I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: RightSide on April 22, 2009, 06:43:53 AM

Title: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: RightSide on April 22, 2009, 06:43:53 AM
Two of the nurses in my dialysis center are so fat that they waddle when they walk across the dialysis floor between stations.  And my neph, wihle not grossly obese, could easily stand to lose 15 or 20 pounds.

This is simply wrong.  Nephs and nurses who work with ESRD patients should know damn well about the dangers of obesity, all the illnesses it can lead to.  And they're not setting a good example for their patients. 

Some patients have been struggling to lose some weight, and it would inspire them to see nurses with slim waists, and nephs with powerful muscles and washboard abs.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: peleroja on April 22, 2009, 07:13:08 AM
I know what you mean.  I am appalled at the number of people in my center who are clinically obese.  Bottom line, though, is you can't change other people, only yourself.  I knew I was fat when I weighed 233.5, but it took a BMI table to show me that I wasn't just overweight or obese, I was in "extreme obesity."  As of yesterday I weighed 175, which still puts me in the "obese" category, and I still have the "overweight" category to go through before I even get to normal!  It sure is a lot easier and more fun putting the weight on than taking it off!
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Deanne on April 22, 2009, 07:36:14 AM
They're human, just like we are. I think it's wrong to judge them for their weight just because of their career choice.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Wallyz on April 22, 2009, 07:48:44 AM
Planks and motes.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: thegrammalady on April 22, 2009, 08:13:00 AM
 :waving; hi deanne.

Judge not, that ye be not judged. 
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 

Matt:7: 1-2

(sorry folks, i just couldn't resist - having once been 230 pounds)
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: jbeany on April 22, 2009, 08:21:57 AM
Yup, had a couple of nurses and techs at my first center with some very serious weight problems.  There are plenty of over-weight hospital staff everywhere around here.  I get that it's hard to lose the weight; I guess I just wonder that they haven't seen their own future in the faces of the patients they take care of, and gotten scared enough to do something about it.  You would think listening to us cramp and crash and puke would be some incentive to live a healthier lifestyle.

One of the heaviest was always the first to lecture about fluid gains and diet restrictions when a patient's numbers were too high.  That always seemed hypocritical to me - to have her lecturing about self-control.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: David13 on April 22, 2009, 08:23:52 AM
I guess the old saying:  "Do as I say and not as I do" applies here.   :bow;
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: willowtreewren on April 22, 2009, 08:43:31 AM
At least the nutritionist at our center is slim.

But I don't have room to talk! LOL!


Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: del on April 22, 2009, 09:31:53 AM
I know what you mean.  I am appalled at the number of people in my center who are clinically obese.  Bottom line, though, is you can't change other people, only yourself.  I knew I was fat when I weighed 233.5, but it took a BMI table to show me that I wasn't just overweight or obese, I was in "extreme obesity."  As of yesterday I weighed 175, which still puts me in the "obese" category, and I still have the "overweight" category to go through before I even get to normal!  It sure is a lot easier and more fun putting the weight on than taking it off!

Congratulations peleroja!! :yahoo; :2thumbsup; That is a fantastic weight loss.  bet you feel a whole lot better.  I was almost the same weight as you and am down to 185 lbs.  I still have the obese and overweight category to go through too!!! So true that it is more fun putting the weight on that taking it off!!!  Keep on taking the pounds off LOL!!!
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: twirl on April 22, 2009, 12:52:41 PM
my nep doc used the be as round as he was tall
he lost tons
I never said -- anything about his weight
he does understand the difficulties of weight loss
I have lost 38 lbs and I like to keep track in my head as of who I am now weighing less than -
since Dec 9 --- I know it is not a mature thing to do ---- add to the things to be done while on dialysis -
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: aharris2 on April 22, 2009, 02:32:37 PM
At least the nutritionist at our center is slim.

