When an organization receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from the "Caring Kidney" industry, what else should you expect?
How much money do we need to spend on education??? For God's Sake we have tons of information on the internet. If you don't have the disease you don't want to hear about it. If you have the disease you can get online and learn ALL about it from diet to access options. We need to spend MONEY on education for organ donation. This bundling talks a lot about education. Does that mean we hire more idiot Social Workers to come around and shove information in our face while we are on the machine? Screw that!If they cut any of our services we need to kick some CEO in the ass and have him cut his salary.
When an organization (RSN) receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from the "Caring Kidney" industry, what else should you expect?
Didn't we have enough of the "trickle-down" theories?
And how is this inflationary update measured?
Is it as simple as the Consumer Price Index?
Or does it measure price variations in the medical field--some of which are controlled by the very same members of the "Caring Kidney" lobby (pharma & suppliers).
RSN needs to give us some idea how much more this "inflationary update" will add over a certain period of time. Something such as the way the GAO analyzes the potential cost of proposed bills.
Perhaps a study of this "inflationary update" based on the costs from 1995 to 2005. How much more would hemodialysis reimbursement be at the end of that period of time compared to what it actually was?