I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: thegrammalady on March 03, 2009, 10:43:35 AM

Title: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: thegrammalady on March 03, 2009, 10:43:35 AM
I live about 15 miles from the my dialysis center, i get transportation paid by medicaid. today i get a phone call from the transportation service saying that i am no longer eligible for medicaid. what the........ 5 phone calls and and hour and a half later this is what i find out.  1st call the social worker at the center, they had been called by logisticare and were trying to find out what had happened, but medicare probably wouldn't talk to them without my being there. 2nd call medicaid. after waiting on hold for over 10 minutes, yes my medicaid has been cancelled, oh lookie here, they still have my address as centennial and i moved and informed them of the move in july 08. i changed counties, arapahoe county was suppose to transfer everything to douglas county. they didn't and closed my account on 2/28/09. no notification, nothing. even if they sent notification to the old address the forwarding notification is still in affect with the post office, a letter arrived yesterday day from the electric company. call douglas county first, then arapahoe, the state can't do anything because arapahoe closed the account. 3rd phone call to douglas county and another long wait, some words that aren't very nice and some more stomping around the room. yes according to the computer arapahoe county closed the account and my address shows as centennial ( she's looking at the state computer and i already have that information) the only thing douglas county can do is have me reapply (oh ya and how long does that take) call arapahoe county.  3rd call arapahoe county, yes the account has been closed, 2/28/08 there are no notes in the system about an address change, who did i talk to, how should i know that was 7 months ago. she's sounding like she's given me all the information she can and there's nothing more that can be done.  so i tell her i'm a dialysis patient, i have no transportation to dialysis without medicaid coverage and she's not allowed to put my life in danger without even attempting to fix this. its simple, reopen the account, it was closed in error and transfer everything to douglas county like they should have done. silence....... then she says the computer doesn't show who closed the account or why, like it's supposed to. see a pattern here, no record of my change of address, no record off who closed the account or why. so she is going to email the last person who was in the account and he has 3 business days to return my call. (!!!!!**%%%&&***) ok i'll be good. 4th call, back to douglas county to file for a new account, might as well, and i end up with voice mail. 5th call back to let the social worker know what i found out and i get voice mail. i'm going to go drink my lunch!

 :Kit n Stik;  :Kit n Stik;  :Kit n Stik;  :Kit n Stik;  :Kit n Stik;

thanks guys, i feel a little better. this could take weeks and the gal at the state told me it could screw with my prescription coverage and the next time i get my disability they may take my medicare premiums out of it.    :Kit n Stik;
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: paul.karen on March 03, 2009, 10:56:40 AM

Friggen morons.
I wish i could help somehow.  Call your local congressman the mayor the governor ect ect.
Tell them you have writtten down everything you have been told.  Adn if you end up in intensive care you will have a major lawsuit against the county-state and local goverments.  Not sure if you will or not but threaten it all the same.
best of luck
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: twirl on March 03, 2009, 11:01:27 AM
it is like you are a twin named Howell and you are not an American citizen

can you get reinversed for the money out of your pocket
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: thegrammalady on March 03, 2009, 11:13:11 AM

can you get reinversed for the money out of your pocket

i know if i end up having to pay the medicare premium they will refund it once the state picks it back up again. i don't know about the medicare part d, however if medicare isn't reinstated before about 2 months i will have to pay my full rx costs for approximately 3 months and they are over $1500 a month!!!!


Friggen morons.
I wish i could help somehow. Call your local congressman the mayor the governor etc ect.
Tell them you have writtten down everything you have been told. Adn if you end up in intensive care you will have a major lawsuit against the county-state and local goverments. Not sure if you will or not but threaten it all the same.
best of luck

i don't know about calling anyone else, i'll give arapahoe county their 3 days and go from there. if i do land in the hospital i know my daughter will be looking for someone to sue, we'll start with arapahoe county!
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: Rerun on March 03, 2009, 11:16:26 AM
Starting right now write down every name of every person you talk to and the date and time. Good luck!

Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: paul.karen on March 03, 2009, 11:17:48 AM
Well start with your local county congress people.
I wouldnt wait to long.  Put it in writting and have it delv. by certified mail so it (a complaint) is at least filed and in writting.  Your congress people are there to work FOR you not let beauracracy fight against you.
One phone call could get this all sorted out while it can take you alone months.

 :cuddle; Wishing you the best
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: Jess21 on March 03, 2009, 01:47:41 PM
That's worse than the financial aid person coming up to me to tell me about Medicare and to help decide when I should apply for it.
Um..I have it...have had it for a year!!! And you guys took a copy of my card... which makes me wonder...is my medicare being charged?
 :Kit n Stik;
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: cris on March 03, 2009, 03:18:26 PM
start telling them your intention to sue now, if things wouldn't fall into places, the threat will shake them up. Even on answering machine, leave a message that you intend to sue, if anything happens, this always works for us. Don't wait for things to happen to actually sue.
love, :cuddle; :cuddle; :cuddle;
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: David13 on March 03, 2009, 03:29:19 PM
So sorry to hear about this aggravating turn of events, grammalady.

How are you getting to dialysis until this gets sorted?
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: G-Ma on March 03, 2009, 03:32:38 PM
Send the same email to all your state, county, representatives, senators, whatever, they all have people constantly looking at their emails...bet it's faster than 3 days.  This is horrible and needs to be fixed immediately.
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: petey on March 03, 2009, 05:43:02 PM
Don't forget to consider contacting a media outlet (local tv station, local newspaper, etc.).  The media love to jump on a story that sounds like the government is screwing the "little guy."  Make sure you say often that you're a dialysis patient and your LIFE depends on your getting to your treatments.

Scream, yell, holler, do whatever it takes to get this straightened out!

Let us know what happens next.
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: kitkatz on March 03, 2009, 09:30:27 PM
Three words WTF!  :Kit n Stik; :Kit n Stik;
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: paddbear0000 on March 05, 2009, 11:02:27 AM
Does your town or county have a free transportation service for the elderly and handicapped?   :cuddle;
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: paris on March 05, 2009, 04:22:13 PM
I think the whole world has gone crazy this week!  How many of us have had financial problems this week due to others mistakes?  I am sick of stupid people.  Grammalady, I hate that you have to figure this mess out.      :Kit n Stik;  :Kit n Stik;
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: karen547 on March 05, 2009, 04:37:38 PM
omg yeah! my mom who does chemo got a bill for 5 thousand! thank god it was a mistake though
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: thegrammalady on March 05, 2009, 05:39:36 PM
Does your town or county have a free transportation service for the elderly and handicapped?   :cuddle;


transportation is either paid for by medicaid or if you live in the transit district by access-a-ride for about $2 a ride. i live outside the transit district. (residents in this area don't want to pay the transit tax.)

i drove myself last night. i've never figured the mileage, it's 30 miles each way. if this had happened 2 months ago we'd be up a creek without a paddle, we only had 1 car then and april works 2 jobs.

i tried to speed the process up yesterday by talking to a supervisor however she needs to talk to the case worker (at least i found out for sure who that was) and he had gone for the day. she's thinking i don't qualify for medicaid at all. (i've had it for 2 1/2 years. what the.......) no one called me today. if they don't call back tomorrow i'm going to start tromping, loudly in other directions.   :Kit n Stik;
Title: Re: OK, I'm Grrrrr****** and I'ts My Turn To Rant!!
Post by: twirl on March 07, 2009, 06:22:21 PM
why wouldn't you still qualify for medicare
I thought any dialsys patient - after being on dialysis for 18 months qualified
did you win the lottery or something