I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: Rerun on November 07, 2006, 01:21:25 PM

Title: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Rerun on November 07, 2006, 01:21:25 PM
Davita brought around a flyer today announcing that we would dialyze on Thanksgiving Day.  Now, they could have just put "No Schedule Change" but being the morons that we are had to have a complete explanation.

"Those dialyzing Monday, Wednesday, Friday will dialyze Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Those dialyzing Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday will dialyze Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday"

There was more, but my point is it will mix up people more.  Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

The reason we have to dialyze Thanksgiving Day is they are having work done on the center on that Sunday.  That is poor management if you ask me.  In fact I don't believe them at all.  That place if full of Filipinos and they probably don't want to work on Sunday and don't give a crap about an American Holiday!

Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Sara on November 07, 2006, 05:01:59 PM
Hey don't blame it on the Filipinos.  There's probably plenty of white people in there who don't want to drag their asses in on a Sunday. 
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Rerun on November 07, 2006, 06:42:13 PM
I think I'm the only whitie........and I don't want to dialyze on MY Thanksgiving!!
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: goofynina on November 07, 2006, 07:05:59 PM
Rerun, i am sure you are not the only one that does not want to dialyze on Thanksgiving and i am sure the workers dont want to be there either,  i think its a bad deal for everyone, your not alone  :twocents;
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Rerun on November 07, 2006, 07:16:28 PM
Hell no the workers are getting double time!!  They are fine with it.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: kitkatz on November 07, 2006, 08:12:03 PM
Shove your time over to Friday if you can and tell them why.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Rerun on November 09, 2006, 01:33:16 PM
No one seems to be up set at the center that we have to dialyze on Thanksgiving.  I asked the Dietition and Social Worker if they would be there....."NO, they would never work Thanksgiving"!!  So what am I some homeless person that depends on them??  (well to some degree yes) BUT, I am the fu*#*& customer here.  I pay the bills......  So, I'm not going to go.  That should cost them a couple of grand.  Not that I have any big plans it is just the principle that no one cares about Thanksgiving anymore.  The Filipinos get double wages and they don't give a crap about Thanksgiving.

If we had to dialyze on Christmas would that make anyone mad??  It is the same to me.   :rant;
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Joe Paul on November 09, 2006, 02:42:55 PM
SHIT!!!! just when you think you get it all together, theres 1 more change!
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Rerun on November 09, 2006, 03:44:59 PM
Does anybody else have dialysis on Thanksgiving (in center)??
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: kitkatz on November 09, 2006, 06:04:25 PM
We do in our center. Started last year.  They said it was not worth changing changing everyone's schedules and staying open on Sunday. I would be sure and go on Friday if you can get a spot, Rerun.  Stick to your guns girlfriend!
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: payats on November 09, 2006, 11:23:08 PM
It seems that you dont like these Filipino workers Rerun. If you dont like them because of the schedule then get rid of them just dont sound so discriminating
just because of that.
Don't blame the Filipinos, they are one of the best hardworking and caring nurses here in America.
I think the management doesnt want to mess up with the schedule, and some of the workers doesnt want to work on sunday.
Try to get a schedule on Friday, that can be nice, after a big full meal during thanksgiving, the next day you can get rid of the toxins.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: AlasdairUK on November 10, 2006, 03:16:21 AM

If we had to dialyze on Christmas would that make anyone mad?? It is the same to me. :rant;

I do have to dialyze on Christmas as it is on a Monday. At the end of the day you do not have to go. The staff will be working so if you wish you have the option of having dialysis by providing the service. You can not be forced to go. You are well within your rights to stay at home.

As the customer you have the right not to purchase the goods, but what do you want? A few hours out of the day to keep you healthy and you can still spend most of the day with whoever you want or skipping dialysis.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Zach on November 10, 2006, 08:05:07 AM
Does anybody else have dialysis on Thanksgiving (in center)??