So is ours. I think it makes her unable to relate to the patients who don't always follow that strict dialysis diet, especially during the holidays.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: G-Ma on April 22, 2009, 04:18:13 PM
Oh dear RS...there are so many things I wanted to say, instead just said a prayer for you.  I have noticed in my center that the techs that are overweight are the ones who tell the others..you just go take your break or lunch, I'll stay here and keep and eye on your patients and these same individuals then finally go on break when the others are done and are back in 15 min after throwing their food down and continue caring for US.  I really try to avoid talking nasty about people because I probably..no I know I have been there and am still there, unfortunately you might be one of the people who were so mean to many of us when we were growing up and that still hurts so many of us.  Think about it please.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Rerun on April 22, 2009, 04:57:46 PM
I think the point is if you are in the health care field and see all the consequences of bad choices that you would make good ones.  If you are around dialysis it should scare you enough to eat right and quit smoking.

At my old clinic (DaVita) they would come in from break and reek of smoke.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Romona on April 22, 2009, 05:59:04 PM
I am struggling with weight issues. I go to a gym and walk. Since I joined the gym almost a year ago I gained 7 pounds. One doc made me feel better when he said that he struggles with weight too. Most of them just preach like it is easy.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: rocker on April 22, 2009, 07:26:43 PM
At least the nutritionist at our center is slim.

So is ours. I think it makes her unable to relate to the patients who don't always follow that strict dialysis diet, especially during the holidays.

Oooooooh, be careful about this one.

I lost a third of my body weight about 10-12 years ago.  I haven't gained it back, but I still struggle with it every day.  Ten times a day I have to tell myself "No, do not eat that."  Now certainly it's worth it!  I feel a million times better than when I was fat.  But I can't tell you how many times someone has snarked at me "Oh, you're skinny, you don't know what it's like. You can eat anything you want!" 

Yeah, I can.  But I don't. 
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Zach on April 22, 2009, 08:25:31 PM
I am struggling with weight issues. I go to a gym and walk. Since I joined the gym almost a year ago I gained 7 pounds. One doc made me feel better when he said that he struggles with weight too. Most of them just preach like it is easy.

And remember, muscle weighs more than fat.

Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: thegrammalady on April 23, 2009, 09:04:53 AM
I think the point is if you are in the health care field and see all the consequences of bad choices that you would make good ones.  If you are around dialysis it should scare you enough to eat right and quit smoking.

At my old clinic (DaVita) they would come in from break and reek of smoke.

how about these two??   :sarcasm; oh well i just can't resist....

you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink...... or

there, but for the grace of god go i
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Wenchie58 on April 23, 2009, 12:24:17 PM


And remember, muscle weighs more than fat.


I am one strong sunofagun!!!
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: kitkatz on April 23, 2009, 03:07:34 PM
I think we need to be careful of making snap judgments about people over how they look.  I have been over weight most of my life, however it doe snot make me a bad person. It makes me have a project to work on- myself.  And who knows maybe those nurses and neph are battling their own health problems already.  When we leap to judgments we often miss the person that is there.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: bioya on April 23, 2009, 07:33:43 PM
Two of the nurses in my dialysis center are so fat that they waddle when they walk across the dialysis floor between stations.  And my neph, wihle not grossly obese, could easily stand to lose 15 or 20 pounds.

This is simply wrong.  Nephs and nurses who work with ESRD patients should know damn well about the dangers of obesity, all the illnesses it can lead to.  And they're not setting a good example for their patients. 

Some patients have been struggling to lose some weight, and it would inspire them to see nurses with slim waists, and nephs with powerful muscles and washboard abs.

I was shocked that a dialysis patient would be so judgemental to make such a post. Maybe, if there is Karma... this posters nurses and physician will stop keeping him/her alive because he/she wears white socks or maybe his/her hair is the wrong color or maybe they will refuse his/her care because he is right handed or left handed...  This poster, who suffers from one of the most horrible disease processes that there is, should get on his/her knees and ask for forgiveness for being so judgemental.    I guess he/she should be happy that nurses and doctors are not judgemental about who they keep alive.. huh?
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: MIbarra on April 23, 2009, 08:12:58 PM
Oh dear RS...there are so many things I wanted to say, instead just said a prayer for you. 

