I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Spouses and Caregivers => Topic started by: billybags on November 27, 2011, 03:36:19 AM

Title: xmas shopping
Post by: billybags on November 27, 2011, 03:36:19 AM
Well girls, I had a lovely day in the City with my daughter yesterday It was really nice to have some me time, went for lunch, shared a bottle of wine (you know what I am like with wine) and I even bought my self a Christmas dress, it is lovely. Thing is I don't know when I will wear it. We do not socialise that much now and I suppose I miss that, but ay I have a dress if any one asks us out. So all the Xmas shopping is done, just need to wrap.

What would you like for Christmas besides a new heart, kidney, lung for your loved one. Shall we start a list?

I would like perfume my favorite is: The One, Dolce and Gabana. I wear it every day, an old woman once said to me, she wears perfume for the milkman, the paper boy and the shop keepers, I do the same. Oh I forgot the Doctors.
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Poppylicious on November 27, 2011, 07:05:16 AM
I wear perfume everyday.  Unless I'm just wearing Impulse.  I like Chanel No. 5 and Black XS by Paco Rabanne.


I'm going shopping with my Mummy in a week or so.  I love shopping with my Mummy.  She doesn't 'do' wine though.  If you lived nearer me I'd suggest getting on our GladRags and heading off into town for the evening!

Do you like wrapping?  Will you please come and wrap my pressies up?!
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Kitty Cat on November 27, 2011, 08:48:30 AM
One thing Mark & I always wanted to get was a Wii. Now that he's gone and I'm still trying to get adjusted, I bought myself one for Xmas.  :clap;  It's primarily for the Wii sports with the bowling.

I haven't set it up yet, but am planning on it in the next couple days. I can't wait!! I found tetris for it also, plus as the grandsons get a little older, they'll be able to play.

Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: billybags on November 27, 2011, 09:31:44 AM
wow, that is adventurous. My grand kids have got one and I must say it wares me out. Hope you are keeping busy and that you are OK.Sending love.
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Kitty Cat on November 27, 2011, 04:27:19 PM
thank you billybags. I'm doing okay, now that the holidays are here, not so great but pushing onward. My car is in the shop, will be for a few more days, I've decided that I missed the electricity during those storms more than the car being fixed (another Xmas present to myself) :-)    At least thanks to the internet I could finish shopping without burning the gas!

I've strung some Xmas lights, I love them! They look like melting icicles, plus I've bought more but not quite sure where they're going to go yet....maybe decorate the dog???  just kidding!

I don't like wrapping either, so if anybody would love to do that job for me, I'd love to have you!!! lol
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: willowtreewren on November 27, 2011, 04:56:36 PM
I LOVE to wrap gifts! So, you ladies can just whisk me over to your place and set me to work!

 :clap; :clap;

I'm not sure what I would want for a gift, though. I am NOT hard to please.....I think I like UNWRAPPING as much as whatever is inside!

 :rofl; :rofl;

There you have it. I like to wrap and unwrap!  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Kitty Cat, I'm glad to hear from you. I was thinking of how hard the first holidays are without a loved one. They get easier, though.  :grouphug;

Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Jean on November 27, 2011, 11:37:46 PM
I would like to have a Christmas Sweater. Can I find one??? NO!!!
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: okarol on November 28, 2011, 12:06:28 PM
I would like to have a Christmas Sweater. Can I find one??? NO!!!
I like this one http://www.beallsflorida.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product__10151_-1_12003_717218?cm_mmc=CI-_-CSE-_-CSE-_-CSE&srccode=cii_5784816&cpncode=21-181957580-2
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: MooseMom on November 28, 2011, 12:47:10 PM
I used to really like Christmas shopping, but I don't have anyone to shop for anymore.  I know that sounds really pitiful, but I promise you, it's not. :rofl;  My parents are both gone now, and my husband's parents are, well, I don't have a nice word for them. :P  I used to go out of my way to find nice little gifts for them, and one year I even made pralines for them (I'm not much of a cook, so this was quite the project.  I spend a fair amount of money on real Madagascar vanilla.).  But that all ended the year that hubby's mom bought for me a necklace and earring set...still with the price tag on.  $10, Made In China.  Oh yes, it IS the thought that counts, and I knew EXACTLY what thought she was trying to convey!  haha!  So I told my husband that if he wanted to shop for presents for his parents, then go right ahead but leave me out of it.  I haven't seen these people for years, so any money that I would have spent for gifts for them goes to charity.

