I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: mallory on September 27, 2006, 02:20:39 PM

Title: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: mallory on September 27, 2006, 02:20:39 PM
I was reading Epoman's article about NxStage and it sounds very good.  I had decided that I would do CCPD when I start dialysis, but maybe I'd rather do home-hemo.  They told me the advantages to CCPD are that I can still work full time without doing exchanges at work, and it's easier to travel with CCPD.  But those aren't issues with home-hemo, either.

Have any of you tried both?  Any thoughts or recommendations?
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: LT514 on October 02, 2006, 08:26:06 PM
I have done both. I did CCPD with one exchange from 11-13 years old; and hemo from 21-22 and 25-27. Here's my experience.
PD was great. At first. Then I got peritonitis. Then they told me I had to limit my fluid intake to 16 oz. per day (that is nothing) and I had to run on the machine for 16 hours per night. I did it, because I was three months shy of getting a transplant.
Hemo, I liked better. I could swim in lakes, go in hot tubs, take baths. I didn't have all the equipment stacked up to the ceiling in my house. My diet (though this is unusual) was far more liberal. Usually it is the opposite. I had three days of tx with 3:15 hour runs, and I was doing well. I rarely cramped. If I could do it all over again, I would do home hemo.
However, the best treatment for me has been transplants.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: mallory on October 03, 2006, 08:14:31 AM
Thanks, LT514.  I'm really rethinking my decision.  Peritoneal sounds bad, with all the supplies, can't swim, the fluid makes you gain weight (which I really don't need), and being on the cycler 10 hours a day.  I'm going to ask my doctor about home hemo and see if they offer it here.  They only told me about CAPD, CCPD and in-center hemo, but it can't hurt to ask.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: livecam on October 03, 2006, 07:36:19 PM
How about neither Mallory?  Work at getting yourself on the transplant list asap and don't do either or minimize your time on dialysis. 
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: goofynina on October 03, 2006, 07:46:21 PM
BUT, if worse comes to worse and you do need it, i am telling you, CCPD is the way to go,  it dialyzes you while you sleep and the whole day is yours.  :2thumbsup; :clap;
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: mallory on October 04, 2006, 10:59:41 AM
Thanks, all of you.  I would like to get a transplant if I can, I'm not sure that I'm eligible.  My Nephrologist said I'd have to be off the medications I'm on for vasculitis for 6 months before he'd consider a transplant.  My Rheumatologist said he'd be willling to argue the point with the Nephrologist, so we'll see how it goes.  The medications I'm on are immunosuppressants, so, it does seem like I should be able to get a transplant since I'll just go back on the same medications after the transplant, anyway.

Goofynina, How do you sleep with CCPD?  I've worried about that because I have trouble sleeping now.  Is the cycler really noisy?  Is it hard to sleep hooked up to the machine?

Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: mmmmdeedee on October 04, 2006, 05:02:58 PM
I've been on both capd, ccpd, and hemo. Hemo was bad for me because my shunts kept going bad and they kept having to be replaced in other parts of my body.

If you are really, really careful with ccpd it minimizes the chances of peritonitis. One of the biggest problems of CAPD. Sleeping on the machine isn't so bad. The minimal noise becomes white noise after awhile and you just sleep through it.

I started off taking a Tylenol pm to help me sleep through. Now it's a lot easier. But I just crawl in bed, hook up and read a good book. I actually look forward to getting in bed now!

I guess it all depends on whether you can take being in bed for that time span, and whether you are able to stick needles in yourself. Six of one, half dozen of another I guess.

Good luck either way!
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 05, 2006, 01:05:08 AM
I have been on Baxter CAPD, Fresenius CAPD & CCPD, and Fresenius 2008K HD in clinic (no home hemo yet in my city but I can't get it anyway in my building unless no changes need to be made to plumbing).

I preferred Peritoneal Dialysis over Hemo Dialysis for the freedom and with it being nightly I was free all day and worked 30 hrs / week and could drink and eat more than I can now.

I actually weight MORE now on HD than I did for the 4 years on PD. And I have only been on HD for 15 months!

But I do get better clearances but that is different for everyone!

It is a personal choice and chances are through your life, depending on the age you must start, you will get to experience both as it is!

If your eye sight is NOT that good, go with inclinic HD. If you have bad circulation, best to go with PD most likely.

You must discuss it with the resources you have (renal social worker, surgeon, nephrologist, dialysis nurses, etc) and do your research!
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: mallory on October 05, 2006, 02:11:01 PM
Thanks, everybody, this is really good information.  It sounds like I'll try the CCPD that I was planning on, and I'll keep trying for a transplant. 

You know, before I found this site, I just never had anyone that I could ask all these questions.  My doctor told me that I would have to start dialysis soon and asks me, which type do I want?  I didn't even know there was more than one type of dialysis!  So he sends in his nurse, who explains PD and Hemo and then says I could probably travel more easily with PD, so I choose that one.  Then I went home and started desperately searching the internet to see what I had signed up for.  It's so good to be able to ask the question here and hear from people who have experienced dialysis what the pros and cons are.

You guys are great, thanks for your help!!!
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: goofynina on October 05, 2006, 02:26:21 PM
AND SHE CHOOSES PD  :clap;  WOOHOOO, GOOD CHOICE  :2thumbsup;  ;) i know you will be happy with your decision
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 08, 2006, 05:45:05 AM
Great choice! That was my first choice because I didn't want the needles and PD you never have to stick yourself (except for the Epo needles which are tiny and done subcutaniously which is easy to get used to like diebetics do ;) ) :2thumbsup;

Good luck!