Amen, G-ma! You have the right attitude. Some people make you  :stressed;. But it is all in the way you react to those people. I wish I could be like that more often!
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: RightSide on April 25, 2009, 08:14:04 PM
Yup, had a couple of nurses and techs at my first center with some very serious weight problems.  There are plenty of over-weight hospital staff everywhere around here.  I get that it's hard to lose the weight; I guess I just wonder that they haven't seen their own future in the faces of the patients they take care of, and gotten scared enough to do something about it.  You would think listening to us cramp and crash and puke would be some incentive to live a healthier lifestyle.
That was my feeling.  I really wasn't trying to judge anyone harshly who has to struggle with a weight problem.  I've struggled with my own share of other problems.  It's just that if you work in a dialysis center (or a cardiology unit), you certainly get to see firsthand what health problems obesity can cause.  So why not be "scared straight"?

Makes you wonder how many doctors and nurses in Oncology departments still smoke cigarettes.

Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: kitkatz on April 25, 2009, 11:05:27 PM
I am sure that doctors and nurses look t obese patients and wonder why we let ourselves get this way over time.  I know losing weight seems to be a great battle many of us face everyday, myself included.  I think if we are fit and can move and get around in our daily lives we may actually be better than being rail thin.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: G-Ma on April 26, 2009, 01:30:16 AM
KK..Thank You...I'm going to try to look at myself as a project..I enjoy craft projects when I can see so I've put myself on a list of things to attempt to do each day.   

MiBarra...there were lots of tears to get me to the point where I could just say a prayer for people like this...at 4 years of age my "dad,s father...yes my grandfather' started telling me daily how ugly and fat I was..actually every time he was in a room with me..I never told and he carefully did not say it when anyone else was in the room and so I became "fat and ugly" just for him I guess....the last time he said this to me my other grandpa had just walked up behind him at a wedding..I was 15 and in a pretty fat dress and cruel grandpa had just said you are still ugly and look like a barn door...I just stood there and instantly  good grandpa had his arms around me and I melted and grandpa proceeded to tell cruel one in front of the wedding guests exactly what he would do to cruel g if he ever walked within speaking distance of me..and you know what??? cruel one never said another word to me and died at 99 when I was about 40...but he had done his cruelty for 15 years and it is very imbedded ...I still look in a mirror and see ugly and fat...my 2nd husband and Saul are the only men I've told and they both have done a lot toward repairing my mirror image in my head and within the last year I've become determined to pray at least one time every day and extra prayers if I see someone being treated cruely...hopefully this will help me also. 
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: RichardMEL on April 26, 2009, 03:08:05 AM
lol none of our nurses could be like that - they do 8 and 12 hour shifts often on their feet for hours at a time so they'd get good exercise..

but hey.. each to their own - it's their life choices.. who am I to criticise that?

I though often shake my head when I walk into the hospital past the crowd of medicos, nurses and the like all puffing away on their cancer sticks... human nature I guess!
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: jbeany on April 26, 2009, 11:28:56 AM
KK..Thank You...I'm going to try to look at myself as a project..I enjoy craft projects when I can see so I've put myself on a list of things to attempt to do each day.  

