Go swimming! Just jump into a pool and be free of tubes. Congrats!!!
However, for those of us on dialysis, our reality is not the same as that of someone who isn't. There's nothing wrong with celebrating something small like having a shower since our wish to be free of ESRD is not actually possible. None of us would be so stupid as to choose ESRD in order to take showers. That's not the point. Just because we can't have it all doesn't mean we can't appreciate what little things we can have. But your description does paint a powerful picture (`a la Hieronymus Bosch) of despair that leaves me thinking I must surely be delusional when I feel grateful for my disfigurement. There is in reality no such thing as truth, only perception. I miss what I've lost, cherish what I've got left and love that I still feel joy.Stauff, I read your description to my husband and we both had a good laugh when he turned to me and said "So, my little Frankenstein monster how's the buzzing been today?" Life's way too serious to be taken too seriously.
Stauff, I read your description to my husband and we both had a good laugh when he turned to me and said "So, my little Frankenstein monster how's the buzzing been today?"