I have always dialyzed on the Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday schedule.  And for about 20 years we dialyzed on Thanksgiving.  My family would either start a little earlier, everyone gathered by 2pm and started eating at 3pm, and then I would go to dialysis at 5pm or they would start a little later, eating at 6pm.  In that case I would dialyze from 11am to 3:30pm and join the family at 5pm.

The last few years the center has been closed on Thanksgiving, so we dialyze Friday and Sunday.  A lot of patients have problems with that Sunday, since they want to be with family and go to church.

Patients can change their scheduled treatments if they do it far enough in advance, too.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Sara on November 10, 2006, 09:03:01 AM
I have a T-Day rant too.  Joe's normal schedule is M-W-F.  I don't understand why they have to change his at all.  T-Day week he is now going something like Sunday (before T-Day), Tuesday, Friday.  I know the T-Th-Sat people would need to alter theirs at least 1 day, but why his?  Why screw everyone up when only 1/2 the people need to be?
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: kitkatz on November 10, 2006, 09:42:40 AM
I had the same question, then I sat down and thought it out. What happens is if they do not change everyone's schedule the TTHF people will have to go four days with dialysis somewhere in the week if they only change their days.  It is weird I know and I have had my schedule changed a few years because of it.  Now they just dialyze us on Thanksgiving.   I hope noone had travel plans!
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: DeLana on November 12, 2006, 10:08:44 PM
I worked in a 6-day clinic for 5 years.  For Thanksgiving, we would bring in as many T-T-S people as possible on the Wednesday before (run a third shift on that day only); this would have to include everyone who depended on public transportation because they don't operate on Thanksgiving.  Patients who had their own transportation could choose to come in very early on Thanksgiving day (we started at 4:00!  Not me, though, I'm not a morning person  ;)).  It worked out well, everyone was done well before noon and could still enjoy their holiday.

Maybe a suggestion for next year?  Of course, if your center has three shifts this wouldn't work.


P.S.  For Christmas and New Year's Day, unless it was on a Sunday, we would run one group of patients (either M-W-F or T-T-S, depending on which day would be closed due to the holiday) on the Sunday prior to the holiday.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Fox_nc on November 13, 2006, 02:47:03 PM
So far I know that my center is closed on Thanksgiving, but nobody has said what my 3rd day that week will be.  And then I went off and scheduled a surgery for the day before, so I may miss it either way.  I guess I can always do it at the hospital. . .

No matter what the solution a center chooses, someone will be put out.  I personally would rather go on Sunday than on any holiday since I have family who comes into town.  Dialysis on a holiday is just another reminder that I am not normal - that I'm different.  I hate that!
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Treasure on November 16, 2006, 10:26:41 PM
Greetings, all. My center is open on Thanksgiving... but they graciously arranged for me to come in on Wednesday-- because I was planning on driving to San Francisco Bay Area to spend Thanksgiving with whichever of my kids that could be there. As much as I hate dialysis, I love my Satellite Dialysis- Watsonville center!

When I started dialysis 2 years ago, though, I was scheduled for dialysis on Thanksgiving, but refused to go. I felt terrific the whole time ( I mean, from Thursday to Tuesday), especially since I was still urinating as much as I always had and I was never fluid-overloaded.  Not that I recommend this... YMMV

Michelle ~ Treasure

Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: angieskidney on November 17, 2006, 01:19:07 AM
Does anybody else have dialysis on Thanksgiving (in center)??
I do .. here in Canada there are never any changes dispite holidays. No days off for dialysis. Just like for the Firemen, Police and Ambulance..
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Joe Paul on November 17, 2006, 09:43:18 AM
I guess it would be hard to give thanks while on a machine. My clinic changed the Monday-Weds-Friday to, Friday-Sunday- Tuesday. Myself, id have liked to keep my schedule.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Fox_nc on November 17, 2006, 07:09:44 PM
Our shchedule just got posted.  Basically everyone is being bumped a day b/f the holiday

