brought me a full meal and I ate it and split the bowel and then ended up with a colostomy for 9 months.  Don't get me started on Kaxolate!!   >:D
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Epoman on May 14, 2006, 02:59:12 PM
Are we talking "Kaxolate?" (SP)   When I still had my transplant and was fighting High Blood Pressure, I was on Enapril for it.  Sometimes Enapril produces high potassium.  The Dr. perscribed Kaxolate and my bowel ruptured and I ended up with emergency surgery and 6 inches of my bowel removed and 3 days later they brought me a full meal and I ate it and split the bowel and then ended up with a colostomy for 9 months.  Don't get me started on Kaxolate!!   >:D

Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: meadowlandsnj on May 14, 2006, 03:04:47 PM
I don't smoke.  I don't drink. I don't take drugs.  I live with my parents.  I don't have sex. (Well not in a long time)  If I want a peice of chocolate dammit I'm having it!!   >:D  I really try to keep to the diet but sometimes I allow myself something not on the diet.  Thank God I have a great dietician who I can speak honestly to.  She always tells me stay away from the obvious stuff but everything in moderation.  We have a whole booklet they give us with do's and don'ts and diet tips.  I work with what I can have and sometimes I have chocolate, tomato, ect but I never over do it.  Life is too short to be too worried about every little thing you're putting n your mouth.  My bloodwork has been good and I find that that's the true barometer of how I'm eating.  I am a member of another e-mail group for dialysis people and I put together a bunch of recipes for the other people on the list. I'm thinking of making a booklet of dialysis recipes and pointers.  Have it published maybe and have the proceeds go to various kidney charities.  Maybe I can be the Rachel Ray of dialysis cooking!  (For those of you who don't know and live out of the USA she's famous for her 30 miutes meals and she's a chef on the Food Channel)  
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Panda_9 on May 14, 2006, 06:06:23 PM
Im not sure what the sand stuff is called, but its a powder they mix into a cup of water. But it doesnt really dissolve. It is very simmilar to sand LOL Plus I had stuff through the IV as well. I cant remember what it was as I was pretty out of it. My potassium was 6.8. My body must be one of those that doesnt tolerate potassium very well. Im fine on nocturnal, its been good. And I can finally have tomato, bananas, avocado, juice, and chocolate!!! So if any of you are offered the chance to do nocturnal dialysis, its worth it just for the food part! Your diet is pretty much unrestricted, but obviously you cant go and eat 10 bananas in one hit lol
It took alot of convincing to get me to go onto nocturnal, but now Ive been on it, I will never go back to conventional dialysis. It makes you feel better in yourself, and eventually is supposed to make you feel virtually back to normal. My bloods have been good, you dont have to take any binders/horse tablets, and that little thing called your sex drive creeps back  :D
Sorry I have ranted on a bit, but I like to encourage people any way I can.
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!/nocturnal in center dialysis
Post by: meadowlandsnj on May 15, 2006, 04:02:39 PM
Do you do in center hemo?  My kidney doc told me they're thinking of starting a program where you do in center overnight hemo for 6-8 hours a night while you sleep there.  I don't like the way he asked me, though.  He came up to me and said "you're not married, no kids so this is perfect for you. You have nothing at home at night."  WHAT????? Oh, okay.  I don't have a life because I'm not married and don't have kids?  I have nothing at home?  Made me feel even more like a freak........
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: hyperlite on May 15, 2006, 04:52:54 PM
yeah overnight hemo sounds cool at first glance, but i think in actuality it would suck! 1) i like my own bed...2) id have to always sleep there...so no going anywhere friday night and 3) well heres a little scenario: "you wanna come to my place, or yours?"  -"umm well actually i have to go to the hospital...youre welcome to come"   hahaha wouldnt that be interesting!

yeah doc could i get a double bed tonight? wink wink nudge nudge hahaha
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Panda_9 on May 19, 2006, 03:42:19 PM
Gee you would think the doctor could of told you the benefits of it at least.
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Panda_9 on June 05, 2006, 05:41:21 AM
A few things about overnight/nocturnal that you may not know....