MiBarra...there were lots of tears to get me to the point where I could just say a prayer for people like this...at 4 years of age my "dad,s father...yes my grandfather' started telling me daily how ugly and fat I was..actually every time he was in a room with me..I never told and he carefully did not say it when anyone else was in the room and so I became "fat and ugly" just for him I guess....the last time he said this to me my other grandpa had just walked up behind him at a wedding..I was 15 and in a pretty fat dress and cruel grandpa had just said you are still ugly and look like a barn door...I just stood there and instantly  good grandpa had his arms around me and I melted and grandpa proceeded to tell cruel one in front of the wedding guests exactly what he would do to cruel g if he ever walked within speaking distance of me..and you know what??? cruel one never said another word to me and died at 99 when I was about 40...but he had done his cruelty for 15 years and it is very imbedded ...I still look in a mirror and see ugly and fat...my 2nd husband and Saul are the only men I've told and they both have done a lot toward repairing my mirror image in my head and within the last year I've become determined to pray at least one time every day and extra prayers if I see someone being treated cruely...hopefully this will help me also. 

G-ma, sweetie, none of us intended you to take this post as us calling the nurses ugly names or poking fun at their weight.  We were simply making an observation about something that seems really illogical to us.  I would never be insulting to anyone who is overweight - I am overweight myself. 

I love the idea of thinking of my diet and exercise as my latest craft project!  I like crafts. . . . :cheer:
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: twirl on May 06, 2009, 02:49:53 AM
I do not care about their weight -
my #1 requirement
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: glitter on May 06, 2009, 06:50:41 AM
They're human, just like we are. I think it's wrong to judge them for their weight just because of their career choice.

I agree.   

Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: okarol on May 06, 2009, 09:32:51 AM

I hear Adam Corolla blame it on the scrubs that medical staff wear - he says it's so loose that you don't even realize how big you are.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: hurlock1 on May 17, 2009, 07:18:38 AM
Fat people don't want to be fat. Fat headed people apparently can't help but be fat headed either. The world is made up of all kinds of people. I'm fat and I take all kinds of measures to lose. But I can't help myself lose a whole lot. You say "Pathetic"? The very name "fat" is disgusting to a large person. It's like being called a "nigger" to a black person. This very thread is in bad taste and Anyone agreeing with the original poster should consider themselves fatheads.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Rerun on May 17, 2009, 08:14:09 AM
Call me a "Fat Head" then because what he was saying is people in the health care system should know better than to be overweight just like people administering cancer drugs probably should know better than to smoke.  If you see the consequences 'everyday' then why on earth would you do it?

He was just observing a phenomenon.  This site was made for people to say anything they want to without being clobbered for it.  If the observance of all the Fat nurses was on his heart then he needed to get it off his chest.


Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: kellyt on May 17, 2009, 09:33:55 AM

I hear Adam Corolla blame it on the scrubs that medical staff wear - he says it's so loose that you don't even realize how big you are.

You don't know how true this statement is!  I stopped wearing scrubs because they just expand with your waistline and you don't realize you're gaining right away.  However, now that I'm back in the medical office and nothing at home is fitting me right now, I'm considering purchasing some scrubs just to get me by until my tummy goes down.  I'm desperate, okay?!?   (roid rage...sorry)

Plus, it doesn't help that drug reps and medical equipment reps are constantly bringing in food to promote themselves and their products.  Let us also remember that we all know that  "fat" doesn't just come from slothy people that eat too much.  Not knowing their medical or personal background it's hard to judge.  Or it's easy to notice, but we shouldn't judge - maybe that's a better way to put it.  I'm fat and I'm MISERABLE!  I hate Prednisone!  Just thought I'd say that AGAIN!!!   :stressed;
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: BigSky on May 17, 2009, 10:12:55 AM
Fat people don't want to be fat. Fat headed people apparently can't help but be fat headed either. The world is made up of all kinds of people. I'm fat and I take all kinds of measures to lose. But I can't help myself lose a whole lot. You say "Pathetic"? The very name "fat" is disgusting to a large person. It's like being called a "nigger" to a black person. This very thread is in bad taste and Anyone agreeing with the original poster should consider themselves fatheads.

I agree that fat, obese or what ever you want to call it shouldnt be judged because they are that way. 


Comparing a derogatory racial remark as being the same as an accurate description of someone is not the same.

When I was fat I knew I was fat and it didnt bother me if someone called me that because it was an accurate term.  How is one suppose to take offense at something that is the truth?