M/W/F - Su/Tu/F
Tu/Th/F - M/W/Sa

seems balanced to me ... but I did have to request a change since my operation is scheduled for that Wed.  So I get to go Monday at my normal time (1130 am) and then back on Tuesday at 630 am.  It was the only time they had, but it's in the unit of our clinic that uses beds instead of chairs, so at least I might get to sleep some.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: angieskidney on November 17, 2006, 10:27:32 PM
but it's in the unit of our clinic that uses beds instead of chairs, so at least I might get to sleep some.
wow beds would be nice. Neither of the units here have beds. I mean, I suppose the hospital one can handle a bed from a patient's room, but generally they still use the beds like my unit does. And I can never sleep in them no matter how tired I am :(
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: nkviking75 on November 23, 2006, 05:24:39 AM
In the 5 years I've been attending my unit, we've dialyzed on every holiday except Christmas.  Except for last year, when Christmas fell on Sunday, we have all had our schedules shuffled so that no one has to be there on Dec. 25.  Our unit is not open on Sunday except for Christmas week.

I have a minor rant about this week of Thanksgiving at my unit.  They are open on Thanksgiving, but they moved a number of Thursday patients back to Wednesday so that they could have a short day.  Then they cut everyone's time on Wednesday by half an hour because of the unusual load on that day.  (I suspect they're doing that to the patients who will actually come in on Thanksgiving as well.)  Even more annoying, I was not told about it until my treatment was in progress.  It's supposed to be important to be there for every treatment and to stay the whole time, and yet they cut a half hour of treatment for their convenience.  I don't begrudge them wanting to have Thanksgiving off, or for those who work that day to want to leave early, but it seems to me if you work in the medical field you should expect to have to lose an occasional holiday.  I'm in radio, and I have worked every holiday on the calendar.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Rerun on November 23, 2006, 09:52:14 AM
I called last week to tell my unit that my catheter would be coming out on Thursday, November 30.  My usual "on" time is 9:00 and the only surgery spot was 8:30.  So my unit said they would move me to 1:00.

So, today, Thanksgiving, I get there at 9:00 and they said "You aren't supposed to be here until 1:00"  WTF??  What surgery is done on Thanksgiving!! THAT would be NEXT Thursday you idiots!! I shouldn't even be on dialysis on Thanksgiving!!  So, now my whole day is ruined! 

 :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Fox_nc on November 23, 2006, 11:27:58 AM
Sorry to hear Rerun, but HAPPY TURKEY DAY from me!  I hope  it gets better.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: kitkatz on November 23, 2006, 12:59:37 PM
I hope you made their day a good one by being pain the the butt!  Afterall when they screw up your day, you make their day, too.
I hope your Thanksgiving gets better as the day goes on!
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: angieskidney on November 23, 2006, 04:05:29 PM
Happy Thanksgiving all you Americans :P

I thought in my unit no days are moved but I just found out yesterday that I will have my dialysis day on Dec 25th changed from Monday to Sunday Dec 24th. Same with New Years.  ::) Guess all units do this. And since I am in the evening .. guess this year I won't be going to mass with my mom in the evening like I do every year :(

Sorry if I took this off topic but my Thanksgiving was last year :P and I was commenting on this:
In the 5 years I've been attending my unit, we've dialyzed on every holiday except Christmas.  Except for last year, when Christmas fell on Sunday, we have all had our schedules shuffled so that no one has to be there on Dec. 25.  Our unit is not open on Sunday except for Christmas week.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Rerun on November 24, 2006, 03:18:38 AM
AFTER dialysis......I went to my Friend's Karen and Arden's house.  She is like Martha Stewart.  The table was gorgeous.  She had home made rolls, Green Bean Casserole, Corn Casserole, Turkey (of course), two jello salads, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce, and a Pumpkin roll for dessert.  Lots to drink.  I had a little of everything.

