I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) => Topic started by: Bajanne on December 10, 2005, 09:09:24 AM

Title: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Bajanne on December 10, 2005, 09:09:24 AM
My cholesterol has always been a major problem.  Not for me, but for my physicians.  Are any of you having a problem in this area?  What are you doing about it?
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Rerun on December 10, 2005, 10:54:34 AM
I'm on Lipitor and have been for about 6 years.  It must keep it under control because the docs never mention it.  Well, maybe I have soooo many other problems that my cholestrol isn't a priority?   ???
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: susie q on December 10, 2005, 11:12:54 AM
I'm on Lipitor also but not for hi c    Doc says good c is low so he put me on Lipitor to raise it.. weird eh??
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: toad on December 10, 2005, 01:03:40 PM
i am also on lipitor but also take ezetrol in the morning....have had high cholesterol for years
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: mark j on December 11, 2005, 10:34:46 AM
Ive had high c for years.. it probobly doesnt help that i deliver donuts for a living and cant seem to stop eating them.. Ive been on lipitor for approx 5-6 years...last bloodwork c was 165
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Rerun on December 11, 2005, 11:46:44 AM
Mark... No wonder you have that "glazed" look in your eyes!  >:D  Ha~
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: susie q on December 11, 2005, 01:47:50 PM
Rerun, that's a cute pic.. Is it you and your dogs?? :)
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Rerun on December 11, 2005, 06:26:23 PM
Yes, I finally figured out how to get it there.  That is Pebbles and Adrianne and I adopted them last year.  They are 8 and 9 years old, mother and daughter, never separated so I took them both.  They are Miniature Pinschers and such good dogs.  They hate the hats, but I think they are cute so they are going to wear them.   >:D  (JK)
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Jamie on December 17, 2005, 12:10:28 PM
Dear fellow renal readers,

  I have some big cholesterol problems it starts at Buger-King and ends at Mc Donalds ......Jamie-G

Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: fireguy on March 26, 2006, 07:01:31 AM
Taking crestor and ezetrol. Found that Lipator blocked dialyser and reduced flows. As long as I get some exercise and watch fat intake, numbers not bad.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Bajanne on March 26, 2006, 10:12:50 AM
My cholesterol levels are still quite horrid, though they have gone down a bit.  I was on Lipitor, but I don't take night medications well.  My nights are not very routine and sometimes I go to bed without planning to, so night medications come up short.  I had planned to tape something on my monitor to remind me.
About 1½ ago, my nephrologist gave me a month's supply of Crestor which I now take.  He told me that with Crestor, you can take it any time of the day, but he would suggest I take it at night.  Well, except for a few misses (like last night) I have been taking it.  It will be interesting to see my month end bloodworks.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Rerun on March 26, 2006, 02:20:10 PM
Bajanne, what are your numbers for cholesterol? 

