Guess it depends on where you work as our policy is "every 4 hours" not just each "shift". If we did it only each shift then it would be checked only 3 times per day. Our clinic runs 16 hours so we do it every 4 and if it's over we check it every 2 hours. I do the water checks at our facility soon as I walk in the door and also before I leave I must double check on the water softener also. We must log everything not only on paper but within the computer system or it comes up for a "water check" every four hours which if not done wont allow us to close out charts. The only time we go to DI tanks is if the 2nd carbon tank is over the limit. I have never had to utilize them so far .
Yeah thats true, some places do things slightly differently than others. As long as we are all within the set regulations by AAMI and other agencies it's all good. I wasn't really trying to clarify anything about the difference in the times checked as I was the operation of the water system. DI tanks are a huge pain in the arse and I hope to never have to use them in my career. I have been fortunate not to have to use them up to this point.
Wow guys good to know. i had no idea that cholrine is a problem.. so it can kill you if there is too much...Boxman
For your normal consumer Chlorine isn't that big of a deal and water treatment facilities across the U.S. add it to there water to kill bacteria in the pipes and keep things clean. The thing is that your blood is exposed to more water in one treatment than most people are in one week I think it is. The fact that Chlorine is basically bleach and destroys your blood cells along with the ammount exposure it makes it a high priority for any dialysis clinic.