I guess what I missed was the fun of preparation.  I made deviled eggs and took them, but they wouldn't peal right and so there were some holes missing in the serving tray!  Lame!  I missed having time to do a good job.  I felt like a scrub for showing up to this nice meal with crappy deviled eggs and nothing else and not helping!!

But, anytime you are with friends it is a good day despite dialysis!
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Sluff on November 24, 2006, 06:33:50 AM
Give them Hell Rerun
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: angieskidney on November 24, 2006, 09:07:13 PM
Awww Rerun  :cuddle; I can tell you are the type that my mom would love to invite to dinner to help out!! Ummm I don't know for sure since I am not American .. does thanksgiving always fall on a Thursday?
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Fox_nc on November 24, 2006, 10:20:23 PM
Fourth Thursday of November.
Title: Big deal, there are worse things than dialyzing on a holiday...lke death.
Post by: Kitsune on November 22, 2008, 10:28:01 PM
I guess it would be hard to give thanks while on a machine. My clinic changed the Monday-Weds-Friday to, Friday-Sunday- Tuesday. Myself, id have liked to keep my schedule.

Joe Paul,

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but that machine keeps you alive, no? And I would hope you would be thankful for being alive. My center is not open on Thanksgiving and I only dialyze two days a week (Tues and Sat), but if it were and I went three days a week, I would have no choice but to go to dialysis. Getting a transplant is too important to me to screw it up by skipping D for the sake of a holiday if I don't have to.

So, you don't get to sit and watch the football games and drink beer with the guys or whatnot or for you ladies, sitting in the kitchen gossiping...so what?  So, you'll be eating a reheated plate...big deal. At least you're alive to eat it.

What's more important, your life or goofing off on a holiday? Some of you who are not waitlisted that are complaining and refusing to go on holidays, this is non-compliance and therefore an issue that transplant teams do look at. Is helping to make the stuffing really worth spending the rest of your life on dialysis?

I just found out that Valentine's Day is a Saturday and rather than spending it with hubby I will be spending it at D (AKA The Freakshow)...I don't like the idea of being at D on V-Day but if I want to stay waitlisted, it is what I must do.

In a nutshell, Thanksgiving is not worth missing D over if you are scheduled on that day, they are not trying to be mean to you, they just want you to have your treatment.

Oh, and Rerun? That comment about "Filipinos" was hateful and mean and you know it. You wouldn't like it if thoose people attacked you because of your race, now would you?  Those people are the people who help you recieve dialysis, you know. It's one thing to complain that you don't want to go to D on Thanksgiving, it's quite another to spew racial hate. Not cool.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: kitkatz on November 22, 2008, 10:40:18 PM
Kitsune are you having a bad day or week or month?    To be so hateful towards people who are seeking support, or are giving support on this board is unwarranted.  You are attacking someone who has asked for help or has made a personal comment on their own schedule.  I am sure he is well aware that dialysis is a life saving treatment. How about a little patience with people on line here?

Besides that post was made in 2006. You are a little late in making a comment about it.  If your purpose for coming here is to hurt someone's feeling you have done a pretty good job of it. 
Title: Re: Big deal, there are worse things than dialyzing on a holiday...lke death.
Post by: Joe Paul on November 22, 2008, 11:00:25 PM
Joe Paul,

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but that machine keeps you alive, no? And I would hope you would be thankful for being alive. My center is not open on Thanksgiving and I only dialyze two days a week (Tues and Sat), but if it were and I went three days a week, I would have no choice but to go to dialysis. Getting a transplant is too important to me to screw it up by skipping D for the sake of a holiday if I don't have to.

