I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: pagandialysis on November 03, 2011, 06:54:53 AM

Title: Male Issues
Post by: pagandialysis on November 03, 2011, 06:54:53 AM
Warning: The following subject matter is adult oriented!

I have a problem. When I sit down in the dialysis chair I tend to sit on my testicles. Today I had them put up the privacy curtain so I could adjust myself. I don't want them to put it up every time so I can spend three seconds adjusting myself so I am not in pain. Does anyone have a solution that does not make me look like a perv playing with myself?

Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: mcclane on November 03, 2011, 08:06:59 AM
This sort of helps, but I wear boxers, so at least that gives my boys abit of play area with minimal adjustment.  :rofl;

Or, I pretend I'm digging around in my pockets for something when I am actually making adjustments.
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Restorer on November 03, 2011, 09:25:53 AM
Screw it. I make adjustments openly when it looks like no one's watching.  :boxing;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Joe on November 03, 2011, 09:51:26 AM
I can typically move the 'nads around before I'm all the way down in the chair. Though every once in a while I need to do a final adjustment once I'm all the way seated. Just try to be discreet about it. As long as it doesn't take you 10 minutes, they shouldn't thing you're doing anything untoward  :rofl;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: billybags on November 03, 2011, 10:40:17 AM
Sorry pagandialysis, you made me laugh.. I never thought about you boys sitting on them "things" Woo must be a nightmare.Lol
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 03, 2011, 10:50:03 AM
I opened this thread up just in sheer curiousity---I assumed erectile problems....being that can be pretty commonw with men on D...uuh....never imagining testicle issues Lol
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Desert Dancer on November 03, 2011, 11:09:14 AM
I agree with billybags - I can't IMAGINE having to walk around with those things between my legs all the time. It would drive me NUTS. (Pun not intended... no, really!)
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Joe on November 03, 2011, 11:11:36 AM
 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 03, 2011, 11:39:03 AM
 :rofl;        :rofl;     :rofl;     :shy;     Now I will think of all the men in our unit now--I won't be able to look at them anymore with a straight face    :rofl;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: jbeany on November 03, 2011, 01:30:10 PM
Can I suggest a lap blanket?   ;D
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: boswife on November 03, 2011, 03:17:31 PM
lol......so my hubbys not the only one..  :shy;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: malaka on November 03, 2011, 03:52:25 PM
Apparently, science has uncovered the consequences (they call them sequelae to confuse us) of this phenomena.  This was sent to me via email today and I feel that it is my duty to share it with the posters here.  I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting a link.   If so, I'm sorry. But it is my higher duty.

Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on November 04, 2011, 03:30:27 AM
i was being nosey, and while i dont have testicals, i do wear a bra, and sometimes have to fix myself in that manner, which probably isnt AS embarrassing.... and also when i used to wear a certain type of undie, id get massive wedgies, also very uncomfortable and embarrassing, the wiggle works ok, sometimes, but under blanket adjustments are the way to go, and honestly i figure, just do it, because really who cares if ur playing with urself or not, if someone says something u could always just say, "sorry, u mean dialysis doesnt make YOU feel sexy??"
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: RightSide on November 04, 2011, 06:06:44 AM
I agree with billybags - I can't IMAGINE having to walk around with those things between my legs all the time. It would drive me NUTS. (Pun not intended... no, really!)
Don't you ladies have to walk around with those bags hanging off your chest and bouncing around?    And if you sleep on your stomach, you're also sleeping on those bags?
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Iwannabean on November 04, 2011, 06:27:32 AM
I try to wear shorts and I put a blanket over me, because the boys need adjusting almost every visit :yahoo;.
As long as your not (ahem) adjusting for 10 minutes at a time, I dont see it as a problem :shy;.  Hey life is life, dont you see athletes "adjusting" all the time.  Can you hear the announcer at a baseball game "Sorry folks we are going to a commercial break while the team Adjusts" I just grab the boys, place em where its comfortable, and be done with it.  If anybody thinks I'm playing with Blinky, the one eyed wonder worm, well let them think it.  :rofl; :clap;  There I said it. Now im feeling kind of nutty.  :yahoo; Maybe even a little prickly :oops;  So those of you with dirty minds  :sir ken; adjust this.  Happy Friday ya bunch of Hemos.