I know I enjoyed PD! The only thing I didn't like is the repetativeness .. but you get that with any dialysis as it has to be done time and again to live ;)
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Panda_9 on October 08, 2006, 11:44:55 PM
I definitely reccommend PD before hemo. If it doesnt work out then by all means go onto hemo. If PD works for you (good clearance etc), then I beleive it has more advantages than hemo. You can travel more freely, it is very easy to do with less complications, no needling, less fuss. Home hemo is very involved, and can get very stressful and time consuming.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 09, 2006, 07:23:58 AM
Plus not every dialysis unit offers home hemo but PD is done at home so it makes it easier that way ;) :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: ulrika on October 10, 2006, 09:28:44 PM
My daughter Sandra tried the cycler, ten hrs per night, however, it kept waking her up while draining, as it would not stop...continued draining even after drained, which caused her a lot of pain. She is now back on manual. Anyone have advice on how to handle the weight gain? Sandra has always been a very tiny girl, who never managed to gain weight, even when needed to. Now, since starting pd in may/june she looks like she is 5 months pregnant, and can't fit in to any of her clothes.

Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 11, 2006, 05:48:20 AM
My daughter Sandra tried the cycler, ten hrs per night, however, it kept waking her up while draining, as it would not stop...continued draining even after drained, which caused her a lot of pain. She is now back on manual. Anyone have advice on how to handle the weight gain? Sandra has always been a very tiny girl, who never managed to gain weight, even when needed to. Now, since starting pd in may/june she looks like she is 5 months pregnant, and can't fit in to any of her clothes.

Ya I got into the habit of wearing pants with elastic band and large tops to cover the belly. People asked me if I was pregnant. Try to stay away from excess sugars as the dextrose in the dialysate is sugar in itself. If she has no urine output then the body isn't getting rid of the sugars as much and may need to have her blood sugar levels tested every year just to be on the safe side. At least that is how my family doctor felt.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: billable on October 14, 2006, 06:22:33 AM
My wife started out on CAPD in December.  She had been on home hemo 20 years ago before getting her transplant and had a phobia of the needles.  She was having way too much trouble sleeping to stay hooked up to the cycler all night, so CAPD seemed like the only choice.  Even without the weight gain, imagine taking a 2 liter bottle  and sticking it into your abdomen.  It will stretch your belly to make you look pregnant.  That was a big psychological problem for her.  I think all women are pretty concious of the physical changes in their body.  Then the 10 extra pounds came on.  The clearances were never good on PD for her.  And with the uremia came the jerking and twitching.  Medicines to control all the side effects caused her to be unsteady on her feet, so she started falling a lot.  The bruising has to be reabsorbed and causes more uremia.  It was a vicious cycle.  We get over one problem and something else would come up.

We just finished training on the Nxstage and did her 2nd treatment at home last night.  She feels great (well, compared to 2 weeks ago).  She is sleeping through the night.  The jerking has not gone away completely, but it is much better on less medicine.  Now it is mild and only in her sleep.  Her abdomen is noticeably smaller and she is feeling better about herself.

For us the PD just didn't work.  The nxstage, while it is too early to give it a total 100% positive review, seems to be our best alternative.  We just can't wait for that call from Vanderbilt to come and get a kidney.  Everytime the phone rings, my heart starts racing.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: goofynina on October 14, 2006, 11:30:06 AM
Billable, i am glad your wife found the treatment that works best for her and i hope you do get the "call" soon :thumbup;  Keep us posted k, :)
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Panda_9 on October 14, 2006, 04:50:22 PM
My daughter Sandra tried the cycler, ten hrs per night, however, it kept waking her up while draining, as it would not stop...continued draining even after drained, which caused her a lot of pain. She is now back on manual. Anyone have advice on how to handle the weight gain? Sandra has always been a very tiny girl, who never managed to gain weight, even when needed to. Now, since starting pd in may/june she looks like she is 5 months pregnant, and can't fit in to any of her clothes.


You are probably going to look pregnant on PD whatever weight you are. You will probably need to buy bigger clothes to accomodate, I know I did. I was on 3 litre bags and I looked like I was due any minute. She may not of put on any weight, obviously having all that fluid in there is going to push your belly out to a point. And it makes it hard to keep your abdominal muscles toned, therefore even more likely to stick out. She may also be one of those people who accumulate fluid retention in the abdomen area instead of the feet and ankles.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 15, 2006, 11:13:43 AM
Ya I myself didn't get it in my feet so much. Even at just 2L (3L??? How could you handle that? 2L was a lot for me!) I looked pregnant and then the drextrose!

I am just glad I got my stomach back after getting off PD even though it DID work for me!

The needles aren't so bad once you get used to them .. but I too had a HUGE fear of the needles. Damn I STILL do! lol (Epoman's been trying to calm me down about self-cannulating lol)
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: ulrika on October 15, 2006, 03:27:46 PM
Thanks, everybody, this is really good information.  It sounds like I'll try the CCPD that I was planning on, and I'll keep trying for a transplant. 