So, you don't get to sit and watch the football games and drink beer with the guys
I find what you say here offensive. You need to step off, and thank God you only go 2 times a week. Oh, BTW, I dont drink beer
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Kitsune on November 22, 2008, 11:03:39 PM
Kitsune are you having a bad day or week or month?    To be so hateful towards people who are seeking support, or are giving support on this board is unwarranted.  You are attacking someone who has asked for help or has made a personal comment on their own schedule.  I am sure he is well aware that dialysis is a life saving treatment. How about a little patience with people on line here?

Besides that post was made in 2006. You are a little late in making a comment about it.  If your purpose for coming here is to hurt someone's feeling you have done a pretty good job of it. 

No, I am not trying to be hateful, I am trying to make people see that they should be grateful for dialysis until the day if or when they can get a kidney if they are eligible. In some countries, they let people die for less than kidney failure. If the center schedules you on a certain day, you go...this is not a spa treatment.

As anyone will tell you, indeed I am a brutally honest person who says it like I see it...and I see it as when you signed up for dialysis, you signed a contract that you would be there for your scheduled number of days a week. If you don't want to do it right, don't do it at all. There are plenty of people in Third World Countries dialyzing one day a month with outdated machines, reused needles, and water-sterilized reused one-use only dialyzers (because of lack of money for proper equipment) who would love to be able to recieve dialysis in a decent clean center on any day of the week, while there are people here griping about having to dialyze on Thankgiving. These people can trade places with the Third World dialysis patients and they can see how good they really have it.

We should be lucky we're not in a Third World country, we could have it a lot, lot worse than possibly having to dialyze on holidays, at least here we dialyze with modern, clean equipment.

I'm not trying to be mean here, just being honest. And the truth hurts.
Title: Re: Big deal, there are worse things than dialyzing on a holiday...lke death.
Post by: Joe Paul on November 22, 2008, 11:07:15 PM
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Kitsune on November 22, 2008, 11:08:36 PM
Kitsune are you having a bad day or week or month?    To be so hateful towards people who are seeking support, or are giving support on this board is unwarranted.  You are attacking someone who has asked for help or has made a personal comment on their own schedule.  I am sure he is well aware that dialysis is a life saving treatment. How about a little patience with people on line here?

Besides that post was made in 2006. You are a little late in making a comment about it.  If your purpose for coming here is to hurt someone's feeling you have done a pretty good job of it. 

No, I am not trying to be hateful, I am trying to make people see that they should be grateful for dialysis until the day if or when they can get a kidney if they are eligible. In some countries, they let people die for less than kidney failure. If the center schedules you on a certain day, you go...this is not a spa treatment.

As anyone will tell you, indeed I am a brutally honest person who says it like I see it...and I see it as when you signed up for dialysis, you signed a contract that you would be there for your scheduled number of days a week. If you don't want to do it right, don't do it at all. There are plenty of people in Third World Countries dialyzing one day a month with outdated machines, reused needles, and water-sterilized reused one-use only dialyzers (because of lack of money for proper equipment) who would love to be able to recieve dialysis in a decent clean center on any day of the week, while there are people here griping about having to dialyze on Thankgiving. These people can trade places with the Third World dialysis patients and they can see how good they really have it.

We should be lucky we're not in a Third World country, we could have it a lot, lot worse than possibly having to dialyze on holidays, at least here we dialyze with modern, clean equipment.

I'm not trying to be mean here, just being honest. And the truth hurts.

Oh, and I didn't mean you JP when I said the stuff about beer drinking, not everyone does, but when you said it's hard to give thanks while sitting on a machine, not really. You could give thanks for life or that this country has the funds and technology to provide decent, clean, safe, hygienic dialysis and modern machines for you to use instead of the terrible conditions in other countries which I mentioned earlier. I do daily.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: okarol on November 22, 2008, 11:11:34 PM
Centers often make holiday changes depending on the management and the scheduling. It often has little to do with what works well for the patient. No one said they are not grateful for life support Kitsune. But they don't have to love what they get stuck with either. The dialysis centers work FOR the patients, but some forget that.

