I was wondering if anyone else has ever had symptoms like what I've been having lately. About three months ago I started getting a tingling sensation in my arms, legs, hands, feet, and face/tongue. I would get it for a few hours to a whole day at a time, but it would always go away by the next morning. It would happen about 4-5 days in the same week, and then it wouldn't happen for two weeks or so. Then the same thing would happen. My doctor and nurses just assumed it was a side-effect of some of my blood pressure meds. Now for the past few weeks or so I get just a little bit of tingling in those regions. Now the main thing that I experience is muscle weakness and balance problems. It's almost like it's hard to control my muscles properly...when I walk or type or do any real motion I always seem to overshoot where I'm trying to move my limbs. When I walk I stumble all over the place. The frequency is less often (about 1-2 times a week every 3-4 weeks or so) but the symptoms are more severe. My doctor checked all my labs and it doesn't appear to have anything to do with any of those numbers. He set me up for an appointment with a neurologist next month, but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone here had any ideas...