Numerous people claim they have tried to lose weight and done everything,  but come on, in reality we all know what it takes to lose weight.  Proper diet and exercsie.   Watching some of the interviews of those that apply to the biggest loser and they say the same thing about having tried everything.

That show clearly shows they didnt really try and while the show super accelerates the fat loss by extended hours of exercise, it clearly shows what proper exercise and diet will do.

It just becomes at what point does one find it more uncomfortable to be overweight than they will find in having to have a proper diet and exercise to lose that weight.

Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Stacy Without An E on May 17, 2009, 05:54:01 PM
I guess what bothers me about fat people everywhere is that they were given a healthy body to begin with and they're just trashing it.  I have to fight to earn every ounce of health possible and these goons are just throwing it all away.

Last summer I became really sick and put on twenty pounds in two months.  With my small, thin frame the extra weight really wasn't pleasant.  I didn't care for my appearance so I started walking an hour a day.  Around the neighborhood.  Either the early afternoon or evening.  Tried to throw in some of the hillier neighborhoods around here.

I lost 20 pounds in ten weeks.  That's right.  Oh sure, I watched my diet more closely.  But that's roughly two pounds a week.

Its not hard.  Its not difficult.  It just takes dedication and keeping promises to yourself.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Melinoir on May 17, 2009, 07:27:29 PM
Well being a fat person myself and dealing with the problems of fat people all over like having cookies thrown at me from a speeding car while I walked my baby in stroller, and having men bark at me at a football game when I left my husband and child to go to the restroom, I am more than aware of what people who have weight problems endure.  Mine is due to PCOS which is a hormonal disorder, which also caused me to miscarry 4 pregnancies and have a very difficult time conceiving (I did manage two living children) but I studied to become a nurse and you are telling me because of my weight problems I should not have even considered it? We none of us know what other people have wrong with them unless they wear a sign saying " I don't overeat I have a hormone problem or I have emotional problems and I don't chew my fingernails or beat my kid"... or something like that  so give people a break  ......   Melinoir
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: MIbarra on May 17, 2009, 08:14:36 PM

I lost 20 pounds in ten weeks.  That's right.  Oh sure, I watched my diet more closely.  But that's roughly two pounds a week.

Its not hard.  Its not difficult.  It just takes dedication and keeping promises to yourself.

I'm sorry, but you really do not know how difficult it is unless you have truly been in an obese body. 20 pounds? Ok. I lost 10 pounds in about 6 days last week when I had no appetite due to an infection. 20 pounds is nothing to someone who is truly obese. You might lose that that 20 pounds and then gaine it back plus.
Just as people who do not have kidney disease do not know how we feel, you have no idea how an obese person feels. It's wonderful that you can lose weight that quickly. Good for you. But I don't think it's fair to make a judgement about how easy or difficult it is for someone to lose weight or stop smoking or drinking or whatever. I know it is easy to pass judgement, but I don't think you really know until you've walked that path.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Wallyz on May 17, 2009, 10:21:10 PM
There is a further issue with a huge majority of overweight people in terms of food addiction.  This is hard for people who do not have this issue to accept, or to fully believe, but the brain od a food addict uses food like heroin.  It gives  a similar serotonin rush to the one opiate addicts get (which is also a genetic issue)  the brain works differently.

Addictions are hard to live with.  Living a life that abstains from compulsive behaviors with  food is especialy difficult.  Look around your center sometime, and I bet you will see a large number of TV's tuned to cooking shows.  It's like showing the crack channel in a rehab facility.

Anyways, if you have compulsive issues with food, there is hope for a life lived free from the compulsions.