However, I did pick up a couple of nice little things for the people I see a lot, my neph's nurse and the phlebotomist!  :rofl;  My neph's nurse has been really good to me over these past 7 years, so I got her a ring with sparkly tassles on it that's kinda cool.  I'd noticed that she always wears jewelry, so I thought I'd take a chance and get her a fun piece.  The phlebotomist I see each month is from Poland, and she always seems really tense and nervous.  I saw her last week for my monthly Gift of Hope draw, and she seemed really eager to talk, and I couldn't help but feel she might be lonely.  So I got her a velvet bag stuffed with lavender that is for draping over the eyes while relaxing.

Actually, this year I DID get something for hubby's mom; I guess I have my softie moments.  I got her a Nepalese scarf made of cotton; it looks like filigree and is purplish with multi-colored nubs.  It's really quite attractive.  Her favorite color is purple, so I thought she'd like it.  It will probably make her feel insulted or angry for some reason, though.  She's like that. ::)
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Kitty Cat on November 28, 2011, 03:50:24 PM
The UPS guy just left here, after dropping off some of the grandsons presents. I looked at the poor guy and said, you and I are going to be seeing a lot of each other this season, he laughed, I thought he really doesn't know how serious I am!!   :rofl;

My mother in law is getting a memory lamp that has a beautiful flower and hummingbird on it...in memory of Mark, don't know how that will go over, we'll see. It is beautiful though... my daughter and her hubby have a new tv, they had no space for themselves so this tv really helps. The kids will sit in their bedroom watching movies with them. Especially Little Einsteins, how Pierce (18 mos) loves that show!

Still haven't set up the Wii, my heart just isn't into any of it...the counseling I assume is helping but it's only been 2 weeks so far too.

Now Aleta, you are more than welcome here to wrap....I made a face at what the UPS guy brought because it means it's now or never!! I don't want to be up half of Xmas eve wrapping stuff, I stopped that many many years ago!! Tomorrow....I'll wrap them tomorrow.....yup...sure....lol!!
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: MooseMom on November 28, 2011, 04:09:43 PM
Kitty Cat, your gifts sound like such fun, and they are so thoughtful.  I hope the spirit of giving pleasure to your loved ones will blunt your sadness at this time of year.   :cuddle;
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: looneytunes on November 28, 2011, 06:52:20 PM
Hi ladies...I got quite a grin out of reading this thread tonite.  Thanks to all of you.    I LIKE TO WRAP!  and I do a fair job of it.  My creative side comes out though so you may not want me to wrap your gifts...one never knows which is the gift, the wrappings or what's inside!  It's a lot of fun. So if you want me to pop in...just let me know. 

I also do not have many to shop for anymore.  Just the grandkiddos, their parents and hubby.  But, I also buy a few little gifts for special people I see a lot. 

For me this year...I'd like something really frivolous..like jewelry, perfume or a soft silky something. 
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Desert Dancer on November 28, 2011, 11:37:11 PM
Do you like wrapping?  Will you please come and wrap my pressies up?!

I love, love, LOVE wrapping presents; aside from seeing them opened I think it's my favorite part. It's too bad you're so far away!

A little advice for all of you out there with fistulas this shopping season: have your significant other walk on your fistula side to protect it or - if you're alone - be conscious of the crowds bumping into it. Children, in particular, don't pay any attention to where they're walking (or skipping, or hopping, or dancing, or...) and you can get a nasty knock if you're not careful. Andy walks on my left when we're out together and when I'm alone I always put my left arm behind me when anyone is approaching. 