You know, before I found this site, I just never had anyone that I could ask all these questions.  My doctor told me that I would have to start dialysis soon and asks me, which type do I want?  I didn't even know there was more than one type of dialysis!  So he sends in his nurse, who explains PD and Hemo and then says I could probably travel more easily with PD, so I choose that one.  Then I went home and started desperately searching the internet to see what I had signed up for.  It's so good to be able to ask the question here and hear from people who have experienced dialysis what the pros and cons are.

You guys are great, thanks for your help!!!

I know what you mean about only knowing about one type of dialysis (hemo). When we heard about PD, we thought it sounded barbaric at first. However, as she got used to the idea, my daughter decided that pd would be the lesser of two evils, as she is deathly afraid of needles. Although I am not posting much anymore, as I am working nights, and helping Sandra, and her daughter in the day time, I read this forum every day, and don't know what we would have done without it. You all are a brave bunch, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here.   :grouphug;
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Panda_9 on October 16, 2006, 06:05:47 AM
Ya I myself didn't get it in my feet so much. Even at just 2L (3L??? How could you handle that? 2L was a lot for me!) I looked pregnant and then the drextrose!

I am just glad I got my stomach back after getting off PD even though it DID work for me!

The needles aren't so bad once you get used to them .. but I too had a HUGE fear of the needles. Damn I STILL do! lol (Epoman's been trying to calm me down about self-cannulating lol)

Beleive me it wasnt comfortable!!! When I first started 3L it was rather painful, I just felt like my belly was going to burst. It affected my appetite as well (along with the severe nausea), as once you had all that fluid in you, there wasnt much room for food or drink! When Im due for dialysis now I still tend to look pregnant as all the fluid accumulates in the abdomen. It is a real pain as my clothes dont fit me the day before dialysis, but they fit me the day after!
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 17, 2006, 09:18:25 AM
Ya I myself didn't get it in my feet so much. Even at just 2L (3L??? How could you handle that? 2L was a lot for me!) I looked pregnant and then the drextrose!

I am just glad I got my stomach back after getting off PD even though it DID work for me!

The needles aren't so bad once you get used to them .. but I too had a HUGE fear of the needles. Damn I STILL do! lol (Epoman's been trying to calm me down about self-cannulating lol)

Beleive me it wasnt comfortable!!! When I first started 3L it was rather painful, I just felt like my belly was going to burst. It affected my appetite as well (along with the severe nausea), as once you had all that fluid in you, there wasnt much room for food or drink! When Im due for dialysis now I still tend to look pregnant as all the fluid accumulates in the abdomen. It is a real pain as my clothes dont fit me the day before dialysis, but they fit me the day after!
Oh that brings up a very important point and memory for me!! On PD I couldn't go to the bathroom as well because it was pushing on everything. So when I drained initially I would disconnect and go to the washroom and do my thing. When doing CAPD I would bring it in the washroom with me so I didn't have to disconnect. It was easier to do that. Had you found similar problems?
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: geoffcamp on October 17, 2006, 09:49:28 AM
****My opinions and experiences ONLY!!****
I did both PD on the cycler and Hemo.  I absolutely HATED PD!!!  I could not do anything!  My RX for PD was 11 hours EVERY night on the machine and 1 exchange during the day.  That meant I had to be home EVERY night before 8PM to be up the next day around 8AM, I just could not do it!  then there was all the supplies at home and the fact that I had to do everything!  On top of that I needed a sterile environment to do my exchange during the day!  They (meaning the Doc's) fed me a bunch of BS about how I could travel and how good it was well in my experience it really sucked!  No social life no swimming (I live in Florida and I dive and LOVE to swim) then I got Peritonitis and that really sucked!  I never did well on PD and I did finally get my transplant thank god!  When I lost my transplant I decided to try Hemo and it has been great for me for the last 6+ years.  So much easier on my life and I feel good  well as good as I can I guess.  I have had my complications and issues on hemo but all in all it has been a much better experience for me then PD!  I am sure each individual has their own experiences and opinions that is just mine.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 17, 2006, 11:33:11 AM
Wow that was a good post!  :thumbup;

This is turning out to be a very informative thread about different expreriences on different types of dialysis!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: mallory on October 17, 2006, 12:51:54 PM
All of this information is great, I appreciate all of your input so much.  This is a HUGE decision.  I worry about hemo because I have vasculitis so my veins aren't very good, but I worry about PD because I don't want to gain weight and I worry about storing all the supplies.  I worry about travelling because they said I could travel easier with PD, but it doesn't seem easy (and Geoff's experience backs that up!) and that's important to me.

It's just so hard to make a decision like this, one that's really going to affect your whole life.  There's so much to think about.  It still amazes me that at my doctor's office they just asked me which one I wanted, hemo or PD?  How the heck do they expect someone to answer that when they just found out they need dialysis five minutes before that?

I'm still hoping that my kidneys can hold out long enough for me to get off the immunosuppressants I'm on, then maybe I can get a transplant.  But, last week the doctor said my kidneys are getting worse, so I'm probably going to have to make a decision soon on dialysis. 