Iwannabean  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: RichardMEL on November 04, 2011, 06:32:59 AM
Umm ok. This is interesting.

First of all you gals... naughty you for wanting to look at our private boys business. Be careful for what you are curious about - you may get to see more than you imagine!!! LOL

I can't honestly remember this being a big problem for me on D - but I also tended to wear boxers on D for the comfort value. I found it more difficult sitting in the one spot for too long so I often shifted on the chair on a periodic basis which did a bit of "auto adjustment" I guess lol.  The blanket is a good idea - I used to use one on D so yeah one could adjust things without too much embarassment.

My other comment is that most people find it cold when they are on D - and well I would think that would have a helpful effect on the "boys" !!!!!  :rofl;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 04, 2011, 07:03:35 AM
 :rofl;    :rofl;    Rightside and Richard.....yeah, Rightside,  yup, we're always adjusting those bags! LOL    :rofl;  Richard, naughty's my middle name LMAO!    :rofl;

I actually stuff my central line (covered in the guaze and  sock) in my left bag cuz then it's floppin' around too! LMAO!    :rofl;    :rofl;

I just was reminded of something reading Richard's post.......I once knew a guy who had some testicle problems after he'd had the snippity snip procedure done and it was always the weather that caused the discomfort, when it turned cold. 

Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: mcclane on November 04, 2011, 07:31:24 AM
that's why i like doing hemo at home, i can adjust all i want, it is only my wife that witnesses it  :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Iwannabean on November 04, 2011, 07:56:34 AM
I figured out that if you title anything with "Male Problems" or "For Men Only" you will get twice as many women to read it. Go figure  :secret;

Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 04, 2011, 08:03:15 AM
 :angel;     ;D     :shy;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: pagandialysis on November 04, 2011, 09:44:07 AM
Thanks for all of the responses. I think I will start bringing a lite weight blanket with me.

Happy that I could make you all smile.  ;D
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: boswife on November 04, 2011, 10:02:44 AM
funny too, we keep commen back to read more..hehe    and eweeeeeee,, did you check the site that Malaka posted..  freekie! 
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Riki on November 05, 2011, 10:19:17 AM
When I'm in dialysis, I go for comfort.  I tend to wear pjs, nice baggy ones, which help in the wedgie department, and I leave the bra off.  When I had a central line, I didn't wear one at all.  It hurt too much.

The people that dress up for dialysis really baffle me.  It's not like anyone is going to care what you look like.  Some people wear good clothes to dialysis.  I'd be afraid of getting blood on them.

and guys, the cold in dialysis affects the niblets as much as the nads, but it can be a little more noticeable for us gals :P
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: bleija on November 05, 2011, 09:04:18 PM
i used to joke around with my hubby that my PD cath was my little penis, bc whn i would sit down, it would poke out and look like a little boner, so when i got my permacath in my chest i joke that its my third nipple, but now i just slide it in my bra with my right boob...lol i just have fun with all my sexyness lol

and i opened this feed thinking it would be erectile dysfunction or something, but curiosity wouldnt let me leave it alone.... :oops; and another thing, u said male prob not for males only lol not that that would have stopped me
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 05, 2011, 09:07:48 PM
Over your right boob? My cath is over my left boob (side where my heart is) LOL    :rofl;  I thought all caths were over the boob on the side where the heart is, since the tip of the cath is actually in the heart.  Or do I have my left and right mixed up?   :rofl;    :rofl;    :rofl; 
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: billybags on November 06, 2011, 02:52:31 AM
pagandialysis, you did make us smile. Hope it is a thick blanket.
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: bleija on November 06, 2011, 08:02:06 AM
idk, i was told the usually try the right side first thn if that doesnt work or theres issues they go with the left :rofl; but it makes my left boob look like theres something there, since ive lost weight, took it all from my boobs, eventhough there wasnt much there to begin with... its kinda funny, maybe not but to me it is...
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 06, 2011, 08:04:49 AM
wow, I just didn't realize, I thought they were all on the same side of the chest LOL