Just a thought!
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: MooseMom on November 29, 2011, 02:12:29 AM
I just don't have the patience for wrapping.  I'm afraid I'm a lazy toad and resort to gift bags. ::)
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Traveller1947 on November 29, 2011, 02:57:05 AM
Great thread, billybags!  Just reading the posts put me in the Christmas spirit!  I've always loved to wrap presents--sometimes the wrapping is nicer than what's inside.  No one to wrap for now...I think perfume makes a great gift, if you know someone's favorites.  Mine is Clinique's Aromatics Elixir --have worn that scent for more than thirty years.  I feel for you, Kitty Kat..  My beloved died last year just before Christmas.  I was numb then and Christmas was a blur, but this year it's all fallen in on me like a ton of bricks.  I was both caregiver and dialysis patient...The positive energy of everyone here is really helpful to me as I do my best to cope.  I hope it is for you too.  Happy wrapping, everyone!
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: billybags on November 29, 2011, 06:28:28 AM
Well girls to-morrow the children have a day off school, some thing about the country going on strike, mainly the teachers over their pensions, I personally think they get enough, but I am perhapes not interested. So I have to take the little sods into the city. One is 9 and the other is 12.They are both bigger than me and the grandaughter of nine wants to go to see Santa (bless, she still believes, which I think is lovely) the brother does not but he also wants to see Santa, I know it will cost me a fortune. I feel stupid standing in a que with all the little ones and these two giants standing next to me. last year Santa looked at me and sort of smerked.I felt like smacking him. So it will be head down and shuffle for an hour .
Then it will be of to MacDonalds for some junk food, I must admit I do like the fries. I think I will miss Santa next year because some big person will tell her there is not one.i think we have done well to keep it going all these years, it is magical.
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Poppylicious on November 29, 2011, 07:31:11 AM
Well girls to-morrow the children have a day off school, some thing about the country going on strike, mainly the teachers over their pensions, I personally think they get enough, but I am perhapes not interested.
Now now, my lovely.  The teachers are only one small part of the strike ... it's just that the closure of schools causes a bigger impact than having to cancel non-life threatening operations and rescheduling hospital appointments, so it's education that the media/news will focus on and make out to be the bad guys.  I also think it will be a great day for getting into the UK tomorrow if the army step in for those customs chaps who are striking! I think the bus drivers are striking too so I hope you're planning on driving into town! *chuckles*

And you get the joy of spending the day with the grandkiddies and Father Christmas ... doesn't that make a strike worthwhile?!  Make it special ... sit on Father Christmas' knee and tell him what you want for Christmas.


I've written all my Christmas cards now.  Yay!  Just need to wrap.  And does anybody know what ten and six year old boys like?  Boys are so difficult to buy for.
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Kitty Cat on November 29, 2011, 08:23:36 AM
oooohhh! Poppylicious....Xmas cards!!!! I had forgotten that part of it! I have them, I always get them at the end of the Xmas season, you can get some beautiful ones at 1/2 price or less. We had picked up train cards last year, they are beautiful, but now I need to sit down and write them out!

Haven't gotten to wrapping yet...let's see....I had to bring in wood for the stove, ummm...the house needed a good cleaning because I brought in wood....I'm sure I can come up with a hundred more things. lol

Thank you all for the good wishes and thoughts, it's difficult especially this time of year but I am trying...today is better than the past couple have been but I also can pick up my car later from the shop. It'll be nice to have the ability to get out and go whenever I'm in the mood.

I have always been such a sap for Xmas, my favorite all time holiday, I still have that love for it, it's just different...Traveller, I truly hope I can bounce back. Right now it's all too new to see that far ahead. But...as long as I keep moving forward, I would hope it won't be so bad next year.

Now, for the presents...for the 18 mo old, Santa is bringing him this really cool keyboard that is geared for his age and he can create different instrument sounds, etc. It is really awesome! So I kept playing with it last night, it may need new batteries by Xmas morning!!!!  Guess I'd better wrap it to avoid that chance...*sigh* here we are again with the wrapping!!! lol!!

Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: billybags on November 29, 2011, 10:33:04 AM
Poppy I might try sitting on Santa' knee, I could certainly do with a squeeze. I am bragging now. I have done all my Xmas shopping, I have got it under wraps, I have also wrote my cards out, I make my own (I love carding) Santa I am ready.

Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: jbeany on November 29, 2011, 05:57:30 PM
I'm finished shopping, except for buying a gift card from the grocery store.  Wrapped - well, no.  That's what dollar store gift bags are for.  I do have some homemade projects to craft yet.

I would like to have a Christmas Sweater. Can I find one??? NO!!!

http://www.uglychristmassweaterparty.com/          >:D
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: cariad on November 29, 2011, 07:58:12 PM
And does anybody know what ten and six year old boys like?

Sorry, mine are 5 and 9, so if you find the answer, be sure to let me know as it will come in useful next year. :P

Maybe it's just mine, but I find them ridiculously easy to shop for. The younger one is now into Pokemon cards, and he loves books with hidden pictures in them such as Graeme Base's The Waterhole. Younger boys (and six is probably toward the top of this age range) usually have some category that they are obsessed with, like dinosaurs or superheros or something. My older boy loves anything to do with sports teams, especially soccer. One of his most prized possessions is his Italian football shirt. He adores the Percy Jackson books and the Wimpy Kid books so if the older boy has not tried reading these, he might enjoy them. I don't know, does Diary of a Wimpy Kid have a presence over there? I've not ever had the urge to read them, so don't know if the humor is of a very American, non-translatable type. Oh, my older son has just started getting into the Origami Yoda series and he says those are pretty funny, too. Then there's video games, but those are pricey and if you're anything like me, you feel like you're contributing to the breakdown of society every time you give a child a video game. Does not stop me, but I don't particularly like it.

Good luck.
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Jean on November 30, 2011, 12:16:06 AM
thanks Okarol and jbeany for the websites. Believe it or not, if you google christmas sweaters, the ugly one comes up. I have officially given up now, I finally did find one, and then didnt like it. However I did pick up a lovely ( green) dress up blouse. I only have 2 more gifts to shop for and am leaning towards Angus steaks. Not a card has been written, no candy or cookies made, but what the heck, I have nearly a month!!!! Hahahaha
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: willowtreewren on November 30, 2011, 04:41:59 AM
I have one more gift that needs to go out in the mail, but I need to make it first.

 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

I actually HAD it ready, but decided to send it to someone else!  >:D  And THAT went out yesterday. So now I need to make it again to send to the original recipient!

I do love getting things for others. I don't much care what I get, because I truly believe that it is the thought that counts. I enjoy unwrapping gift, though! I imagine the fun the sender had. One year my daughter bought me a beautiful scarf and hat set IN NEW YORK CITY!!!!! I don't wear it very often because it is a bit scratchy, but I love to think of the adventure she had!  :yahoo;

Anyway, I so look forward to the morning with family opening gifts and watching the happy faces of loved ones.

And thanks for reminding me that I need to get those cards done! I usually do that over the Thanksgiving weekend.....oops! Forgot to this year!

Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Rain on November 30, 2011, 05:14:49 AM
I bought some gift, took advantage of the black friday "sales" they had in Canada last weekend.   This weekend I plan on finishing my gifts just need to get my boyfriend a  Across Canada Train Travel guide.  As well as a collectors Beer Glass with Beer and some chocolates.

I've asked for a Diamond Necklace.  There is a story on why I want a diamond.  I wanted to buy a diamond 5+ years after I graduated from University if I was success in my career and have obtain everything I dream off.  Well even with renal failure, I have accomplished my dreams and have not only been successful in career but also been taking some hobby courses on Cooking and Photography.  I"m goal now is to see how far I will go with photography.  But the diamond is also to make me realize when I'm down in the dump do to my disease and being on dialysis that I am strong and I could accomplish anything.

I usually write my christmas card beginning of November and mail them the first week of December, well I'm a littel behind, I haven't even written them or collected all the addresses from friends who have moved in the last year.   Sigh.  Something else to do on my lsit this week.