If you spent time here, reading more posts and getting to know members, you would realize that Joe Paul is a good guy, he doesn't complain and he's been through some tough times.
Honesty doesn't mean you have to be callous and unreasonable.

You are very fortunate that you can get wait listed. Many members will live on dialysis until they die. They don't have the option you do. Lighten up.

The comments about Rerun's religion are inexcusable. You've been warned about personal attacks. You can amend your post or be banned, you choose.

Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: kitkatz on November 22, 2008, 11:13:09 PM
I think you are preaching to the choir here Kitsune.   We are all aware we need to go to our dialysis sessions regularly.  It is a no win situation for some of us.  It is just sometimes we have the need to bitch about the situations we find ourselves in.

I am happy you go to dialysis only 2 times a week. How nice for you. I have been going for ten years, three days a week. I have not skipped a session. However if I want to complain about schedule changes I am going to complain long, loud, and hard.

In case you have forgotten this site is named Ihatedialysis for a reason.  Epoman wanted a place where people on dialysis could come a rant and rave and gripe and not have their posts pulled off because it was honest. I have ranted and rave don this board and do not feel I should be censored because of it.

Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Jess21 on November 23, 2008, 08:37:10 PM
i am going back to my original center for this week since I'm on a week of vacation from school.  The FMC I go to IS closed on Thanksgiving..my MWF has turned into Monday Wednesday Saturday.  Saturday afternoon should be interesting....
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: petey on November 26, 2008, 12:16:56 PM
Marvin was in-center for 5 1/2 years the first time...then transplant for three years...then back to in-center for almost 4 years...he's now on home hemo (the last 16 months).  So, I guess his in-center time would be 9 1/2 years total.  His clinic never ran on Thanksgiving Day or on Christmas Day.  He was MWF, so during these weeks, he went Sunday, Tuesday, Friday  (the TTS people went Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday).

Was the change in his normal routine (MWF) an inconvenience?  Yes, but we adjusted.  We planned our holiday celebrations around his adjusted schedule.

If his clinic had been open on Thanksgiving (and he had been a TTS patient) or if it had been open on Christmas and Christmas fell on a MWF, would he have gone?  Yep, you bet he would have.

I'll never forget the first Thanksgiving after Marvin started on dialysis (1995).  That was back when my Mom's whole family (sisters, brothers, their kids, about 40 people rented four-five beach houses in a row) spent a week at the beach for Thanksgiving (haven't done that in 5-6 years  :(   ).  That week, we traveled back and forth to the beach for Marvin's treatments (we'd ride about an hour at 4:30 in the morning so he could be back at his clinic on time -- then back to the beach that afternoon after treatment) three times that week.  On Thanksgiving Day, before we ate, somebody said, "I'm thankful this year for ..." and it started the whole group going around the room saying what they were thankful for.  A promotion at work...a beautiful, sunny day...lots of loved ones around...a healthy new grandbaby, etc., etc., etc.  When it came to Marvin, he said simply, "I'm thankful for my dialysis machine."  My mom started crying and said, "The rest of our things seem rather shallow compared to Marvin's."

This will be the 14th year Marvin will say he's thankful for his dialysis machine.  He's very, very, very lucky.
However, this year (for the second year in a row), we're even more thankful because his dialysis machine is at HOME   :yahoo;  :clap;  :yahoo;  :thumbup;  :cheer:  .

Marvin is also on "the list" again, so we're thankful for that, too.  But with a PRA of 98%, we realize he may be on dialysis for the rest of his life.  That's okay.  We can handle that, too, if we have to.

My mom's best friend is a Filipino lady.  She's absolutely precious -- loving, giving, kind, warm, generous.  She rents my parents' downstairs apartment; she's a "visiting" teacher from Manilla (first grade).  She came to the US two years ago because she could make so much more teaching here than she could in her homeland.  Her husband died five years ago from kidney failure.  He had been on dialysis for a couple of years, and she went bankrupt trying to pay for his treatments (had to pay up front before a treatment in the Philipines).  She is especially fond of Marvin and hugs him more than she hugs the rest of us.  I think Marvin's plight brings back memories of her late husband, whom she misses so very, very much.