Thanks again, everyone, for the information!
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 17, 2006, 01:03:54 PM
I worry about travelling because they said I could travel easier with PD, but it doesn't seem easy (and Geoff's experience backs that up!) and that's important to me.
I found it VERY easy to travel on PD myself (and I am talking out of my country (Canada) to the States!! I didn't have to worry about American coverage or anything like I do with HD.) With Hemo I can NOT travel .. unless I go out and buy outter country insurance coverage with my pre-exsisting medical condition  ::)

Of course it is different for everyone and also dependent on your own personal situation and where you are in the world ;)
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: geoffcamp on October 17, 2006, 01:56:22 PM
I am not sure how your insurance works in your country Angie but I find it much easier to travel on hemo!  I just tell my social worker where I am going and she makes the arrangements.  I have been out of the country more then once and had no problems at all.  They even have cruises now with dialysis on board so you can get treatments while on the boat!  No supplies to lug along or have sent to where ever you are going just go and show up at the center at the time the social worker set up!
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Panda_9 on October 17, 2006, 05:40:56 PM
Ya I myself didn't get it in my feet so much. Even at just 2L (3L??? How could you handle that? 2L was a lot for me!) I looked pregnant and then the drextrose!

I am just glad I got my stomach back after getting off PD even though it DID work for me!

The needles aren't so bad once you get used to them .. but I too had a HUGE fear of the needles. Damn I STILL do! lol (Epoman's been trying to calm me down about self-cannulating lol)

Beleive me it wasnt comfortable!!! When I first started 3L it was rather painful, I just felt like my belly was going to burst. It affected my appetite as well (along with the severe nausea), as once you had all that fluid in you, there wasnt much room for food or drink! When Im due for dialysis now I still tend to look pregnant as all the fluid accumulates in the abdomen. It is a real pain as my clothes dont fit me the day before dialysis, but they fit me the day after!
Oh that brings up a very important point and memory for me!! On PD I couldn't go to the bathroom as well because it was pushing on everything. So when I drained initially I would disconnect and go to the washroom and do my thing. When doing CAPD I would bring it in the washroom with me so I didn't have to disconnect. It was easier to do that. Had you found similar problems?

I was quite the opposite. As soon as I started running the bag in I would have to run to the toilet (which was outside in the laundry) carrying the full drain bag and mostly full fill bag lol I had mild colitis (which wasnt supposed to cause any problems), but I constantly had to run to the toilet, especially if the bag was a bit on the cold side. Then when I started on the cycler it was very difficult as I would have to disconnect quickly trying not to contaminate the lines meanwhile hopping around like an idoit trying to hold it in. For the first few months I still urinated as well, and it was getting increasingly urgent, so that was a double problem.
Since being on hemo I rarely get it, and I dont have to pee!
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 17, 2006, 08:40:40 PM
I am not sure how your insurance works in your country Angie but I find it much easier to travel on hemo!  I just tell my social worker where I am going and she makes the arrangements.  I have been out of the country more then once and had no problems at all.  They even have cruises now with dialysis on board so you can get treatments while on the boat!  No supplies to lug along or have sent to where ever you are going just go and show up at the center at the time the social worker set up!
The difference is I am poor :P
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Panda_9 on October 18, 2006, 03:08:59 AM
I guess thats why alot of foreigners come over here. Everything is free here, except medications which are pretty cheap anyway. No offense but Im getting a bit annoyed with the abundance of foreigners at the hospital who obviously are here just for the health care, and cant speak a word of english.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Black on October 18, 2006, 09:32:59 AM
"...Researchers at Johns Hopkins have found that in people with end-stage kidney disease (ESRD), choosing peritoneal dialysis over hemodialysis increases their risk of dying by 50 percent.  ..."

Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: geoffcamp on October 18, 2006, 11:42:43 AM
WOW that is a hell of an eye opening number!
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: meadowlandsnj on October 18, 2006, 06:26:16 PM
****My opinions and experiences ONLY!!****
I did both PD on the cycler and Hemo.  I absolutely HATED PD!!!  I could not do anything!  My RX for PD was 11 hours EVERY night on the machine and 1 exchange during the day. 