1. You can go out at night, you are not on the machine every night, YOU choose your nights
2. Here we do 8-10 hours per treatment, so basically its no different to going to bed at night any other day
3. If you want to stay somewhere over night, you can plan around it. You can even occaisionally have a night off.
4. You can eat whatever you want
5. Your bloods come close to normal or come to normal.
6. It reduces or eliminates alot of the horrible things like itching, tiredness, nausea
7. You dont have to take binders, and often wont need BP meds

Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Epoman on June 05, 2006, 06:07:01 PM
yeah overnight hemo sounds cool at first glance, but i think in actuality it would suck! 1) i like my own bed...2) id have to always sleep there...so no going anywhere friday night and 3) well heres a little scenario: "you wanna come to my place, or yours?"  -"umm well actually i have to go to the hospital...youre welcome to come"   hahaha wouldnt that be interesting!

yeah doc could i get a double bed tonight? wink wink nudge nudge hahaha

Well you can take a nite off (on nocturnal) for bumping uglies.  ;D but yeah, nocturnal is not ideal for a young single.

- Epoman
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Panda_9 on June 05, 2006, 07:26:42 PM
Ewww that saying bumping uglies is wrong lol
I dont think any sort of dialysis is suited for single life, unless you meet someone who is very understanding. I met my fiance prior to dialysis, but at the time I knew I would end up on it. I explained it to him as best I could, I dont think I went into great detail, and he hung around. I really dont think he thought it was anything like it is.
If anyone here on dialysis has the energy to go out and party (and try to pick up in your case), well whats your secret, because I really would like to know!
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: hyperlite on June 06, 2006, 07:31:59 AM
Ewww that saying bumping uglies is wrong lol
I dont think any sort of dialysis is suited for single life, unless you meet someone who is very understanding. I met my fiance prior to dialysis, but at the time I knew I would end up on it. I explained it to him as best I could, I dont think I went into great detail, and he hung around. I really dont think he thought it was anything like it is.
If anyone here on dialysis has the energy to go out and party (and try to pick up in your case), well whats your secret, because I really would like to know!

I dunno I usually feel fine on the weekends...I guess just eating right, a little excercise and probably being young helps?  :D
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Panda_9 on June 06, 2006, 08:48:42 AM
LOL good for you!
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: julian230 on October 01, 2008, 07:55:56 PM
Even when I'm really good, my Phosphorus is 8.8.  I don't know if that is "really" bad, but my Dietition sounds like I've committed a crime!  So, if I cheat and get away with it, I'll just do it more and more!  I don't do that great when I'm trying!!   :(  I'm scared to eat french fries because of the potassium.  Like after the fourth one my heart will stop or something!  Sometimes I wish there was just "another" pill I could take that would satisfy my nutritional needs and I wouldn't have to eat!

That is one of the saddest things I have ever heard. Damn, I love to eat. I eat a lot of French Fry's (YUM! Chili Fries, Extra Crispy) But I have over done it before and my Potassium can get high. I know my Potassium is high when by Sunday night I have diarrhea. Diarrhea is the body's own natural way of getting rid of excess potassium. Believe me Rerun eating a order of Fries is not going to STOP your heart, if it did I would have been dead years ago.  :-[ ;)

- Epoman

This may sound gross , but I don't mind getting the diarrhea , get rid of all that extra fluid! (And I'll be able to drink a bit more)  :P
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: twirl on October 01, 2008, 08:12:23 PM
i feel the same way about diarrhea
I always weight less after diarrhea
but I do not like to have it when I am in the chair in center
techs are slow about getting us off the lines
glad to know I am not alone
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: monrein on October 01, 2008, 08:32:23 PM
Problem is, high potassium can kill a person pretty suddenly.  First time I was on D, a guy in my unit lived, but only because his heart attack happened in the parking lot and someone noticed him and they brought him back from the brink.