I just remember it hurt terrible having mine put in, I was awake but with a local.
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Riki on November 06, 2011, 01:30:48 PM
Mine was on the right.. that's where the scar is anyway
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: bleija on November 06, 2011, 07:15:36 PM
it was weird when they put mine in too, they gave me a light sedative, but i was too nervous about the whole procedure to fall asleep, so stayed awake. i felt the presssure when they were tunneling it, it was weird... after i dialized with it and pain killers wore off tht was the worst pain that i can remember... between tht and the abdominal surgery i had to remove my PD cath, i was hurting bad
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Restorer on November 06, 2011, 07:20:32 PM
I've never asked about it, but I figured they usually tried to put the catheter on the right side because it was a straighter line through the veins to the heart. Going through the left jugular vein, it has to make more of a zig-zag to get to the heart.

I also had my PD cath on my right side, just because I had kidney surgery on my left side, so there was already a scar there.
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 06, 2011, 07:57:12 PM
I've had two central lines put in. The first one didn't take so they had to do it all over again. My lumen failed, the first time. They used me as a guinea pig so to speak to "try" the new lumen. Guess they realized the screwed up-bad.   >:(   Anyways, I had a local for the first time, no sedative and I sure wished I had, I felt all the pressure. Yeah, my jugular is very obvious with my line tunneled through that, it sticks out really bad, sometimes depending on the kind of shirt I'm wearing, you can really see it sticking out above my neck line of my shirt.

The second time, I was much wiser and asked--actually BEGGED to be given a sedative. Both times I asked to be given a general and they refused. It went much better than the first time and all I can say is that I was laughing through it. Must have been the sedative LOL Oh, one of the nurses dropped an oxygen tank on the OR floor and it made a loud noise and I was laughing my butt off as they went to wheel me out. Amazing what a sedative will do LOL

When they told me they'd have to do it all over again I was very, very angry. I was just glad I breezed through the second time!!!

Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: RichardMEL on November 07, 2011, 12:28:34 AM
hmmmm cold dialysis girls with niblets and no bra... yeah, that gives me something to think about...  >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D

About the adjustment issue this reminded me just today about a crazy patient we used to have from time to time when he was in the ward for some reason or other. When I say crazy I mean c-r-a-z-y as in not quite all there - and often in a very inappropriate way - for example, he's a Jewish guy who would yell out "Heil Hitler!" from time to time (umm... weird?!). He also used to out-do me in the women dept in that he would propose to ANY and ALL women who would come even near him "Will you marry me?" he'd ask?? Nurses, doctors, volunteers, passing visitors... you knew it was a bad day for him when he'd ask the males to marry him! There was one hilarious moment when one of the male nurses had enough and responded "don't make me sick!" but anyway..

so this guy was inappropriate well so there he is in his hospital gown, and yes that's right.. he never bothered with underwear! We often got way more of a view than ANY of us wanted. After awhile they used to put him in isolation - to save us from the view, let alone the propisitions!

omg !!   :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

And finally on the idea of saying "males only" or "male issues" getting more women visitors I have decided to start a new thread entitled "Super serious male only issue!!" and in it comment on my lack of a girlfriend. Think that might work out for me?!  :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: bleija on November 07, 2011, 03:04:49 AM
if that was all the super serious male issue was, id be very dissappointed....  :( lol   we like to see what u guys think are male issues
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: billybags on November 07, 2011, 05:45:25 AM
Richard, us girls will still take a peek.
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Iwannabean on November 07, 2011, 06:32:41 AM
Wow.....Did this "male issues" get hijacked or what. :rofl; Come on Ladies, start a new thread on female problems so we can hijack that one.

Iwannabean :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 07, 2011, 09:31:25 AM
LMAO!    :rofl;     :rofl;   This thread is like the enegizer bunny, it just keeps goin' and goin'     ;D    :P
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: rsudock on November 07, 2011, 11:23:34 AM
I remember at dialysis I had this sweet older guy probably in his 70s and had Alzheimer's, say the most hilarious things to me.

"I'm every mans' nightmare and every womans' dream."

"You couldn't handle this girl."

"Girl you look so good I almost jumped right out of this chair!! Look at my BP!"