I had almost the same experience--I was 9 hours on the machine at night plus 2 exchanges during the day,  I hated it also!!  I was also given the whole song and dance how about how much better PD was.  It sucked!!  Plus the supplies took over my apartment!  I was living with dialysis 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  Time to hook up, time to do an exchange.. it got to me after a while.  This was in 1993.  I was on PD for 9 months I think.  I gained so much weight from the solutions.  It was like 50 pounds and it was a royal pain taking it off again after I got off PD in 1994.  But soem people like PD and this was only MY experience........... :twocents;
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: anja on October 18, 2006, 09:57:18 PM
I have been on PD for 16 months and so glad I found this site which directly impacted my decision.  Without it, my Dr. would have had me on in-center, with no discussion.  So glad I lurked here and learned all I could.  I have never regretted my decision !  I watch my father on in-center hemo. and realize how very lucky I am to be able to do PD and have such good labs.  Dad bottoms out often with his blood pressure,  goes home wiped out, and his voice is a raspy whisper after hemo.  This is just our experience and everyone's situation has different variables.  Best of luck on your decision making.   :cuddle;  Anja
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: goofynina on October 18, 2006, 10:36:20 PM
My experience with PD has been great, i am so glad i am able to do it,  i think i gained more weight while in-center due to my constant gaining of 5 - 7 kilos between each session,  it kept creeping up and up and up,  i have been at the same weight while i am on PD,  matter of fact i lost 3 kilos on the last visit, dont know how that happend but i was happy it did.  So all in all, i have been very pleased with being on PD,  yes, it is uncomfortable and yes, the supplies do take a bit of room but i dont mind  ::)
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 19, 2006, 12:26:47 AM
I still gotta read that article but as soon as I saw what you quoted black I was like, "WHAT??!" I mean I was on PD for over 4 yrs. I would think HD would be more risky considering how easy it is to get a blood clot. Too bad I can't do PD anymore since the Peritonitis I got was so bad :(
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 19, 2006, 09:04:43 AM
I'm very glad I chose PD.  It was not a hard decision for me to make.
I went to a class that told about each method and I left the class knowing
I'd choose PD.  Started CAPD then changed to CCPD.
Using the cycler at night is not a problem for me.
Doesn't take long to set up.  Dragging heavy bags around is an annoyance but
I tell myself, get used to this, you have to do it.  I haven't had any nausea or problems.
Diet and drinks is not quite as restricted.  I'm so grateful that there was that option
for me and I pray that I NEVER have to go on hemo.  At least if you start out
on one, if it doesn't work for you, then you could go to the other.
I'm a widow, maybe that makes a difference also.  Some people wouldn't want the tube hanging from their stomach or would not want to be "hooked up" at night.  I prefer it to sitting in a chair for
hours with needles hanging from me.  There are supplies, but they are delivered, rotated,
and stacked by the deliveryman and I keep them in my smallest bedroom and keep the door
closed except for when I need something to set up.  It has not taken over my life. not at all.
Most people don't even know that I am on dialysis.  There is one lady who broke her elbow
and they made her do hemo for a while. I broke my hand but I managed to keep going so I did not have to do hemo.  Had to have a friend help me set up for a while.  PD, so far, for me, has just
been an inconvenience, hoping it stays that way.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on October 20, 2006, 02:01:50 AM
I prefer it to sitting in a chair for
hours with needles hanging from me.  There are supplies, but they are delivered, rotated,
and stacked by the deliveryman and I keep them in my smallest bedroom and keep the door
closed except for when I need something to set up.  It has not taken over my life. not at all.
Most people don't even know that I am on dialysis. 

Ya my delivery guy was real nice and rotated them for me as well. He didn't always know the right order so I had to tell him but he was real nice and always asking how I am doing healthwise. Sometimes he even brought me things. Very nice guy :) Deliveries would come every month and I would keep the spare bedroom door closed.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Triker on November 13, 2006, 09:51:57 PM
Just my two cents worth:
I've been doing dialysis for a little over 6 years. My kidneys failed due to untreated high blood pressure. I started out with a hemo catheter, and used it until my PD catheter was ready. I used PD with a cycler for about four years until it got to be too much work, and requiring too much time. All the inventory, trips to take out the trash, dumping the 10 gallon bucket with used solution everyday from one end of the house to the other, it stinks, they kept increasing my volume until I looked like I was pregnant, to spend a weekend away involved loading a pickup truckbed full of supplies and machine, the final straw was when they wanted to increase my time from 8 hours to 10 hours nightly, not including the daily manual exchange, it was just too much for me. I had a spare bedroom full of supplies! I went back to a hemo catheter, until my fistula was good to go. Now I can take off on my motorcycle trike on a Friday afternoon and not worry about a thing until Monday morning. The down side is that I have a terrible time restricting my fluid intake. Regularly, I have to get an extra treatment after the weekend to takeoff the extra fluid. The local clinic is only open on Mon., Weds., & Fri. I have to go about 30 miles to the next closest one, and if they're full up, the next option is a two hour or better drive. On PD I was able to drink pretty much all I wanted. I also, felt better on PD. Some of the technicians aren't properly trained, I'd be better off sticking myself. LOL!!! I don't have a good relationship with one of the charge nurses. All I want is for her to do what she gets paid to do. I guess sometimes we disagree what that is. I'm happy to still be here, but that's not to say that I'm always happy. I was just reading in the forum about Nxstage. I have never been told about it. I don't know if it's an option for me or not, but I want to check into it.

Just a rant off the subject: I used to feel that one of the charge nurses used to try to threaten me about my fluid overload by telling me that she didn't know if she could get me in at the clinic 30 miles away, and that she might have to send me to one over two hours away for an extra treatment. Once, she told me that they were too full, and I managed to get around her. When I got there, there were three empty chairs after I was hooked up. She doesn't threaten me now. Another interesting thing, I asked why I couldn't go to a clinic 30 miles in another direction for my treatment rather than driving over 2 hours away? It was because it wasn't Davita. Medicare doesn't care, they would pay all the same. The provider's red tape makes it nearly possible to do this. This tells me that they are more interested in the money, than providing for the patients. Of course, they will tell you that the quality of care may not be the same. :banghead; Sorry about the rant. I hope that I could help you with your decision. Best wishes, however you decide.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on November 14, 2006, 07:34:23 AM
That was a very good and informative post Triker! Thanks!  :clap; :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angela515 on November 14, 2006, 08:18:53 AM
I just wanted to comment on something that was said. I don't know how long ago you did PD, but, you said you had to dump a 10 gallon bucket of used solution everyday... i'm not sure why, but that's not how it works, now at least. You have a drain line... and in the morning when your done you hook the drain line up to your used bags and the other end of the drain line goes in the toilet, or sink, and you walk away do whatever it is you o... come back later and unhook the drain line and your bags are now empty, you didnt have to lift a thing.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on November 14, 2006, 08:33:16 AM
I just wanted to comment on something that was said. I don't know how long ago you did PD, but, you said you had to dump a 10 gallon bucket of used solution everyday... i'm not sure why, but that's not how it works, now at least. You have a drain line... and in the morning when your done you hook the drain line up to your used bags and the other end of the drain line goes in the toilet, or sink, and you walk away do whatever it is you o... come back later and unhook the drain line and your bags are now empty, you didnt have to lift a thing.
I know there are different types of CCPD depending on if you are through Fresenius or Baxter (are there others besides those?).

