HI just letting you know that you are not on your own, when i had my first vascath inserted i was not even asleep and could feel them cutting me and everything but that is another story, my first vascth excited just above my right breast and was a pain in the but, the second vascath site was just above my left breast, and it looked funny to me when i tucked the pipes into my now to big bra, as i have lost so much weight since being on dialysis. My third vascath hangs under my right arm pit, it annoys the crap out of my arm and my boob. I have to be very careful when the nurses change the dressings as the dressing tends to take layers of my skin with it, then they put chlorhexheidine on it to clean the area and it makes the red area where the skin has just been ripped from sting. I have now a sock ... a little piece of very soft material with elastic around both ends that is delicately put over the tubes to stop them sticking into me.
I also understand about not being able to wear a bra whilst having "Hookup" the thing that i find the worst is when it is a male nurse, yes i know he is just doing his job, but it is so confronting having to flash everything to a stranger, I went to the second hand shop and bought a bikini top .. a halter neck one i wear this under my shirt or jumper or singlet and then i can gently remove tubes and my breast stay mainly covered.
I am sending to you a very gentle hug and i know that you will get through this and look back and think shit i did it keep smiling Purple