PM me if you want more information.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: twirl on May 18, 2009, 03:17:21 AM
Stacy without an E

does the E stand for Empathy  ???
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Rerun on May 18, 2009, 08:38:05 AM
People are just mean.  I'm not fat and I've been barked at by a group of boys.  I've been the only one not asked to dance.  So, just consider the source.  If you are not fat people will find something to pick on. 
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: MIbarra on May 18, 2009, 03:55:25 PM
This is true, Rerun. Sound advice.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: glitter on May 18, 2009, 04:27:25 PM
What I do not get is why otherwise kind people- think its okay to be unkind to fat people.  Maybe your issues are hidden, unfortunately you can see  the results of a fat persons issues.  Its okay to not understand how someone got fat- after all you dont understand it, because you're not fat....but to judge them as people...is not fair. If it were so easy to control the addiction to food- no one would choose to be fat. Just like no-one would choose to be addicted to beer, or pain pills, or porn, or picking their nose. Not saying addiction can't be overcome...but for some people it is more of a struggle.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Hanify on May 18, 2009, 04:27:42 PM
I was always about 20kgs overweight, and I know how you end up feeling that it is impossible to lose weight.  Yes, of course we all know if we eat less we'll lose weight, but the reality is Waaaaaaayyyyy harder when you need to.  It's not just physical, it's mental.  Often the person involved just cannot envisage themselves thinner - for many many reasons.  It is then almost impossible to lose weight until you change your mental image of yourself.  I got cancer which led to renal failure and a loss of 25 kgs without even trying!  GREAT except for the fact that it nearly killed me!  I liked the fact our dietician was a bit overweight - I felt she could relate way better to people when she was saying what they should do.  She knew how hard it was, and empathised with them. 
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Wenchie58 on May 18, 2009, 08:27:47 PM
Firstly I will admit...I am a certified "chubette".  Sounds so much better than "fat".  We also cannot forget genetics...and upbringing ...and income.
Age....illness...medication.  I've never been skinny....or thin....or sleek, but ya know...I can do push ups, an sit ups and in my day...chin ups.
I get paid to sit on my broadening behind from 8 - 12  hours a day.  I eat prednisone like tic tacs...along with 12 other medications...who knows what they are all doing to me?
I watch my fats because of high cholesterol.....my potassium because my new kidney doesn't deal with potassium well....my sugars because the steroids caused diabetes and salt because somewhere along the line I also gained a high BP.
Food is my vice.  I quit partaking of alcohol in my 20's.  I quit smoking in my 40's.  Things like that...you quit...you just don't touch them again.  Kind of difficult to get through life without indulging in a bit of food now and then.
Guess what I have to say about this topic is....walk a mile in their shoes (if you can make it a mile)
The image of the overweight people seems to be always met with scorn, but the people of the world continue to get bigger.  Could it be that we are all too damned busy to raise our own vegetables and animals as our grandparents and great grandparents did.  Ahhhhhh I could go on forever....but its all been said before.
As for out of shape and all that....anyone wanna wrestle?  Farm girls are corn fed and rugged!  :)
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Jean on May 19, 2009, 12:18:56 AM
Being obese, or fat, or a smoker when you work in the medical field or not is because of the feeling that that can't happen to you. Only some one else. I held my dying husband in my arms, who could no longer breathe because of cancer. Did I quit smoking? No, that was him and not me. Only my own heart attack made me stop.
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: Neo on May 19, 2009, 01:36:36 AM
Fat people don't want to be fat. Fat headed people apparently can't help but be fat headed either. The world is made up of all kinds of people. I'm fat and I take all kinds of measures to lose. But I can't help myself lose a whole lot. You say "Pathetic"? The very name "fat" is disgusting to a large person. It's like being called a "nigger" to a black person. This very thread is in bad taste and Anyone agreeing with the original poster should consider themselves fatheads.
Maybe you are addicted to food! Sound familiar? I think you need to exercise which i do 4 days a week for my pain management and to keep as relatively healthy as possible. Doesn't sound so good when someone criticizes you when they don't have all the facts doesn't it. i
Title: Re: Fat nephs, fat nurses
Post by: okarol on May 19, 2009, 10:12:09 AM

Thread Locked.