Mine was very similar to this (this pic only shows 2 5L bags but I also had a 3rd that was an additional 2L):

Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angela515 on November 14, 2006, 09:33:12 AM
That looks like Baxter products... I dont know much about Baxter, but I know 1 person on PD with baxter and they also use a drain line... I use Fresenius, and I use 5L bags, 3 of them, each night. Luckily I only have to lift them once to setup my machine, and I hook them up to a drain line when im done so the next time I pick them up they are empty bags.. lol.

Weird  ;D
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on November 14, 2006, 10:16:10 AM
That looks like Baxter products... I dont know much about Baxter, but I know 1 person on PD with baxter and they also use a drain line... I use Fresenius, and I use 5L bags, 3 of them, each night. Luckily I only have to lift them once to setup my machine, and I hook them up to a drain line when im done so the next time I pick them up they are empty bags.. lol.

Weird  ;D
Ya that pic does look like Baxter from the connector. I was on Fresenius myself but didn't get any pics of the drain bags :( (I kinda thought I would still be doing PD ...) for CCPD. I only have 1 pic of me on CAPD (Fresenius):

Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: mallory on November 14, 2006, 01:49:42 PM
So do any of you on PD have Baxter?  I think that's what my clinic uses.  They gave me a book about PD, and it was from Baxter.  Is it okay, or is Fresenius better?

My catheter is still bleeding a little and I'm a little freaked out today about this whole thing.  I sure hope I haven't made a mistake, maybe I should have chosen HD.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: goofynina on November 14, 2006, 07:34:28 PM
Hi Mallory,   I have Baxter and i love it,  dont worry, things will work out for you.  Are you currently on hemo?  Please address all PD questions in the Home Dialysis thread :)  see ya there
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Rerun on November 14, 2006, 09:58:18 PM
Mallory, Don't worry if PD doesn't work out you can always try hemo.  You've got to start somewhere and PD is a place to start.  I've done both and I would love to be back on PD but too much scarring has made it impossible.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: anja on November 14, 2006, 11:36:27 PM
Oh, Mallory, I wish you weren't so worried, but that's normal, so was I.  I have been on both Baxter :thumbup;  and Fresenius  :thumbdown; and by far prefer the Baxter machine. In my opinion,Baxter is less sensitive( so fewer alarms) because it does not work on the scale system, much easier and quicker to set up, has longer tubing, can be disconnected as many times as needed(unlike F, which you can do only once), it can drain into a bucket or stool or tub (Fresenius drains into bags hanging on the machine that you must struggle to unhook and carry to dispense of), there is less waste(tubing, containers and wrappers)  with Baxter(hence, less garbage to get rid of),  the connecter attached to you has shorter tubing to contend with.  I could go on and on, as I did with my dialysis unit when they wanted me to switch - recounting each and every positive and negative.  The only positive I found that the Fresenius had was that it was somewhat quieter, except when it switched over - that was a loud clicking noise.  Now that I have moved my machine to the hallway I sleep more peacefully and have no problems or alarms- whoever said it had to be next to your head or even beside your bed?  It does not!  Best wishes for your introduction into the world of dialysis- you are LUCKY if you are able to do PD!  :2thumbsup; Thinking of you,  Anja
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Panda_9 on November 15, 2006, 03:19:25 AM
I was on gambro and had to carry 15-20L out to the bathroom (which was outside) every night.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angela515 on November 15, 2006, 05:27:21 AM
Oh, Mallory, I wish you weren't so worried, but that's normal, so was I.  I have been on both Baxter :thumbup;  and Fresenius  :thumbdown; and by far prefer the Baxter machine. In my opinion,Baxter is less sensitive( so fewer alarms) because it does not work on the scale system, much easier and quicker to set up, has longer tubing, can be disconnected as many times as needed(unlike F, which you can do only once), it can drain into a bucket or stool or tub (Fresenius drains into bags hanging on the machine that you must struggle to unhook and carry to dispense of), there is less waste(tubing, containers and wrappers)  with Baxter(hence, less garbage to get rid of),  the connecter attached to you has shorter tubing to contend with.  I could go on and on, as I did with my dialysis unit when they wanted me to switch - recounting each and every positive and negative.  The only positive I found that the Fresenius had was that it was somewhat quieter, except when it switched over - that was a loud clicking noise.  Now that I have moved my machine to the hallway I sleep more peacefully and have no problems or alarms- whoever said it had to be next to your head or even beside your bed?  It does not!  Best wishes for your introduction into the world of dialysis- you are LUCKY if you are able to do PD!  :2thumbsup; Thinking of you,  Anja

I just needed to correct a few things beause I am on Fresenius and you make it sound so bad.  >:( You say youcan only disconnect from a Fresenius machine one-time, and thats not true... I disconnct as many times as I want too... I have snap-disconnect and have many many disconnect's if I need them and need to be unhooked from the machine. I also do not have to carry my bags to drain them, I just hook up a drain line and put the other end of it in the toilet and come back in an hour or 2 and its empty. Also my machine makes no noise at all, not even switching from drains to dwells and fills... only sound is if I alarm, obviously. So, there are lots of positives to Fresenius also... not just negatives as you pointed out.Maybe you sed a different machine for Fresenius, idunno.. I use Freedom Cycler PD+ IQCard. I used Baxter for a week in the hospital and was glad I didn't have to use it at home.. I didn't like it at all, so you see, everyone has a prefrencce, and mine is Fresenius  ;D

You will have to try and see for yourself what works for you.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: mallory on November 15, 2006, 10:57:17 AM
Thanks, everybody.  I'm calmer today, I'm back at work, everything is fine.  My catheter is still bleeding a little, but they said it's probably because I've been on Prednisone so long and it's affected my tissue so it heals more slowly.