Then he would continue showing Aaron his muscles and ask us the same questions 20 times....aw I miss my Staney....

Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Riki on November 07, 2011, 04:11:40 PM
it was weird when they put mine in too, they gave me a light sedative, but i was too nervous about the whole procedure to fall asleep, so stayed awake. i felt the presssure when they were tunneling it, it was weird... after i dialized with it and pain killers wore off tht was the worst pain that i can remember... between tht and the abdominal surgery i had to remove my PD cath, i was hurting bad

That's what happened to me.  The radiologist gave me something, then asked me if I was relaxed.  I said no.  He said, "well, lets give you another shot, then"  I don't remember much after that, except for the vague recollection of signing the consent form to have my PD tube removed.

As for females in a thread about "male issues," I doubt that if there was a thread called "female issues," many fellas would be taking a peek..
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Iwannabean on November 08, 2011, 08:55:06 AM
Hey Riki, I would be the first one to "peek" at a womens only issue :shy;, in some way we are all voyeurs.

Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 08, 2011, 09:20:11 AM
 :rofl;     :rofl;     :rofl;   I know there's been a few females only threads from time to time here    :shy;

BTW, this thread is making me laugh everytime I come here     :rofl;  It's my daily dose of laughter, that's why I keep comin' back for more!        :rofl;      :rofl;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: RichardMEL on November 08, 2011, 06:56:35 PM
LMAO!    :rofl;     :rofl;   This thread is like the enegizer bunny, it just keeps goin' and goin'     ;D    :P

Sweetie that's just the prednisolone surging through my system. You should see what else it does to me!!!!  >:D :rofl;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: gothiclovemonkey on November 09, 2011, 02:51:45 AM
 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 09, 2011, 04:15:44 AM
LMAO!    :rofl;     :rofl;   This thread is like the enegizer bunny, it just keeps goin' and goin'     ;D    :P

Sweetie that's just the prednisolone surging through my system. You should see what else it does to me!!!!  >:D :rofl;

ROTFLMAO! Richard!     :rofl;     :rofl;      :rofl;   
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Iwannabean on November 09, 2011, 05:07:12 AM
I hope that you did'nt have the same Doctor as Michael Jackson Richard :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;

Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: pagandialysis on November 09, 2011, 04:43:04 PM
I hope that you did'nt have the same Doctor as Michael Jackson Richard :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;


I still think they railroaded that guy because they were angry Michael Jackson died.
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: bleija on November 10, 2011, 04:02:26 PM
male issues to michael jackson...
i think the doc  got caught up in the money, either give michael jackson what he wanted or get replaced... i think it just went too far...
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Whamo on November 10, 2011, 06:55:10 PM
If you've got big ones it might mean you have heart failure.  That's how I "discovered" my heart failure about eight years ago. 
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: amanda100wilson on November 11, 2011, 08:58:36 PM
Well, i still have a pd catheter until it gets removed in a few weeks.  I  don't tape it and it's always straying where it shouldn't do.  regardless of where I am I always shove my hand and adjust it.  Past caring what people think, cos I hate being uncomfortable
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: pagandialysis on November 21, 2011, 10:34:15 PM
...and this thread is STILL going.....what have I created?
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: deanocank on November 22, 2011, 12:04:56 AM
serious male issue's im 28 and recently was advised by nursing staff and my doctor that dialysis can make male impotent i couldnt beleve it when they told me so i got tested and the results have shown low sperm count with low testosterone levels this has completely broke me and has demoralised me as a man as its been very hard for me to get treatment ive done two tests now and would do anything to be a farther or have the option is anyone else had this problem as ive been told its quite common would appreciate information on this topic??????????. 
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: pagandialysis on November 22, 2011, 08:31:52 AM
Yeah that's a real issue I have been avoiding. Since I have been on dialysis I have lost interest in sex.
Title: Re: Male Issues
Post by: Cordelia on November 22, 2011, 08:59:53 AM
I think lack of sex drive is a pretty common problem with both sexes when it comes to being on Dialysis.   I also have lost a huge interest since starting dialysis also.......as well, I know some bp meds can cause side effects of a decreased sex drive.....I think the meds alone can cause that......the dialysis just kills it even that much more.      ::)