So this weekend I plan on finished christmas shopping
Write christmas cards
Bake - cookies, crackers, breads and pies for the freezer
Put up the tree

It's going to be busy weekend, but fun.
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: looneytunes on November 30, 2011, 07:49:14 AM
BB...I also have gotten into carding and am making all my own Christmas cards this year.  It's been a great hobby to get into!  Want to exchange one with me?  I'd love to see yours.  Mine are not near as "polished" as some that I've seen but it's so much fun. 

I hope to decorate my house this week and hang the outdoor lights. 
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: billybags on November 30, 2011, 09:06:41 AM
Looney I love my carding, I got into it about 3 years ago. I dont spend much except for paper, I get most of my things off the tinternet.I have adobe photoshop and that is amazing, I went to night school to learn how to use it. I down load pictures and verses. I made all my daughters wedding cards and they were lovely if I say so my self, I got a lot of praise for them. I will pm my address to you, you do the same and we will swap christmas cards. Mine are not fancy either.
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Poppylicious on November 30, 2011, 09:26:39 AM
Good luck.
Haha! Thanks, I need it!  Books wise, the ten year old has probably read EVERYTHING going and is way above and beyond his years.  Diary of a Wimpy Kid has been a hit over here so he's probably read it and seen it and has the t-shirt.  However, the Origmai Yoda books look like fun ... I shall be popping into Amazon in a bit!  The six year old is partially blind, so that makes it a bit harder.  I would ask my SiL what they want but the last time I did that she told other people the same and the kids got double of everything ... completely clueless!

billybags, how was your shopping trip?  Was Father Christmas excited to see you?! 

Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: billybags on November 30, 2011, 01:12:04 PM
Well Poppy it was a bloo** nightmare. I think every kid in Nottingham was out to see Santa. The que's were horrendous, bless her the granddaughter said that she was not queuing for hours and could she have the money, they dont miss a trick do theyshe also said that last year he did not listen to her. Wow I will have to have a word with the daughter.  After I sorted the Santa money out between my grandson and her, we went to W H Smith for a Diary of a Wimpy Kid it is really popular, I had to smile when I saw it in your post. I lost the grandson for about three quarters of an hour, he is 12 and just likes to do his own thing, so he got a rollicking when he finally came back, he had done his Christmas shopping. Off we went to MacDonald s and it was manic so there was no way I was going to push and shove in there. We ended up coming home and going to the local one. I bought a scarf for my husbands Xmas present, what can you buy a guy that has every thing, except a kidney, heart and lungs, you buy him a scarf. it is the same one that he uses now, but new, it is even the same color so I will have to change it. The wine has gone down a treat to-night. Oh the kids have got an inset day Friday and want to go back into the city. Do you think I should do it? Please say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: willowtreewren on November 30, 2011, 01:44:24 PM
Ooooh! Billybags.....your post reminds me of why I especially enjoy cyber shopping! I do NOT like crowds of people! Ugh!

So tonight I'm doing a bit of baking.  :2thumbsup;

And then maybe on to getting those cards started? Or not..... :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

I am taking my class to see the Nutcracker tomorrow. If that doesn't get me fully in the spirit, nothing will. One of my students is the toy maker's apprentice this year. What fun we will have watching her!

Just a few more hours until December! Weeeeeeeeeeee!

Title: Re: xmas shopping
Post by: Poppylicious on November 30, 2011, 03:36:00 PM
Oh the kids have got an inset day Friday and want to go back into the city. Do you think I should do it? Please say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Nah, send them into school with a note requesting that as they lost a day because of the strike it's only fair that they get taught on Friday ... after all, inset is just an excuse to have a long leisurely lunch and sleep through a few PowerPoints! 

Of course you should take them back into the crowded city centre again ... don't be a meanie!


Haha ... love that you bought hubby an exact replica of the scarf he already has; pay attention woman! 

I am taking my class to see the Nutcracker tomorrow. If that doesn't get me fully in the spirit, nothing will. One of my students is the toy maker's apprentice this year. What fun we will have watching her!
Awww, that's going to be magical and lovely!  Enjoy!