Goofynina, I'm not on HD yet, I'm not on any dialysis yet.  I have the catheter for PD, they said that unless I get sick, they're going to let it heal until after Thanksgiving and then start me on dialysis.

Thanks everyone, for all your advice.  I am glad that I chose PD, and I do think it's the right decision for me at this time.  Starting dialysis is just such a BIG thing, you know?  I am so glad I found this site, without it I would feel so alone.  I don't know anyone at all who's ever even had kidney problems, let alone dialysis, so I don't have anyone I can talk to or ask questions.

Epoman, your site is fantastic!!

Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Triker on November 15, 2006, 06:43:49 PM
I just wanted to comment on something that was said. I don't know how long ago you did PD, but, you said you had to dump a 10 gallon bucket of used solution everyday... i'm not sure why, but that's not how it works, now at least. You have a drain line... and in the morning when your done you hook the drain line up to your used bags and the other end of the drain line goes in the toilet, or sink, and you walk away do whatever it is you o... come back later and unhook the drain line and your bags are now empty, you didnt have to lift a thing.
My machine was a Baxter machine. I set it up in my bedroom, and dialized while sleeping. There was no sink or stool in my bedroom. The bathroom was at the other end of the house.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: pmbaer on November 15, 2006, 09:07:17 PM
Thanks, everybody.  I'm calmer today, I'm back at work, everything is fine.  My catheter is still bleeding a little, but they said it's probably because I've been on Prednisone so long and it's affected my tissue so it heals more slowly.

Goofynina, I'm not on HD yet, I'm not on any dialysis yet.  I have the catheter for PD, they said that unless I get sick, they're going to let it heal until after Thanksgiving and then start me on dialysis.

Thanks everyone, for all your advice.  I am glad that I chose PD, and I do think it's the right decision for me at this time.  Starting dialysis is just such a BIG thing, you know?  I am so glad I found this site, without it I would feel so alone.  I don't know anyone at all who's ever even had kidney problems, let alone dialysis, so I don't have anyone I can talk to or ask questions.

Epoman, your site is fantastic!!

Hello Mallory: 

You seem to be a couple weeks ahead of me.  My surgery to place the PD cath is Monday.  I've been doing a lot of research also and find some comfort in hearing that the Fresenius product is getting good reviews.  The center I'm working with is a Fresenius center and I was alarmed to be presented with a form to sign stating that I could use only fresenius products or find another center.  The next closer center is 3 hours away.  Thank you for asking the question. 

Fixed Quote - Rerun - Moderator

Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on November 16, 2006, 12:08:34 AM
Oh, Mallory, I wish you weren't so worried, but that's normal, so was I.  I have been on both Baxter :thumbup;  and Fresenius  :thumbdown; and by far prefer the Baxter machine. In my opinion,Baxter is less sensitive( so fewer alarms) because it does not work on the scale system, much easier and quicker to set up, has longer tubing, can be disconnected as many times as needed(unlike F, which you can do only once), it can drain into a bucket or stool or tub (Fresenius drains into bags hanging on the machine that you must struggle to unhook and carry to dispense of), there is less waste(tubing, containers and wrappers)  with Baxter(hence, less garbage to get rid of),  the connecter attached to you has shorter tubing to contend with.  I could go on and on, as I did with my dialysis unit when they wanted me to switch - recounting each and every positive and negative.  The only positive I found that the Fresenius had was that it was somewhat quieter, except when it switched over - that was a loud clicking noise.  Now that I have moved my machine to the hallway I sleep more peacefully and have no problems or alarms- whoever said it had to be next to your head or even beside your bed?  It does not!  Best wishes for your introduction into the world of dialysis- you are LUCKY if you are able to do PD!  :2thumbsup; Thinking of you,  Anja

I just needed to correct a few things beause I am on Fresenius and you make it sound so bad.  >:( You say youcan only disconnect from a Fresenius machine one-time, and thats not true... I disconnct as many times as I want too... I have snap-disconnect and have many many disconnect's if I need them and need to be unhooked from the machine. I also do not have to carry my bags to drain them, I just hook up a drain line and put the other end of it in the toilet and come back in an hour or 2 and its empty. Also my machine makes no noise at all, not even switching from drains to dwells and fills... only sound is if I alarm, obviously. So, there are lots of positives to Fresenius also... not just negatives as you pointed out.Maybe you sed a different machine for Fresenius, idunno.. I use Freedom Cycler PD+ IQCard. I used Baxter for a week in the hospital and was glad I didn't have to use it at home.. I didn't like it at all, so you see, everyone has a prefrencce, and mine is Fresenius  ;D

You will have to try and see for yourself what works for you.
There is only one "quick-disconnect" though per tubing. Sure you can put a cap on that they give you but I never felt those were as "safe" when it comes to preventing Peritonitis! Also FMC never EVER gave me a drain line that could reach to the washroom or anything. I had heavy bags that were a pain in the ass. I was just on this last year so it wasn't like it was an old one or anything. But I can't compair to Baxter as the last time I was on that was in 1990. The machine was much bigger back then (I saw the current Baxter PD machine at a Kidney Symposium! Much smaller than the FMC one!!). Anyway my FMC machine was also the Freedom Cycler PD+ IQCard.