Cholesterol isn't even a part of my bloodwork.  I'm on Lipitor, but really don't know what my cholesterol is.  I guess I'd better get it checked to see if I really need to be on it.    ::)
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Bajanne on March 26, 2006, 04:16:12 PM
I will tell you cholesterol scores after the next set of blood works (probably Friday, since they do them mid-month and then end-of-month).  Prepare yourself for some hideous numbers. About two years ago, my total cholesterol was some impossible number like 595!!  It is much lower now, but I am never sure about the various numbers that they quote to me.  I really need to have this kind of stuff explained so I really know what is going on.
By the way, this post has helped.  It is night, so I will go and take my Crestor before I even finish posting this.
I did it!  Now who is going to volunteer to remind me to take my Crestor every night.  Don't all rush! ;D
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: kitkatz on March 26, 2006, 07:11:24 PM
If your emind me to take my Hectarol and Sensipar each night. I will remind you of your crestor. >:D
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: calypso on March 27, 2006, 08:18:54 PM
I don't take cholesterol meds but I take Tricor which is to lower my high triglycerides. PD adds to triglycerides and drives it too high because of the dextrose. Triglycerides also clog the arteries. I think my chol. is about normal. I have the bloodwork results somewhere but I'm sure it's normal though I can't remember the #s offhand.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Panda_9 on May 29, 2006, 04:22:49 AM
Why is it your doctors problem bajanne2000?
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Bajanne on May 29, 2006, 05:51:22 AM
I mean that as far as I am concerned it doesn't bother me physically.  But my physicians are always bothered by my high cholesterol.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Panda_9 on May 31, 2006, 03:23:30 AM
Oh I see. It might not bother you now, but it may later on!
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: anja on July 12, 2006, 10:36:37 PM
My bad  cholesterol is 242 (down from 243 6 months ago)  Triglycerides are 546 (down from 663) and good cho. 40 ~ I am taking Zetia 10 mg. nightly.  Even though I am careful what I eat, it runs in my family to have high values of cho. and tri. Dad had 3 bypasses 5 years ago and a sis has had 5 stents placed. We are all on different meds. for cholesterol.  Makes me wonder what's down the road for me~
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: angieskidney on July 14, 2006, 12:17:09 AM
That reminds me .. I have to do 2 things as part of my yearly tests done for the transplant list. Cholesterol is one of them...  I guess I have to call to make an appointment with my doc? I don't remember ... with moving and all I might have missed my appointment .. I will have to ask my dialysis unit ..
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Panda_9 on July 14, 2006, 03:15:06 AM
Angie, it just needs to be added to the form when you have your next bloods taken.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: angieskidney on July 14, 2006, 04:54:44 AM
Angie, it just needs to be added to the form when you have your next bloods taken.
But they take it in clinic on lab day. Hmm... I guess that means they did it? I thought they would have told me how I did. I mean .. always feels like test day at school ... I would at least like to know how well I did :P
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Panda_9 on July 14, 2006, 05:47:51 PM
Just ask the nurses before they take your bloods if they can do your cholesterol as well. It might be different where you are but if we want certain bloods done the nurses usually add it to the request form. Thats just how it works here, might need doctor to write it up elsewhere.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: angieskidney on July 15, 2006, 01:48:50 AM
Just ask the nurses before they take your bloods if they can do your cholesterol as well. It might be different where you are but if we want certain bloods done the nurses usually add it to the request form. Thats just how it works here, might need doctor to write it up elsewhere.
Ya here the doc would have to write it up.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Panda_9 on July 15, 2006, 04:34:55 AM
Oh bugger they like to make it difficult dont they.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: angieskidney on July 16, 2006, 01:05:43 AM
I was just cleaning out my "dialysis bag" (a bag I got at one of the kidney symposiums as a gift that I use to carry my pills and books and money and keys when I got to hemo 3 times a week) and I found a letter the unit gave me saying they were doing the cholesterol during blood work at the beginning of July :P Guess they did it so I have no worries now! I just forgot lol .. oops!   :-[
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Panda_9 on July 16, 2006, 11:14:45 PM
Thats good then, just ask what the results were if you wanted to know.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: angieskidney on July 17, 2006, 01:02:33 AM
Thats good then, just ask what the results were if you wanted to know.
Last  time I was doing well. Not too low but on the low side.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Panda_9 on July 17, 2006, 05:13:43 AM
Thats good to hear. Mine has been a little high which is odd because I dont eat massive amounts of high cholesterol foods that Im aware of. Ive just been started on a new vitamin that helps to lower cholesterol, I think its just a nocturnal thing, Im not sure. Its a type of B6.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: angieskidney on July 17, 2006, 05:28:23 AM
Thats good to hear. Mine has been a little high which is odd because I dont eat massive amounts of high cholesterol foods that Im aware of. Ive just been started on a new vitamin that helps to lower cholesterol, I think its just a nocturnal thing, Im not sure. Its a type of B6.
Does Replavite have B6 in it?
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Panda_9 on July 17, 2006, 06:48:24 AM
Angie, I couldnt find any decent info on replavite but one site says they do contain B6. The tablets Ive been started on are called Pyroxin, which is just B6.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: charee on July 17, 2006, 06:35:12 PM
i get mine tested every 6 months  its a fasting test nothing to eat  after 8pm the night before. I am on Lipitor meant to take it at night but i never remember so i have it  with the rest of my tablets in the morning and it still seems to be working Actually  i started it at night and my cholesterol went up probably because i forgot most nights ! and when i went back to mornings it came back down. 4 which is a great  reading here in oz.


Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Bajanne on October 03, 2007, 08:17:37 PM
Hallelujah!!!  For the last month, I have been very compliant with my Lipitor. It is because I am staying at a friend's apartment, and her life is very regulated and it has rubbed off on me!!
I got my blood works results today.  Last month my cholesterol was 300.  Today it is 212!!!!!
 :yahoo; :yahoo; :yahoo;  My chart says normal is 90 - 200 so I am on my way!!!
[my calcium which was low is now normal, but my phosporus is still a bit high]
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: goofynina on October 03, 2007, 09:19:54 PM
Good for you my friend, keep up the great work  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: MooseMom on October 08, 2007, 01:43:40 PM
Three years ago, my cholesterol was 550 and triglycerides were 2100...I think I set some sort of record.  I was really shocked because I had always exercised and watched what I was eating.  My doc said that high blood lipids were part and parcel of kidney disease.