I'm not trying to attack anybody here, or anybody's feelings about anything.  I just saw this thread and thought I'd add my two cents.

Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: okarol on November 26, 2008, 01:26:23 PM

thanks petey, but you got me crying again  :'(
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: thegrammalady on November 26, 2008, 01:42:33 PM
petey, your  :twocents; is just fine, in fact, throw in a few more. my center will be closed tomorrow. my mwf schedule is sunday, tuesday, friday this week. i'm grateful that the staff will get to spend the day with their families and not have to deal with us. most of them work very hard and do a good job. of course, as with any job, there are a few exceptions. but they still deserve the day with their families. i'm also grateful for the people who won't get thanksgiving off, hospital staff, firemen and police. they will be working hard on my behalf so i can have a safe day with my family and friends.

happy thanksgiving one and all.
(i'd shake my secret santa package, but it's marked fragil  :santahat;)
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: willieandwinnie on November 26, 2008, 02:14:34 PM
petey, you do have a way of making some of us cry.  :'( When Len was doing in center, he went on TTS and it always got changed around during the holidays. We were thankful when when started at home and made our own schedule. Happy Thanksgiving.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: kitkatz on November 26, 2008, 03:27:17 PM
I go in ea;ry tnight 7p.m instead of 8p.m. Seems the morning team at the center will be in early and wants us out in a timely manner.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Rerun on November 26, 2008, 03:37:19 PM
Funny to read a post TWO YEARS OLD.  Things have changed since 2006.  Now I have Thanksgiving and go to dialysis at 7:30PM and let them suck off all the potassium that I plan on eating.

The newbies crack me up.  Someone has been on dialysis for 5 to 6 months and lecture us on how thankful we should be.  Let me talk to you after 15 years.  Oh and only on 2 times a week?  What a breeze!

  I'm not going to be listed so I can do what I want.  I'm not going to play the "compliant" game or you will be taken off the list.  I've had my kidney.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Kitsune on November 26, 2008, 05:30:06 PM
Funny to read a post TWO YEARS OLD.  Things have changed since 2006.  Now I have Thanksgiving and go to dialysis at 7:30PM and let them suck off all the potassium that I plan on eating.

The newbies crack me up.  Someone has been on dialysis for 5 to 6 months and lecture us on how thankful we should be.  Let me talk to you after 15 years.  Oh and only on 2 times a week?  What a breeze!

  I'm not going to be listed so I can do what I want.  I'm not going to play the "compliant" game or you will be taken off the list.  I've had my kidney.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Actually I've been on D for almost two years but I know the alternative is worse than the procedure so yes I am thankful for it (not happy, mind you but thanklful). And it's none of my business if people don't want to be compliant, but if negative things happen because of it, that's the consequences of their actions and has nothing to do with the staff or dialysis itself and they have no room to complain because it is preventable.

And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Brightsky69 on November 26, 2008, 07:43:45 PM
UGH!!  I hate hemo! I am glad that the clinic I go to is on a holiday schedule and I have tomorrow off. Granted hemo is a lot better this go around then 17 years ago when I tried it. I don't know how you guys do it for years upon years.  :bow;