I don't mean to scare you guys, cuz I know you know this stuff, but getting high potassium symptoms is dangerous living. 

Julian, you're new, you're a cutie pie.  We don't want to lose you.  Don't know you near well enough yet to have you slip off the cliff.

Twirl.  I hope by now you know how much I think of you.  I can't take any unnecessary trauma here so.....please take care.

I don't mean to scold, but the cheating has to be smart.

Diarrhea to lose fluid is like bulimia to lose calories.  Interesting in the short term but hard as crap on the whole body and could be fatal.  Nothing to do with sounding gross, just worries me.

Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Wallyz on October 01, 2008, 09:30:19 PM
After I switched to home nocturnal, my diet normalized. I havelow potassium and good phosphorus . Just sayin'.

An I had an ice cream float tonight. :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: draven on October 02, 2008, 01:36:27 AM
Have to agree with monrein, i had my levels undercontrol or so i thought. feeling perfectly fine on a saturday afternoon, had a burger and fries and by the evening had a b.p of 180 over 112 and throwing up and unable to walk.

"eat what u like but in moderation"

i also think if u cheat on the diet you should do it in the week, not when there are long gaps towards your next dialysis session.
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: KarenInWA on October 02, 2008, 12:28:28 PM
After I switched to home nocturnal, my diet normalized. I havelow potassium and good phosphorus . Just sayin'.

An I had an ice cream float tonight. :2thumbsup;

So, Wallyz, does this mean you can have a Steaming Pile of Manure with me at that coffee and ice cream place?  Couldn't resist, I just had to go there!

In case anyone is wondering, Steaming Pile of Manure is a chocolate mint ice cream dish at a place called The Spotted Cow!  I had to order it just for the name.  ;D

Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: julian230 on October 02, 2008, 09:58:40 PM
Have to agree with monrein, i had my levels undercontrol or so i thought. feeling perfectly fine on a saturday afternoon, had a burger and fries and by the evening had a b.p of 180 over 112 and throwing up and unable to walk.

"eat what u like but in moderation"

i also think if u cheat on the diet you should do it in the week, not when there are long gaps towards your next dialysis session.

Exactly ! I never understood people who would skip a friday dialysis session and come back all bloaty and horrid looking on monday ! And Before I cheat on my diet , i usually do it rightBEFORE dialysis in front of my dietitian who gives me the evil eyes, and walks away
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: RichardMEL on October 03, 2008, 12:37:47 AM
After I switched to home nocturnal, my diet normalized. I havelow potassium and good phosphorus . Just sayin'.

An I had an ice cream float tonight. :2thumbsup;

So, Wallyz, does this mean you can have a Steaming Pile of Manure with me at that coffee and ice cream place?  Couldn't resist, I just had to go there!

In case anyone is wondering, Steaming Pile of Manure is a chocolate mint ice cream dish at a place called The Spotted Cow!  I had to order it just for the name.  ;D


Sounds like an awesome dish to order on a date.... "I'd like a steaming pile of manure... - no dear I mean the dish not you...."

(you can see why I'm single now, can't you? :) )
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: Zach on October 03, 2008, 05:01:44 AM

This may sound gross , but I don't mind getting the diarrhea , get rid of all that extra fluid! (And I'll be able to drink a bit more)  :P

Along with fluid, you may also lose some nutrition.

Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: RightSide on October 07, 2008, 12:27:57 AM
I guess everybody's different.  Two weeks ago, my nephrologist told me that based on my blood work, my potassium level is dangerously LOW.  He told me to eat one banana a day and he'll check my blood work again in a few weeks.  I was stunned.
Title: Re: Rant About Renal Diet!
Post by: kitkatz on October 07, 2008, 03:53:34 PM
Hurray for you! I would kill someone for a banana!  :bandance;