I started on Crestor but broke out in a rash.  I now take Zetia, pravastatin and Tricor; my triglycerides are still high, but at 350-400, it is a vast improvement over 2100.  My total cholesterol is about 187, but my "bad cholesterol" is still high.  I still exercise and watch what I eat, but my doc said that I could eat cardboard for the rest of my life and would still have high blood lipid levels.

I am very compliant when it comes to my meds; I've never missed a pill in three years.  But with renal disease, pills can only do so much, I guess.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Lulu on October 12, 2007, 10:00:48 PM
My cholesterol has always been a major problem.  Not for me, but for my physicians.  Are any of you having a problem in this area?  What are you doing about it?

I have had high cholesterol since I started taking prednisone in 1991 (so 16 years). My docs ignored it for a while, then when the commercials came out for the statins I was put on one after another, I had the side effect of pain in my calfs which is serious so I went off of them. I knwo it is because I take the prednisone. It is common as soon as someone goes on a steroid their cholesterol usually skyrockets It has to do with the sysnthesis of cholesterol in the liver. I will find out if it had affteced my heart when I go for my transplant work up.

I did find that taking COq10 and a homocsyteine resist supplement from life extension really help.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: angellady07 on October 13, 2007, 09:35:53 AM
I've been on lipitor for the past few months since then my cholesterol has been great. :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: melshell on October 19, 2007, 11:05:16 AM
I believe I hold the record: Cholesterol 1200, Triglycerides 14,000 just prior to beginning PD in Dec. '06. My elevated lipids were attributed in part to heredity, my Dad's levels were always real high, as well as diet & exercise, or the lack there of. The Endocrinologist I was referred to when my Neph's lab could no longer compute my levels had everyone in his office coming in to look in my eyes-the blood fats were visible with a pen light. My Neph tried me on several of the statins, to which I had adverse reactions. He tried me on several cholesterol lowering medications that we ineffective, then ref. me to the Endo. The Endo. immediately put me on insulin 4x/day. (I'm still not sure how the insulin comes into play, but he said that was the quickest way to bring the lipids down...if anyone knows, and can explain in laymen terms, I'd greatly appreciate it...) I was also put on Omacor, and Tricor which I'm tolerating well. Last fasting levels were: Cholesterol 350, Triglycerides 900. I personally was worried about the effects the elevated lipids had had on my heart, but had a thorough cardiac eval. and all is well. Someone mentioned being on prednisone that elevated their levels....I was on a stint of mega doses of steroids and cyclosporine before it was determined that dialysis was indicated...wonder what the connection there is?
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: goofynina on October 19, 2007, 03:16:57 PM
Good grief Melshell, i am sure glad you are allright, yes, i do believe you do hold the record  :bow;
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: Black on December 07, 2007, 07:33:54 PM
Neph called in a script for Lipitor 10 mg for Mike today.  His labs overall were very good but triglycerides were 280, should be under 149.  Total cholesterol was 202.  That was not too bad but they want it lower.

Any side effects he should watch for?
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: okarol on December 07, 2007, 11:16:08 PM
My husband had arm and leg cramps from Lipitor. They have tried 3 other meds since but he seems to have problems with all of them.
Now our doctor called and said my cholesterol is a bit high and he wants me to start Lipitor as well. I am going to focus on losing weight, eating more fruits and vegetables and getting more exercise over the next 3 months. Some scientists believe that omega-3 fatty acids can improve one's blood lipid (cholesterol and triglyceride) levels and decrease the risk of coronary heart disease. The nutritionist also said that flax seed has been shown in many studies to be successful in lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) levels.  If the number is still high I will have to start the Lipitor and see how it goes.
Title: Re: Do any of you have cholesterol problems?
Post by: boxman55 on December 08, 2007, 05:18:09 PM
Okarol, get your cholesterol under control. I started taking 40 mg of Lipitor and would always have pain and muscle aches. My cholesterol came down significantly though. Then I switched to the generic Simvastatin 20mg and have had no problems and my levels are excellent. So my advice is take as small a dose as allowed to reduce the muscle aches potential...Boxman