I want to get back to PD and stay at home.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Run8 on November 27, 2008, 11:25:52 AM
As long as Nebraska beats up Colorado the day after Thanksgiving it will be a great Holiday. And I am very thankful I can spend this day with my children no matter where that is.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: twirl on November 27, 2008, 12:05:15 PM
the Aggies are going to embarrass us today against Texas
glad Allen is red shirted this year :rofl;
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Run8 on November 28, 2008, 11:43:16 AM
Twirl who is Allen.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: twirl on November 28, 2008, 11:54:47 AM
Allen or Bubba
he is my 19 year old son and he is a freshman at Texas A&M
 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
#51  the babe with the curly hair  ( there is another 51 who is older )
Allen Woodum
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Run8 on November 28, 2008, 12:00:57 PM
That is so cool. i will watch for him.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: twirl on November 28, 2008, 12:42:29 PM
I hope they have a better season next year :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Jess21 on November 28, 2008, 09:31:36 PM
What I was thankful for:
my family(whether my real family or extended)
that my fistula was working when I woke up Thanksgiving morning
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Chris on November 28, 2008, 10:15:25 PM
II remember my first Thanksgiving to well when I had dialysis. My center said they gave me a notice that there would be no dialysis on that day andwas to come on such and such date and time. I never got that piece of paper, went to the center on Thanksgiving and walked back home out of frustration. On the next session I find out my fistula clotted off, sent home with no dialysis and had to wait to be called for a catheteeer to be put in and then my graft to be put in. Was not a happy camper. I wish they would take out thisdarn ugly graft.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: thegrammalady on November 29, 2008, 06:26:03 AM
As long as Nebraska beats up Colorado the day after Thanksgiving it will be a great Holiday. And I am very thankful I can spend this day with my children no matter where that is.

and just what's wrong with colorado!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Run8 on November 29, 2008, 09:27:06 AM
Nothing wrong with Colorado just like like Buffalo.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Jay72 on November 29, 2008, 10:45:06 AM
Wow!!! Apost that is ywo years old or not, so pretty harsh words in this post, espically racially.  From what I read there was absolutly not persobal attack on Rerun about religion, and to threaten to ban someone from the site for "their" opinion...man  some people take this site was too seriously.  Pretty much all of us on here are on dialysis, myself only 4months, but I have had 2 transplant and was of for almost 4 years 10 years ago.  What I am saying is what makes it right to say that since you have "seniority" you know better than Kitsure.  Obviously that perosn was offended by the "filipino comments, and I as well found them pretty harsh.  What if it was blacks or jews that were working in the clinic, and they don't celebrate all the holidays we do, so does that mean "F*&# THem" they don't care about us.  Sorry to go on but I happened to stumble upen this post as well, and I as well as Kitsune must have totally read it the wrong way....and in turn one of the admis must have read what she wrote in the total wrong context as well, espically to threaten to ban that person...they ddi the same as Rerun, just expressed an opinion, there was no personal attack from the way I read it.  It seems like in lots of the post I read there are a few people on the forum that have been on fro a long time therefore they can say what they want and newbies have no right to comment on a senior poster.

AgainI am sorry to jump in on this but I was a little put off to say the least as to what I read going on here.

Just my opinion, please don't ban me,

Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: okarol on November 29, 2008, 11:05:48 AM

Hi Jay,
You did join this thread late so you've missed a lot.
First of all, the member modified her post as requested. That's why you no longer can read the personal attack. If you know me you'd know I don't threaten a ban for no reason.
The rules are clear, speak your mind, rant if you need to, say what you want. But no personal attacks against other members.
Another rule is to stay ON TOPIC and since Thanksgiving scheduling is the subject, let's stick to it.

Title: Re: Thanksgiving Rant
Post by: Zach on November 29, 2008, 11:26:44 AM
For many years my center scheduled dialysis on Thanksgiving.

I discovered that the management didn't even provide the evening staff with a deli platter, so for about eight years I roasted a turkey for the staff on Thanksgiving.

For the last few years the new administrator has closed the center on Thanksgiving, and the patient's schedule move one day forward:  Thursday patients dialyze on Friday, Friday patients dialyze on Saturday and Saturday patients dialyze on Sunday.  Then back to the normal schedule on Monday.

Suffice to say, I no longer roast a turkey for the evening staff on Thanksgiving.