The first pic is that Freedom Cycler PD+ IQCard.
The 2nd pic is my Baxter one I was on in 1990 in the hospital.
The 3rd pic is the one Baxter I saw at the Kidney Symposium.
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: Fox_nc on November 16, 2006, 05:27:38 PM
Memories ... pressed between the pages of my mind. . .

Angie, I haven't seen one of those monsters (the 2nd pic) in years.  When I had mine in 94, I called it C3PO  ;D  When I get my new one it will be the Baxter one in the bottom picture.  I can't believe how small they have become in the last decade, but I'm happy for it!

After doing in-clinic hemo for the past 3 months, I can without hesitation say that, for me, PD is the way to go.  At least at home I have a DVR :-) And people to talk to.  Only 5 days until I get my fabulous tube and only 2 weeks after that I get to ditch hemo and this stupid catheter - woo hoo!
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on November 16, 2006, 06:19:01 PM
Memories ... pressed between the pages of my mind. . .

Angie, I haven't seen one of those monsters (the 2nd pic) in years.  When I had mine in 94, I called it C3PO  ;D  When I get my new one it will be the Baxter one in the bottom picture.  I can't believe how small they have become in the last decade, but I'm happy for it!

After doing in-clinic hemo for the past 3 months, I can without hesitation say that, for me, PD is the way to go.  At least at home I have a DVR :-) And people to talk to.  Only 5 days until I get my fabulous tube and only 2 weeks after that I get to ditch hemo and this stupid catheter - woo hoo!
Ya it is amazing how much dialysis has changed over the years!

I wish I woulda taken pics of the whole from set up til dumping the bags stages of PD. Now you can do that if you want! ;) But Baxter has the hose right? No dumping of any bags unlike with FMC :P

That big machine I was on in 1990 I never used at home since I was only on dialysis for 2 months before I got a transplant when I was 16. I wish my luck was that good now :P
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angela515 on November 16, 2006, 06:28:28 PM
Hey angie... I dont know what a "cap" is but I believe you only use caps on baxter machines... not sure, but I have never used one on a Fresenius machine... as for the snap-disconnect, I have more than 1 to a tubing... my main tubing comes with 2 snap-disconnects and the extra tubing I add on before I hook up has 5 more snap-disconnects. I usually dont add the extra disconnect tubing unless I know i'm going to be using them, b/c for the most part I never even disconnect once, however if I disconnect once and need to do so more b/c of my kids I will add the extra tubing then... but yah, I got a lot of snap disconnects if needed...I think the cap thing your referring to is on baxter... i remember using baxter once in the hospital and they used the phrae cpas a lot...  ;D

P.S. That was awesome only waiting 2 months when u were 16, i wish we all had that luck Huh lol
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on November 16, 2006, 06:32:40 PM
Hey angie... I dont know what a "cap" is but I believe you only use caps on baxter machines... not sure, but I have never used one on a Fresenius machine... as for the snap-disconnect, I have more than 1 to a tubing... my main tubing comes with 2 snap-disconnects and the extra tubing I add on before I hook up has 5 more snap-disconnects. I usually dont add the extra disconnect tubing unless I know i'm going to be using them, b/c for the most part I never even disconnect once, however if I disconnect once and need to do so more b/c of my kids I will add the extra tubing then... but yah, I got a lot of snap disconnects if needed...I think the cap thing your referring to is on baxter... i remember using baxter once in the hospital and they used the phrae cpas a lot...  ;D

P.S. That was awesome only waiting 2 months when u were 16, i wish we all had that luck Huh lol
No I know what I am talking about but not sure of the name. I was definately on Fresenius. Anyway, I wish I was able to have the extra line with the 5 snap-disconnects! Toward the end when I was retaining more I kept having the runs ... which anyone can imagine is pure hell when tethered to a line for 8 hrs and 45 min!!!  :banghead; :'(
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angela515 on November 16, 2006, 06:37:08 PM
 :lol; yes, i definatley know what u mean!! i hate when im having tummy trouble and have to spend most of the night in the bathroom, or running there  :lol;

If anyone is on fresenius and they want that extra tubing ill get the item # for yaz, i know ur not on pd anymore angie, but for anyone who is, if ya have the fresenius machine and snap-disconnect connections.. :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Peritoneal or Hemo?
Post by: angieskidney on November 16, 2006, 06:56:30 PM
:lol; yes, i definatley know what u mean!! i hate when im having tummy trouble and have to spend most of the night in the bathroom, or running there  :lol;

If anyone is on fresenius and they want that extra tubing ill get the item # for yaz, i know ur not on pd anymore angie, but for anyone who is, if ya have the fresenius machine and snap-disconnect connections.. :2thumbsup;
You should give the number anyway because that is VERY useful information!  :2thumbsup; :clap;